Тесты по английскому языку
тест по английскому языку по теме

Грибкова Елена Сергеевна


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Предварительный просмотр:

муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

средняя общеобразовательная школа № 6

    Тестирование на уроках                                     английского языка

                                   Выполнила:  учитель английского языка  

                                                   Ерёменко  Евгения                                                                           Васильевна

2012 год

Необходимость более эффективного подключения школы к формирующимся сегодня условиям жизни и общественным отношениям заставляет педагогов искать новые образовательные резервы.
В частности, в последние годы приходится сталкиваться с утверждением о том, что ни одна из имеющихся систем педагогических измерений не считается совершенной. Проблема объективной и реальной оценки выполненной учащимися работы существует в наших школах не один год. Каждый учитель решает ее по-своему. Многие из них все чаще используют в своей работе тестирование, получившее в настоящее время достаточно широкое распространение на всех уровнях образования. В современной практике преподавания роль тестирования как одного из наиболее точных методов педагогических измерений постоянно растет.
Термин "тестирование” восходит к английскому "test” – испытания, исследование. Можно сказать, что "test – объективное и стандартизированное измерение, поддающееся количественной оценке, статистической обработке и сравнительному анализу” (А.К. Майоров). Применительно к технологии тестирования это означает использование для проверки знаний совокупности стандартизированных заданий, предъявляемых малыми порциями, но охватывающими большой круг оперативно проверяемых вопросов, требующих коротких ответов.
В своей работе я использую различные способы оценивания при проверке знаний учащихся, но в связи с тем, что в последнее время при проведении олимпиад, конкурсов, познавательных игр, учащимся предлагаются задания в форме тестирования, я стала уделять больше внимания и этому способу. Кроме того, меня привлекает то, что тестовый контроль – это оперативная проверка качества усвоения, немедленное исправление ошибок, высокая степень объективности получаемых результатов, восполнение пробелов. Таким образом, это дает возможность учителю быстро провести проверку знаний учащихся и без лишних затрат времени и сил обработать полученную информацию. Еще одним преимуществом тестов по сравнению с другими формами контроля является то, что все учащиеся находятся в равных условиях, позволяющих объективно сравнивать их достижения; исключается субъективность учителя; результаты тестирования поддаются статистической обработке. Использование тестовых заданий позволяет учителю определить, как ученики овладевают знаниями, умениями и навыками, а также проанализировать свою педагогическую деятельность. Учащиеся смогут узнать о своих достижениях или пробелах в учении, сравнивать свои результаты с эталоном, тем самым у школьников развивается самоконтроль. У родителей появляется возможность узнать результаты обучения их детей.
При составлении тестов используются различные виды заданий, которые позволяют определить, измерить уровень умения школьниками решать новые конкретные задачи на основе полученных сведений. Так, например, в тестах, требующих репродуктивных ответов учащихся, проверяются знания различных понятий, определений, правил, предусмотренных программным материалом, которые требуется запомнить и воспроизвести. Для этого используются различные виды заданий. 
Задания свободного изложения, которые характеризуются отсутствием ограничений в ответах по сути задания при строгом соблюдении требования однозначности правильного ответа (в форме вписывания словосочетания, фразы, предложения).

Впиши правильный ответ.
Подчеркни правильный ответ. 
Задания с множественным выбором отличаются вариативностью выбора ответа. Школьнику необходимо подчеркнуть или отметить номер ответа, который он считает правильным.
Задания на восстановление соответствия предусматривают смысловое соединение элементов двух списков, где какому-либо слову, символу, фразе в одной колонке необходимо найти ответ в другой колонке. Задания этого вида могут состоять из двух следующих друг за другом частей, между пунктами которого также требуется установить соответствие. Главное преимущество заданий-соответствий – компактная форма, которая дает возможность в относительно короткое время проконтролировать усвоение большого количества учебного материала.
Тестовые задания с множественным выбором я использую в случае, если нужно проконтролировать усвоение знаний учащимися по некоторым показателям – не только воспроизведение, но и более комплексные умения. Этот вид заданий обычно состоит из собственно задания и списка ответов на него (наиболее рациональным считается набор из 4–5 ответов). Ответ ученика заключается в выборе того варианта из предложенного набора, который, по его мнению, является наиболее правильным, лучшим или единственным в решении поставленной задачи или вопроса. 
Мною были составлены варианты тематических тестов по английскому языку с использованием различных тестовых заданий. Речь идет не о том тестировании, которое фиксирует рейтинг достижений учащихся при завершении учебной четверти или учебного года, а о тестировании как о средстве контроля за состоянием знаний и умений учащихся по вопросам, имеющим ключевое значение для изучения нового материала. При этом можно удачно сочетать тест, направленный на проверку знаний и умений учащихся, с упражнениями по актуализации (и коррекции в случае необходимости) этих знаний и умений, т.е. оптимально совмещать контроль и последующее повторение.
В своей работе я использую тесты трех видов. Входной тест дается в начале изучения темы. Он направлен на предупреждение неуспеваемости, связанной с наличием пробелов, мешающих успешному усвоению новой информации. Этот тест позволяет не только определить, в какой степени школьники подготовлены для более глубокого усвоения очередной порции учебного материала, но и судить о том, какие меры следует принять для ликвидации пробелов. 
Внимательный анализ результатов теста позволяет определить, где, и, самое главное, почему могут в дальнейшем возникнуть трудности с усвоением нового материала. Кроме того, диагностическое тестирование может способствовать обоснованному, мотивированному отбору материала для предварительного повторения с учащимися перед изучением новой темы. Непосредственно после диагностирующего тестирования нужно сообщить учащимся правильные ответы на каждое задание. После анализа ошибок я могу осуществить эффективное, своевременное повторение того материала, на который опирается следующая порция новой информации.
Промежуточный тест провожу, как правило, после изучения нового материала, но перед решением основных, типовых задач на применение полученных знаний. Основной целью этого тестирования является проверка правильности воспроизведения и понимания учащимися определений, правил, так как продуктивного творческого обучения не может быть на пустом месте, без репродуктивных тренировок. Правильность своих ответов ученик может проверить, открыв нужную страницу школьного учебника. При этом осуществляется наиболее эффективная, целенаправленная корректировка знаний учащихся. В качестве примера приведу тест, контролирующий степень усвоения темы.
При необходимости учитель может составить несколько вариантов подобных тестов, переформировав имеющиеся задания.
Тесты третьего вида, предназначенные для заключительного контроля, я использую после того, как уже проведены тренировочные упражнения на применение новых знаний. В такой тест включены вопросы для определения глубины теоретического материала, а не для его простого репродуктивного воспроизведения.
Тесты я применяю не только при индивидуальной работе, но и при работе учащихся в группах, в парах.
Анализируя использование тестового контроля, я пришла к выводу о том, что дети лучше справляются с этим видом деятельности, нежели с другими. Тесты повышают качество знаний. Это можно увидеть из сравнительной таблицы.
Тестовый контроль повышает интерес учащихся к предмету. Работая в классе, где учатся дети с разным уровнем знаний по предмету, я сделала вывод, что особенно удачно выполняют тесты дети со слабой подготовкой. Именно у них качество знаний при тестовом контроле выше, чем при другом виде контроля. Используя тесты на уроке как одну из форм контроля за знаниями учащихся, можно сказать, что тесты способствуют развитию у учащихся умения наблюдать, обобщать, проводить аналогии, делать выводы и обосновывать их. В основном те тесты, которые я применяю в работе, представляют собой задания творческого характера, направленные на формирование у учащихся таких приемов умственной деятельности, как синтез, анализ, обобщение, конкретизация, аналогия. Они позволяют организовать на уроках деятельностные ситуации, способствующие лучшему усвоению программного материала и, в целом, логического мышления. Таким образом, применяемый мною подход позволяет использовать в едином комплексе тестовый контроль и традиционные методы повторения и коррекции знаний. При этом сочетании "новых” методов со "старыми” позволяет осуществлять преподавание наиболее оптимально.

