презентация по теме "Интерактивное чтение "
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Использование интерактивного чтения на уроках английского языка в 7классе
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Children are human beings and a teacher should respect them and never tell lies.
Can teachers tell lies? Can teachers sometimes tell lies to make lessons more interesting and exciting? What tricks should teachers use to encourage students to learn? What would you do if your teacher told your lie to add some magic to his lesson?
When I’m asked about my best teacher and my worst teacher I give one and the same name. It’s Mr Leads, our teacher of History. He was strict but not overstrict. He didn’t need to be, because all of us liked him and his lessons very much. Why were his lessons exciting and interesting? Read the beginning of the story
Continue reading He was enthusiastic and his lessons were very exciting. We thought that he knew everything about History and really there was not any historical fact that he didn’t know or didn’t remember. Moreover, he spoke about different historical persons as if they had been his neighbours, and about different places as if he himself had lived there. He encouraged us to read a lot of historical books and to do serious research work. The most exciting thing about his lessons was his “treasure” What is the “treasure” like?
Continue reading a lot of different historical things you could see only in museums. Fancy, he had a golden mask that had belonged to one of the pharaohs. He found it when he was doing some research work in the Pyramids, in Egypt. He had a diary of the British King Richard II, and once he brought us a big cup decorated with silver that had belonged to Alexander the Great, the king of Macedon, who lived more than two thousand years ago! What did he bring different historical things for?
Continue reading We looked forward to every lesson and the greatest disappointment for us was to miss it because of some illness. All of us wanted to become researchers in the future. Naturally I was crazy about history too, and read a lot on it. Once in museum catalogue I found a photo of the cup of Alexander the Great, just the same cup that Mr Leads had found in Egypt and then brought to one of our lessons. What did he think about when he found the cup of Alexander the Great?
Continue reading I could not believe my eyes – one thing could not be in two different places at the same time. It meant that Mr Leads's cup was copy! I studied a lot of catalogues of different museums and discovered that all his treasures were false – they were only well made copies. It meant he had been lying to us all the time. He was a liar, and we believed him and were crazy about his subject! What did he do when discovered that all the historical objects were copies?
Continue reading I couldn’t attend his lessons any longer and asked my parents to allow me to go to another school. I haven’t seen Mr Leads since then but I will always remember his magic lessons and his awful lies. Was Allan right when he changed school?
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