Complex in Yonaguni
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Презентация к уроку английского языка на тему Загадочные места нашей Планеты
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Ancient quadrangular pyramids of the different sizes are not only in Egypt or South America, they are known and in Burma, China and Korea. But most, probably, such it is necessary to consider as interesting opening a pyramid and the surprising temple complex found on a seabed in the small island of Yonaguni in the most western part of the Japanese archipelago.
Location. Yonaguni's island is in the west of Japan is the most western part of the country. Yonaguni Square of only 28,88 km ², and the population – about 2 thousand people. Yonaguni became well-known in the middle 80-x when divers found under water mysterious rocky terraces and pyramids with acute angles. Scientists are declined to that these pyramids were created artificially many millennia back by an unknown civilization which disappeared from the face of the earth.
History. The history of these underwater pyramids begins since 1986 when divers found an unusual formation of rocks on depth of 25 meters under water. It were rocks in the form of equal step terraces, pyramids and platforms. One of the highest pyramids made 600 foots at width and 90 foots in height
The Japan Times edition added an intrigue, having printed a legend about Yonaguni's island: "There is an earth of Gods, under the name of Nirai-Kanay , there live ancient gods are an unknown far place is a happiness source for the whole world
Nevertheless, Yonaguni's monument wasn't recognized as the Japanese government object of a cultural heritage which is necessary for protecting and protecting though existence of kamneobrabatyvayushchy trade on the island is proved. as confirmation it is served by ancient catacombs of uncertain age
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