Тесты, приведенные ниже, были взяты с просторов интернета из разных источников.


For each of the six questions choose the one correct answer.
1. All the sentences below use “the”, which one is correct?
a. Can you pass the sugar please?
b. The crime is a problem in many big cities.
c. The apples are good for you.
d. I love the skiing.
2. Which of the following does not need ‘the’?
a. He’s sailing up the Nile for his holidays.
b. My favourite Sea is the Mediterranean.
c. Have you ever been to the Bahamas?
d. I’d love to visit the America.
3. He’s _____ man who lives next door.
a. a b. the c. – d. an
4. “I’ve been looking for _____ work for a long time.”
a. the b. – c. а d. an
5. Here are some famous London places. Which one does NOT use “the”.
a. The Bank of England
b. The British Museum
c. The Ritz (Hotel)
d. The London Zoo
6. Which of the following sentences is incorrect because it needs the article “the” before the place?
a. He’s gone to bed.
b. I’m still at school.
c. He’s in prison.
d. Stop jumping on bed!

1. a. Correct. Here the sugar is something in particular, i.e. the sugar on the table.
b. Wrong. This means crime in general.
c. Wrong. This means apples in general.
d. Wrong. This means skiing in general.
2. a. Wrong. We need “the” with names of rivers and canals.
b. Wrong. We need “the” with names of seas and oceans.
c. Wrong. We need “the” with plural countries.
d. Correct. With continents we do not use “the”.
3. a. Wrong.
b. Correct. “He’s the man who lives next door” is correct. We know which man because of the extra information.
c. Wrong.
d. Wrong.
4. a. Wrong. “The work” is not correct (unless it is understood which work it is exactly by the speaker and listener.
b. Correct. “Work” is uncountable and we do not know which work exactly.
c. Wrong. “A work” is not correct. “Work” is uncountable.
d. Wrong. “An work” is not correct. “Work” begins with V, not a vowel.
5. a. Wrong. Places with of usually take “the”.
b. Wrong. Museums and galleries usually take “the”.
c. Wrong. Hotels & pubs usually take “the”.
d. Correct. If the first word is a place it usually does not take “the”.
6. a. Wrong. No article is necessary with bed when we mean to sleep.
b. Wrong. No article is necessary with school when we mean to study.
c. Wrong. No article is necessary with prison when we mean for punishment.
d. Correct. We need “the” because jumping is not the main purpose of beds.

Five-Minute Tests

Correct the errors.
1. When she is coming?
2. Where they are going?
3. We should visit her?
4. Did they went there?
5. They tired?

1. When is she coming?
2. Where are they going?
3. Should we visit her?
4. Did they go there?
5. Are they tired?

Fill in the past simple or the past continuous.
1. This time yesterday I ______ at the theatre. (SIT)
2. I _____ a letter while she _______ a book. (WRITE, READ)
3. I _______ to school when I _______ him. (GO, SEE)
4. This time yesterday we _______ dinner. (HAVE)
5. The train _______ at 9.45. (START)
6. He _______ a report when I _______ the classroom. (MAKE, LEAVE)
7. When I _______ at them, they ________at me. (LOOK, SMILE)
8. What _________ you ____ the whole evening yesterday? (DO)
9. What _______ you ______ in the evening yesterday? (DO)
10. The boy _____ with a knife when he _____ his finger. (PLAY, CUT)

Key: 1. was sitting; 2. was writing, was reading; 3. was going, saw; 4. were having; 5. will start, started; 6. was making, left; 7. looked, were smiling; 8. were you doing; 9. did you do; 10. was playing, cut

What are possible questions to these answers?
1. It’s five kilometres.
2. Twice a week.
3. Since last year.
4. Sixteen next week.
5. Not long.

Key (possible answers):
1. How far is this village?
2. How often do you go there?
3. How long have you had this car?
4. How old is he?
5. How long have you known him?

What are the missing prepositions in these questions?
1. What are you looking _______?
2. What are you waiting _______?
3. What did you do that ______?
4. Who did she speak _______?
5. What are they talking _______?

Key: 1. at, for, up; 2. for; 3. for; 4. to/with; 5. about

What do these sentences mean?
1. Jennifer has been to Paris.
a) She went to Paris and now she’s back.
b) She is in Paris now.
2. Ben has gone to the shops.
a) He is at the shops now.
b) He went to the shops but now he’s back.

Key: 1. a; 2. a

Five-Minute Tests

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. This is the third time I (travel) to Africa.
2. Is this the first time you (try) diving?
3. This isn’t the first time you (be) late.
4. It’s the only time I (see) her.
5. This isn’t the first time he (be) abroad.

1. This is the third time I have travelled to Africa.
2. Is this the first time you have tried diving?
3. This isn’t the first time you have been late.
4. It’s the only time I have seen her. 
5. This isn’t the first time he has been abroad.

Choose the correct sentences.
1. a) I’ve been to Spain last year.
b) I went to Spain last year.

2. a) This isn’t the first time I am in Madrid.
b) This isn’t the first time I’ve been to Madrid.

3. a) I’ve seen him at Kate’s party.
b) I saw him at Kate’s party.

4. a) Did you go to Japan before?
b) Have you been to Japan before?

Key: 1. b; 2. b; 3. b; 4. b

Make questions using going to + verb. 
0. My computer isn’t working properly. (What/to do with it?)
What are you going to do with it?

1. I’m 16 on Sunday. (How/celebrate?)
2. I’m having a test tomorrow. (What/revise?)
3. It’s Nick birthday party this evening. (What/give?)
4. My new school is very far from my house. (How/get?)
5. I can’t solve this problem. (Who/ask for help?)

1. How are you going to celebrate? 
2. What are you going to revise?
3. What are you going to give him as a birthday present?
4. How are you going to get to it?
5. Who are you going to ask for help?

Tick the correct sentences and correct the others.
1. What surprise! __________
2. What a shame! __________
3. What a rubbish! __________
4. What a fantastic weather! ______
5. How an interesting idea! _______
6. What shocking news! _________
7. What boring book! ___________
8. How incredible! _____________
9. What a surprise! _____________
10. What a good joke! ___________

Key: 1. What a surprise! 2. V; 3. What rubbish! 4. What fantastic weather! 5. What an interesting idea! 6. V; 7. What a boring book! 8. V; 9. V; 10. V

Five-Minute Tests



Remember some differences between British and American English and put in missing words.

There are some differences between British and American English. For example a film in Britain is (0) a movie in America, a postman is (1)__________, the underground is (2)__________, a flat is (3)_________, petrol is (4)_______ and a wardrobe is (5)_________.

Key: 1. a mailman; 2. the subway; 3. an apartment; 4. gas; 5. closet



Who, where and how?
Complete the table below.

What do you call a person who plays football, tennis or golf?

What do you call someone who does athletics or skiing?

Where do you do these sports?

court track pitch slope course

What do you use?

clubs skis shoes boots racket































Tennis player









Football pitch

Football boots

Tennis court

Tennis racket


Running shoes

Golf course

Golf clubs

Ski slope





Choose the correct preposition.

1. She apologized from/to/for her mistake.

2. Everybody blamed the accident to/on/for me.

3. The number of people suffering on/from/of heart disease has increased.

4. Did you congratulate her on/with/for her success?

5. I’ll never forgive them on/of/for what they did.

6. It depends of/on/from how much it’s going to cost.

7. They finally succeeded in/for/to getting the car started.

8. They wrote to the manager to complain for/about/on the service.

9. Do your parents worry for/on/about you if you come home late?

10. Did you explain -/to/for them why you were angry?

Key: 1. for; 2. on; 3. from; 4. on; 5. for; 6. on; 7. in; 8. about; 9. about; 10. to

Диагностические тесты no английскому языку

3-й класс

1. Выбери нужную форму «to be».

1. They _____ nice rabbits.

2. I ____ a pupil.

3. He ______ brave and strong.

4. It ______ a nice song.

5. You _______ doctors.

2. Открой скобки, поставив глагол в нужной форме.

1. She ________ (see) six ducks.

2. Bob _________ (like) his funny dog.

3. We __________ (want) ice-cream.

4. I _________ (can) run and jump.

5. My horse ________ (like) carrots.

3. Выбери глагол have/has.

1. I _________ got a sister.

2. We _______ got 5 cars.

3. He ________ got a new toy.

4. She _________ got a bike.

5. They _________ got a big house.

4. Выбери there is или there are.

1. ____________ a lot of books on the table.

2. ____________ a cat under the bed.

3. ____________ a boy in the room?

4. ____________ many apples on the tree?

5. ____________ (not) a toy in the box.

5. Напиши слова во множественном числе.

1. a dress – _________

2. a tooth – _________

3. a lake – _________

4. a boy – _________

5. a man – _________

6. a family – _________

6. Составь предложения.

1. aunt / my / table tennis / play / to / likes.

2. like / does / not / Bob / play / to / tennis.

3. you / play / can / basketball?

4. cow / your / is / brown?

5. like / I / to / ride / a big wheel / on.

4-й класс

1. Вставь much/many.

1. I can see ________ milk in the glasses.

2. I see _________ sweets in the box.

3. There are _______ apples on the plate.

4. There were _________ books on the table.

5. Is there _________ butter on the bread?

2. Напиши степени сравнения.

beautiful – _________

big – _________

long – _________

bad – _________

good – _________

3. Present Simple/ Continuous/ Past Simple/ Future Simple.

1. Tom _______________ (play) football every Sunday.

2. I _______________ (wear) a raincoat now.

3. Look! Kate _______________ (go) to school.

4. We _______________ (buy) a new car last week.

5. Next Sunday he _______________ (visit) his Granny.

6. My brother _______________ (not drink) coffee yesterday.

7. I _______________ (not like) bananas.

4. Вставь some/any.

1. I have _______________ cheese.

2. Is there _______________ sugar in my cup?

3. No, there is not _______________. There is not _______________ butter on the plate.

4. I don’t drink milk. I’d like to drink tea. Have you got _______________ tea?

5. Put _______________ butter on the plate.

5. Вставь there was/ there were.

1. ___________________ any sugar in my tea?

2. ___________________ a lot of sweets in the box.

3. ___________________ five boys and ten girls in the class.

4. ___________________ the sun in the sky.

5. ___________________ many books on the table?


3-й класс

1. 1. are; 2. am; 3. is; 4. is; 5. are

2. 1. sees; 2. likes; 3. want; 4. can; 5. likes

3. 1. have; 2. have; 3. has; 4. has; 5. have

4. 1. there are; 2. there is; 3. Is there; 4. Are there; 5. there isn’t

5. 1. dresses; 2. teeth; 3. lakes; 4. boys; 5. men; 6. families

6. 1. My aunt likes to play table tennis.
2. Bob does not like to play tennis.
3. Can you play basketball?
4. Is your cow brown?
5. I like to ride on a big wheel.

4-й класс

1. 1. much; 2. many; 3. many; 4. many; 5. much

2. 1. more beautiful, the most beautiful; 2. bigger, the biggest; 3. longer, the longest; 4. worse, the worst; 5. better, the best

3. 1. plays; 2. am wearing; 3. is going; 4. bought; 5. will visit; 6. didn’t drink; 7. don’t like

4. 1. some; 2. any; 3. any, any; 4. any; 5. some

5. 1. Was there; 2. There were; 3. There were; 4. There was; 5. Were there

Five-Minute Tests

Grammar Test. Form 4

1. Write the 3d form of the verbs:

1. to build

2. to be

3. to swim

4. to work

5. to have

2. Use to or in:

1. I have never been ___ London.

2. They were ___ America last year.

3. My sister was ___ France two years ago.

4. He has already been ___ Kiev.

3. Use already, yet or yesterday:

1. We haven’t met him ____.

2. Did you go to school ____?

3. She hasn’t cooked dinner ____.

4. Has he come ____? Yes, he has. He has ____ come.

5. They have ____ brought a present for Mary.

4. Use Present Perfect or Past Simple:

1. We never (swam, have swum) in the ocean.

2. Nelly (drew, has drawn) a funny picture last Thursday.

3. I (spent, have spent) all the money yesterday.

4. Our classes (began, have begun) at 8.30 last year.

5. She (didn’t do, hasn’t done) her homework yet.


1. 1. build – built – built; 2. be – was/were – been; 3. swim – swam – swum; 4. work – worked – worked; 5. have – had – had

2. 1. to; 2. in; 3. in; 4. to

3. 1. yet; 2. yesterday; 3. yet; 4. yet, already; 5. already

4. 1. have swum; 2. drew; 3. spent; 4. began; 5. hasn’t done

Clothes and Fashion

5th Form

1. Read the text and complete the sentences.
Clothes and fashion are always among the most interesting topics to talk about. Women and girls are very interested in them. Men and boys also love wearing nice modern clothes, boots or shoes. So fashion problems can excite and interest everybody.
We wear different clothes for different activities (
деятельность). As the proverb says, “Everything is good in its season”, we must choose the right clothes. For example, what is good at the sports ground isn’t good for a party or for school.

1. At school I always wear my special suit – my ___________.
2. I change my school clothes for _________ when I get home.
3. When I go in for sports I wear my track suit and _____________________.
4. When I go to the theatre or to my friend’s party I put on my ____________________.
5. In the evening after a shower I put on my bath robe and then I go to bed in my _________________.

Another proverb says, “There’s no bad weather, there are only bad clothes”. So for each season there are different clothes.

6. In winter when it’s cold we put on warm clothes: _______________________.
7. When the weather is cool I wear my _____________________________.
8. In hot summer I prefer wearing ______________________.
9. When it’s raining I wear a __________________ with a hood, and ____________.

When Mum buys clothes or shoes for me, she always makes me try them on. And I want to make sure (убедиться) that they are my size, that they suit me well and that I look great.

Possible Answers: 1. school uniform; 2. a T-shirt and jeans; 3. trainers; 4. best dress/suit; 5. pyjamas; 6. a coat, a hat, a scarf, boots, gloves or mittens; 7. jacket, sweater and jeans; 8. shorts, a T-shirt and sandals; 9. raincoat, boots

2. Say a few words about clothes and fashion.

3. Write what you usually wear on different occasions.

Итоговые тесты для определения уровня владения английским языком в 5-7-х классах

The 5th form

1. Read the text and complete the boxes.

Ann, Jane and Tom are in Europe on holiday. They all came from different countries – one comes from Great Britain, one comes from America and one comes from Russia.

One came to Europe by boat, one came by plane and one came by train.

Ann doesn’t come from America. The boy comes from Great Britain.

The Russian came by train. The one from America came by boat.


Where do they come from?

How do they come to Europe?










2. Read the text and write the verbs in the Simple Past Tense.

Walt Disney (be)________ born on December 5th, 1901. He (go)________ to Europe during World War I and when he (get)________ back to America, he (meet)________ an artist and they (start)________ making films with Walt’s brother, Roy. The first talking picture (come)________ out in 1927. He (take)________ a big risk and decided to spend all his money on a long cartoon film. Millions of people (buy)________ tickets and (see)________ the film; it (be)________ “Snow White”.

3. Put the sentences of this funny story into the correct order.

An Absent-Minded Man

A. He lost them in trains, trams and shops.

В. When his wife saw it, she began to laugh.

С. A very busy absent-minded man often lost his umbrellas.

D. “Today I shall not lose my umbrellas,” he thought and put it into his bag.

E. His wife always said to him, “We can’t buy umbrellas every day.”

F. She said, “But you didn’t take any umbrella with you this morning.”

G. One day the busy man saw an umbrella in the train.

l. __; 2. __; 3. __; 4. __; 5. __; 6. __; 7. __


1. Jane – from America, by boat; Ann – from Russia, by train; Tom – from Great Britain, by plane

2. was, went, got, met, started, came, took, bought, saw, was

3. 1. C; 2. A; 3. Е; 4. G; 5. D; 6. В; 7. F

The 6th form

1. The paragraphs of this fairy-tale are mixed up. Put all the parts of it in the right order.

The Wise Mother Bird

A. “There is no danger for us as yet,” said Mother Bird. “We may stay here one day more.”

В. The little birds heard his words; they were frightened and ran to their mother.

“Mother”, they cried, “the farmer wants to cut the corn tomorrow. He wants to ask his brothers and sisters to help him.”

С. Once a family built their nest in the middle of a cornfield. As the summer went on, the little birds grew up and the corn also grew tall.

D. On the third day the farmer came to the field early in the morning and began to work alone.

E. Next morning the farmer and his son came to the cornfield. They waited and waited, but no neighbours came to help them, as they were busy with their own corn.

F. “Don’t be afraid,” said Mother Bird, “there is no dander for us as yet. We may stay here one day more.”

G. One day a farmer came to the field and looked at the corn. Then he said to his son: “I think it is time to cut this corn. Tomorrow I shall ask our neighbours to come and help me.”

H. And indeed the brothers and sisters of the farmer did not come to the field next day. They said they were very sorry, but they were busy with their own work.

I. The little birds heard his words and they went to their mother. “The farmer wants to ask the neighbours to cut the corn tomorrow. We are afraid that he will ruin our nest. Let us fly away from this field today.”

J. When Mother Bird saw the farmer, she said: “Now, it is time for us to fly away, because when somebody does the work himself, instead of asking other people to do it, that is when the work gets done.”

К. Next day the farmer came with his son to the cornfield again, looked at the corn and said: “It is really time to cut the corn. Now I shall ask my brothers and sisters to come and help me.

l. __; 2. __; 3. __; 4. __; 5. __; 6. __; 7. __; 8. __; 9. __; 10. __; 11. __

2. Read the information about Schnauzer dogs. Choose the best word (A, B, C, or D) for each space (1–10).

Dogs from Germany

Schnauzer dogs are strong, brave and clever. They are friendly and very (1)_____ with young children. They come from Germany, where farmers use the dogs to help (2)____ with their sheep, and they are also used (3)____ the police, because Schnauzer Dogs are very intelligent.

There are three sizes (4)____ Schnauzer dog. The two smaller sizes first (5)____ to Great Britain 55 years ago, but the Giant Schnauzer has not (6)____ here very long. The name Giant is good one because the dogs are 65 to 67, 5 cm high.

All the dogs (7)_________ long hair. Most smaller Schnauzers (8)_________ grey or “pepper with salt” in colour. (9)________ the giant Schnauzer is usually black. A Schnauzer makes (10)_________ nice family dog.

1. A. bad

В. good

С. Angry

D. unkind

2. A. them

В. him

С. us

D. their

3. A. from

В. by

С. to

D. with

4. A. of

В. with

С. about

D. in

5. A. came

В. come

С. comes

D. has come

6. А. being

В. be

С. been

D. is

7. А. has

В. have

С. had

D. are having

8. А. were

В. is

С. are

D. was

9. А. or

В. if

C. but

D. when

10. А. the

В. a

C. any

D. an

3. There are 9 sentences in the text. Find and write them down with the correct punctuation.


therearemorethantwohundredandfiftydifferenttypesofsharkintheseathesm allestsharksareaboutonemietrelongthelargestsharkisabouteighteenmetresfr omnosetotailsharkshaveverygoodnosestheysmelltheirfoodunderthewaters harkshaveverystrongsharpteethtootheyusuallycatchandeatsmallerfishbutso metimestheyattackpeopleswimminginwarmerwaternearthebeachsharksare themostdangerousanimalsinthesea


1. 1. C; 2. G; 3. I; 4. F; 5. E; 6. К; 7. В; 8. A; 9. H; 10. D; 11. J

2. 1. B; 2. A; 3. B; 4. A; 5. A; 6. C; 7. B; 8. C; 9. С; 10. В

3. 1. There are more than two hundred and fifty different types of shark in the sea.

2. The smallest sharks are about one metre long.

3. The largest shark is about eighteen metres from nose to tail.

4. Sharks have very good noses.

5. They smell their food under the water.

6. Sharks have very strong sharp teeth too.

7. They usually catch and eat smaller fish.

8. But sometimes they attack people swimming in warmer water.

9. Near the beach sharks are the most dangerous animal in the sea.

The 7th form

1. Write the correct form of the verb on the line. Use the Simple Past Tense.

John Lennon (be)____ born in 1940 in Liverpool, England, where he (grow up).

As a teenager, he (meet)_______ Paul, and they (begin)_________ to write songs together. After several years, they (form)_______ a new group called “The Beatles” with George Harison and Pete Best. However, Best (stay – neg.)________ in the group. Ringo Starr (join)_______ the group in place of Best. The first hit song “Love Me Do” (perform)_______ by the group in 1964. Between the years 1962 and 1968 The Beatles (be)_______ the most famous group in the world. In 1969 Lennon (decide)__________ to perform alone. He (write)________ the song “Give Peace a Chance” and (make)___________ several albums alone. He also (act)_________ in films. From that time on, he (have)__________ many problems. For example, he (leave)__________ his wife, Yoko Ono, for a time.

Finally, in 1983, Mark Chapman (kill)_____ Lennon. Lennon’s life (end)_____, but his music lives on today.

2. Read and match. Write the letters in the boxes.





1. This 50-minute MGM film has all your favourite cartoon animals in it: Roger Rabbit, Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse. Wonderful fun for young people and old people too! __

2. This is one of Disney’s most famous о films: it tells the story of a wild animal’s adventures in the big bad city. __

3. One of the funniest films in the world: real birds talking, singing, dancing and doing tricks. You must see it! __

4. The James Brothers ride together. Their black horses and their silver guns are famous...and frightening. This is the story of their adventures in the Wild West of America. __

3. Read the text and choose the correct answer.


What’s the farthest distance you have ever run at one time? Can you imagine running more than twenty-six miles? Marathon runners do this. They perform one of the most difficult tasks in all of sports. The marathon is the longest race in all sports. It is twenty-six miles three hundred and eighty-five yards (about forty-two kilometres). Why that number? This is the exact distance between two ancient Greek cities. The race recalls the ran of a messenger from Marathon to Athens to repot that the Greeks had won a battle. When he arrived, he fell dead. The marathon is always the last event at the Summer Olympic games. One of the most unusual marathon was Abebe Bikila of Ethiopia. He won the Olympic marathon in Rome in nineteen sixty – he ran barefoot! Recently the marathon has become one of the most popular events for runners.

1. Twenty-six miles are nearly equal to…

a) 42 km; b) 32 km

2. The Greek messenger reported on…

a) the victory; b) the defeat

3. The Olympic Games were held in Rome in…

a) 1916; b) 1960

4. When Bikila won the Olympic marathon in Rome he was…

a) in shoes; b) without shoes

4. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.

1. It’s not far. Let’s go _____ foot.

a) by; b) on

2. No, Liz isn’t in. She _________ the dog out.

a) takes; b) is taking

3. If it _________, I ______ at home.

a) rains, will stay; b) will rain, stay

4. We __________ supper when suddenly the light went off.

a) were having; b) used to have

5. English _______ all over the world.

a) speak; b) is spoken

6. ___________ money do you want?

a) How many; b) How much

7. She never drinks strong coffee, ________?

a) doesn’t she; b) does she

8. I’m ill, _________?

a) am not I; b) aren’t I

9. Henry is not _________ his elder brother Bob.

a) so strong as; b) strong as

10. Dad didn’t know them well. _________ did Mom.

a) So; b) Neither

11. You ________ to type your letter.

a) must; b) have


1. was, grew up, met, began, formed, didn’t stay, joined, was performed, was, decided, wrote, made, acted, had, left, killed, ended.

2. 1. B; 2. D; 3. A; 4. C

3. 1. a; 2. a; 3. b; 4. b

4. 1. b; 2. b; 3. a; 4. a; 5. b; 6. b; 7. b; 8. b; 9. a; 10. b; 11. b

Five-Minute Tests

I. Are these sentences right or wrong? Correct the ones which are wrong.

1. He improved his English since he took part in the International Summer Programme. 

2. I already wrote a postcard to Jane. 

3. I’ve been thinking… It would be nice if we won a big prize in a lottery. 

4. The government said it will increase pensions. 

5. We have been discussing this problem for an hour but haven’t made up our mind yet. 

Key: 1. has improved; 2. have written; 3. correct; 4. has said/said it would; 5. correct

II. Complete using the correct pronoun, reflexive pronoun, or nothing.

1. Be careful! You can hurt ____________.
2. They asked her to introduce __________. 
3. Are those children behaving _________?
4. The students really needed to relax ______ as they had been working very hard. 
5. I feel _________ very well today.

Key: 1. yourself; 2. herself; 3. themselves; 4. –; 5. –

III. Rewrite the sentences using should/should have.

1. Don’t leave young children on their own. You shouldn’t _____________________
2. You didn’t prepare for the test. That was stupid. _________________________________
3. It’s a good idea to discuss your problems with your parents. _______________________________
4. They forgot to warn me about his bad temper. _______________________________
5. It’s a good idea for you to save part of your salary each month. _______________________________


1. You shouldn’t leave young children on their own.
2. You should have prepared for the test. 
3. You should discuss your problems with your parents.
4. They should have warned me about his bad temper. 
5. You should save part of your salary each month.

IV. Fur coats and hats: pros and cons. Use the ideas from the box and write a paragraph about this problem.

production of fur coats and hats involves unacceptable cruelty to animals; fur trade helps families survive in many regions in Russia; fur is not fashionable; furs are much healthier than artificial materials and they fill wearers with a feeling of peace

The well-known slogan goes, “fur is murder”. Production of fur coats and hats involves unacceptable cruelty to animals. Something that is the result of murder is not recommended by the principles of feng shui
On the other hand, fur is a necessity. Without fur in very cold climates you will freeze. Furs are much healthier than artificial materials and they fill you with a feeling of peace. The fur trade helps families survive in many regions of Russia. If there were no fur trade, many regions in Russia would suffer. 
Animal rights groups arrange anti-fur movement and involve celebrities in their campaigns. Celebs try to lower the reputation of fur and to show that fur is not fashionable. But it’s difficult to convince everyone to do without fur.

Five-Minute Tests

I. Match the phrasal verbs in A with the definitions in B.


1. make up
2. turn up
3. come up
4. think up
5. bring up
6. come up with


a. mention or start discussing a subject
b. invent a story, an excuse, a lie, etc.
c. appear suddenly (about problems, difficulties)
d. appear unexpectedly
e. invent, have the idea for the first time
f. produce an idea

Key: 1. b; 2. d; 3. c; 4. e; 5. a; 6. f

II. Complete the sentences. Use the following verbs (in the correct form) + up.


1. After such a remark nobody wanted to ________ that subject.
2. This obstacle has never ________ yet.
3. He is always ___________ different silly stories.
4. He didn’t promise to come but he has _________.
5. I hope he will ________ the way out of the situation.

Key: 1. bring up; 2. come up; 3. making up; 4. turned up; 5. think up

III. Complete the sentences. Use the following verbs (in the correct form) + up phrasal verbs.


1. Roger is very inventive. He is always _________ plausible excuse for his coming late.
2. I wonder who __________ the idea of cloning.
3. He didn’t dare ________ at the party unexpectedly.
4. A number of problems _____ in connection with his arrival yesterday.
5. Nick _________ always this ticklish question. He shouldn’t do this in my presence.

Key: 1. making up; 2. thought up; 3. turn up; 4. came up; 5. is always bringing up

IV. Match the phrasal verbs in A with the definitions in B.


1. come down with
2. get down
3. look down on
4. put down
5. turn down


a. consider someone to be of less value than you
b. refuse to accept an order or request
c. become ill, usually with an illness that is not serious
d. kill an animal because it is very old, ill, or dangerous
e. make someone feel sad or depressed

Key: 1. c; 2. e; 3. a; 4. d; 5. b

Five-Minute Tests

I. Complete the sentences. Use the following verbs in the correct form.

come down with
look down on
turn down

get down
put down

1. After much discussion he decided ___________ their offer. 
2. Though the dog was very old we didn’t want _____________the animal. 
3. He _________________ with the flu.
4. Don’t _____________ your little sister. 
5. At first, they ___________ the new pupil. But he turned out to be a tough nut.

Key: 1. to turn down; 2. to put down; 3. has come down with; 4. get down on; 5. looked down on

II. Which goes with which?

1. He is not creative. He never comes up with
2. He could not afford to turn down
3. I’m sure that Paul will think up
4. Nobody dared bring up 
5. He is always making up 
6. Kate has come down with
7. She is used to looking down on

a. the matter.
b. their offer.
c. an interesting idea.
d. incredible stories.
e. a suitable excuse.
f. her relatives.
g. a bad cold.

Key: 1. c; 2. b; 3. e; 4. a; 5. d; 6. g; 7. f


1) Match the phrasal verbs in A with the definitions in B.


1. carry on
2. come on
3. get on
4. log on
5. put on
6. grow on


a. start to be shown on television
b. connect to the Internet 
c. get heavier
d. continue doing something
e. start to like something after some time
f. have a good relationship

Key: 1. d; 2. a; 3. f; 4. b; 5. c; 6. e

2) Complete the sentences using a verb in the correct form.

1. I can’t concentrate, if you _________________ making so much noise.
2. I hated this city at first, but now it __________________ me.
A. Have you seen if you’ve got any e-mail?

B. Oh, no! I can’t ___________________.

4. Are there any students in your group who just don’t ___________ with each other at all? 
5. They should __________ old films more often. 
6. Have you seen Tom? He ______________ two kilograms in the last month.

Key: 1. carry on; 2. is growing on; 3. log on; 4. get on; 5. come on; 6. has put on

Five-Minute Tests

Complete the sentences about yourself.
1. Somewhere interesting you’ve been.
2. Someone interesting you’ve met.
3. Something unusual you’ve eaten.
4. Something you’ve just done in your studies.
I’ve just____________________
5. Something you’d like to do. 
I’ve always wanted___________
6. An activity you’ve never done.
I’ve never__________________

Key: Example Answers:
1. I’ve been to Buckingham Palace. 
2. I’ve met the host of a famous show.

Correct the mistakes.
1. When he is leaving?
2. Where she lives?
3. Does he can speak German?
4. Did he came to you?
5. They married?

1. When is he leaving? 
2. Where does she live? 
3. Can he speak German? 
4. Did he come to you? 
5. Are they married?

Use the expression from the box to complete the table below. Then write a few sentences how to protect life on the Earth.

plant trees, bushes and flowers; break trees, bushes and branches; throw litter in the streets, forests, at school; protest against pollution; leave fire in the forest; destroy birds’ nests; feed homeless animals; pick up wild flowers; kill birds and animals; feed birds in winter; clean streets and other places; pollute water and air

We can (must) do or mustn’t do

Can (must)

















Can (must)


1. Plant trees, bushes and flowers

1. break trees, bushes and branches

2. protest against pollution

2. throw litter in the streets, forests, at school

3. feed homeless animals

3. leave fire in the forest

4. feed birds in winter

4. destroy birds’ nests

5. clean streets and other places

5. pick up wild flowers


6. kill birds and animals


7. pollute water and air

Five-Minute Tests

Complete this text using the correct form of the verbs below.


become x 2









Life of the great song

Candle in the Wind by Elton John (1)____________ originally in 1973 as a tribute to Marilyn Monroe. It (2)________ how she (3)_______ popular and people (4)________ her everywhere, (5)_______ her life difficult, and she (6)______ very lonely. After the death of Princess Diana in 1997, Elton John (7)_______ the lyrics and (8)_______ it at her funeral. In the Diana version, he describes her as “the nation’s golden child” who (9)_______ happiness to so many people. It (10)_______ the biggest-selling record of all time.

Key: 1. was originally written; 2. describes; 3. became; 4. followed;
5. making; 6. was; 7. changed; 8. sang; 9. brought; 10. became

Put an apostrophe in the correct places.
0. That’s Jims new outfit.
Jim’s new outfit

1. Could you tell me where the girls changing room is?
2. Where are the childrens books?

3. The students test results were so good that the teacher praised him.

4. The students test results were so bad that they had to retake it.

5. I’ve got to go to the chemists.

Key: 1. the girls’ changing room; 2. the children’s books; 3. The student’s test results; 4. The students’ test results; 5. the chemist’s

Circle the correct words in each sentence.
1. The result of the match/the match’s result was depressing.
2. We are going to climb to the mountain’s top/to the top of the mountain. 
3. Have you read the newspaper’s back page/the back page of the newspaper?
4. Is the front door of the house/the house’s front door locked? 
5. We saw Paul at the end of the road/the road’s end.

1. The result of the match.
2. The top of the mountain.
3. The back page of the newspaper.
4. The front door of the house.
5. The end of the road.

Контроль остаточных знаний

В начале учебного года очень важно проверить, что из пройденного материала учащиеся помнят и используют уверенно, а что следует повторить. Данный тест составлен для учащихся 8-го класса. Но он может быть также предложен в pre-intermediate группах 9–10-х классов.

Part 1

Choose the correct item.

1. He __________ the bank, when the thieves ___________ his money.

A. left/took
B. was leaving/were taking
C. was leaving/took

2. “What ________ for a living?” “I’m a designer.”

A. do you do
B. are you doing
C. you do

3. Sonya __________to travel a lot but she does now.

A. didn’t
B. used
C. didn’t use

4. Chris didn’t come to the party, and ___________ his friend John.

A. so did
B. neither did
C. neither didn’t

5. If my mum ______ me, I’ll do it on my own.

A. helps
B. doesn’t help
C. won’t help

6. The news _____ very depressing.

A. were
B. was
C. been

7. “Where ___________?” “In Moscow.”

A. were you born
B. was you born
C. you were born

8. Another famous cathedral is __________ Canterbury Cathedral.

A. a
B. the
C. –

9. Mike wanted his friend _______ with him.

A. go
B. to go
C. going

10. The film was _______.

A. boredom
B. bored
C. boring

Part 2

Open the brackets with the correct verb form.

1. She (know)________ Ann for five years.
2. If I were you, I (go)_____ out.
3. I (read)_______ the book since Monday. It’s very interesting.
4. Sometimes letters (send)________ to the wrong address.
5. At the end of 1999, London (become)________ home to the world’s largest observation wheel.

Part 3

Correct the mistakes.

1. I heard him spoke.
2. Money make money. (proverb)
3. I don’t know those students. Do you know they?
4. Do you know why did he sell his car?
5. You don’t should go to bed so late.

Part 4

Five sentences in the text are incomplete. Choose from the list A–F the one which fits each gap (1–5). There is one extra letter in the list which you do not need to use.

A. used to go to clubs and pop concerts
B. with some birthday money
C. to any concerts for ages
D. used to sing to me
E. started going to concerts
F. because of two years inside the musical school

Music is an important part of my life

My earliest memory of music is the song my mother (1)___________ when I was about three or four. We used to have music lessons at school too. My mother wanted me to take up the piano, but I didn’t like it at all, and I gave it up after two years. Then when I was 12 I bought my first record (2)________. I think it was a record by The Police – before Sting became a solo artist.
As I got older, my musical taste changed. When I was a teenager, we (3)___________ to listen to groups playing live, mostly rock and pop and that sort of thing. At the time, I didn’t like classical music at all; later when I went to university, I really got into classical music and (4)__________. I was particularly keen on opera.
Nowadays, I listen to all sorts of music, but I’m not too keen on loud rock music. On the whole I prefer classical music and opera, but I still listen to pop music in my car. I haven’t been (5)________________, but I’ve always got a CD on at home. Music is an important part of my life.












1. Complete the words describing people.

1. r _ _ _ _ n _ ib _ e
2. m _ d _ _ t
3. c_ n f _ _ e _ t
4. i _ d _ p _ n d _ _ _

2. Match the words and their definition.

1. warrior
2. fine
3. workshop
4. volume

a) a book, forming one of a related set or series
b) a brave or veteran soldier
c) a building where any work or handicraft is carried on
d) a payment extracted as punishment










Part 1: 1. C; 2. A; 3. C; 4. B; 5. B; 6. B; 7. A; 8. C; 9. B; 10. C

Part 2: 1. has known; 2. would go; 3. have been reading; 4. are sent; 5. became

Part 3: 1. speak; 2. makes; 3. Do you know them? 4. why he sold…; 5. You shouldn’t…

Part 4: 1. D; 2. B; 3. A; 4. E; 5. C


1. 1. responsible; 2. modest; 3. confident; 4. independent
2. 1. b; 2. d; 3. c; 4. a

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