Лексико-грамматические тесты.
тест по английскому языку по теме

Кирюхина Татьяна Аркадьевна

Эти задания помогут в тренировке по выполнению заданий по грамматике.


Предварительный просмотр:



I fully agree.

I agree with you.

I quite agree here.

I suppose so.

That’s right!

I see.

What do you think?

That’s just what I was going to say.

I wonder…

That’s true.

Isn’t  it?

I believe so.

Yes, certainly.

I think you are right.

Quite right!

Just so.

Possibly. May be.

I believe so.

That’s it!

I’m all for it!

Just it.

Do you really mean it?

You don’t say so!

Very likely.

You seem to think…

I suppose so.

Is that really so?  

As you say.

Looks like that.

Let’s suppose you are right.

There’s no doubt about it.

  I don’t doubt it.

I’ll think it over.

I should think so!

Most likely.

If I am not mistaken.

Believe it or not.

I am afraid it is so.

As far as I know…

If I remember rightly…

You are wrong.


I disagree with you.

Are you sure?

Is that so?

I differ from you.

You are mistaken.

Oh, no!  I don’t think so!

Far from it!

I don’t think you are right.


I doubt it.

That may be true but…

I don’t believe that…

It’s out of the question.

Certainly not.

There is something in what you say, but…

I shouldn’t say so.

Nothing of the kind.

I don’t believe it.

I wish I knew.

I’m not sure of it.

I’m afraid I can’t say.

I don’t agree with you at all.

Not at all.

It’s hard to say.

I am afraid you are wrong.

One never can tell.

I am not certain of it.

One never knows.

I object to it.

 I’ve no idea.

 I am afraid I don’t agree.

Not likely.

Sorry, I don’t know.

It is the other way around.


Progress Check 2-3

Put the verbs in the correct present tense.                                        Look (after, out for, down on, forward to, up).

1. I…(save) my money for three weeks now. I’ve almost got enough.

2….(you/see) the new film yet?

3.Hurry up, Tom! The film…(start) in half an hour!

4. Ann, do you have any plans for tonight? …(you/go out with you friends?

5. She is a very loyal friend. I…(know) her for ten years now.

6. This road …(get) you there quicker than that one.

1. Don’t tell me that the concert has been cancelled. I was really …it.

2. My grandmother…my baby sister while my mother works.

3. When we travel abroad, you should … pickpockets.

4. My cousin is really arrogant. I hate the way he…everyone.

Fill in: forward to, up, out for, after, down on.                                  Fill in: at, with, on, about.

1.Can you look…my cat while I’m away?

2.If you don’t know her phone number, then look it…in the phone directory.

3.If you go swimming, look…boats.

4.I’ve been looking…this holiday for ages.

5.You shouldn’t discriminate against people. It’s not

1.Are you good …sports?

2. Be careful…your money. Don’t spend it at once.

3. I am very excited…going shopping later.

4. Don’t be careless…other people’s things.

5. I’m not keen …watching TV.

Form adjectives from the words in brackets.

Andrea is a…(beauty) little girl.

I won’t lend him my car-he’s too….(care).

Don’t be….(self)! There’s enough for everyone!

He is a….(talent) teacher.

My mum is very….(resource).

Progress Check  5.

Fill in: by, on, in.

We go to school….foot unless it’s raining,

then we go….car or bus.

He will arrive….Moscow at 4pm.

They usually go….holiday every August.

There were 200 passengers….board the plane.

Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.

I haven’t had much money since I lost my job,

but I’m….

I must….now or I’ll miss my bus.

Does Tom….well with his sister?

It’s easy for tourists to….the city by train.

What time does your flight….?


Progress Check 2-3

Put the verbs into the correct (to) –inf. or –ing form.                                Take (in, after, out, over, off,up).

1.He hates…football on TV. He thinks it’s so boring! (watch)

2.I’m not crazy about…sport. I prefer quieter activities. (play)

3.We’d love…and see your new house some time (come)

4.Will you…me find a part-time job? I’m totally broke! (help)

5.I can’t stand…compositions. I find them really difficult! (write)

6.He can’t wait…on holiday. (go)

1.He’ll…the company when his father retires.

2.I want to…tennis. Do you know where I can have lessons?

3.We are going to…you…for your birthday, Dave!

4.She…her father. She looks and acts just like him.

5….your shirt and I’ll watch it for you.

6.Now that you’ve lost weight you should…your clothes… .

Fill in: up, off, over, out, after.                                                               Fill in: about, in, at, of, on.

1.Why don’t  you take…a hobby instead of watching TV every evening?

2.Who do you take …, your mum or your dad?

3.Tom’s taking me…for my birthday.

4.Mr. Jones took…the company when his grandfather died.

5.Take…your trousers so that I can wash them.

1.She is fantastic…cooking.

2.Ann is crazy…rock climbing.

3.He isn’t interested…Maths.

4.I’m not fond…animals so I don’t have a pet.

5.John is really keen…football.

Form nouns from the words in brackets.

Have a look at my…….(collect).

I don’t really agree with your……(suggest).

They looked at him in……(amaze).

…..techniques are taught here(relax).

He made a fast….from the injury(recover).

 Progress Check 4

Fill in: over, into,out of, on, away from.                                              Fill in: could, had to, ought to, must, shouldn’t, don’t have to.

My cat got run….. by a car yesterday.

We’ve run…..petrol. We need to find a petrol station.

A lot of cars in Russia run….natural gas.

Guess what? I ran….Ivan at the library today.

I saw a thief running….the police in town last night.

1. You….turn off the light when you leave the room.

2. couldn’t come out last night because I ….finish writing an essay.

3.You….go out in the rain-you’ll  get ill.

Fill in: repair, congests, switch, rubbish, glass, banned, packed, campaign, emissions, extinction.

One man’s….is another man’s treasure.

We shouldn’t throw away plastic, paper, aluminium and…. . They can all be recycled!

Try to….your stereo before you buy a new one.

I always take a….lunch to school.

I’ve started a recycling….at school.

Fill in: global, adoption, vegetable, compost, environmental, endangered, natural, power, modern, climate.






Progress Check 4

Fill in:  in, of, to, about, from.                                                                   Fill in: could, had to, ought to, must, shouldn’t, don’t have to.

1.My Dad feels very strongly…..recycling.

2.The blue whale is….danger of extinction.

3.The WWF is trying to protect many species….becoming extinct.

4.CFC sprays are very harmful….the environment.

5.Fred is a great supporter….Manchester United.

It’s a public holiday tomorrow, so I….go to work.

I….speak French from the age of ten.

We….stop the destruction of the rainforests-before it’s too late!

Fill in: repair, congests, switch, rubbish, glass, banned, packed, campaign, emissions, extinction.

We have to find ways to decrease carbon dioxide…. .

Modern transport….our city centres.

Many wild animals are in danger of….. .

Keeping exotic pets should be totally…. .

We can save energy if we….off lights when we leave a room.

Fill in: global, adoption, vegetable, compost, environmental, endangered, natural, power, modern, climate.






RNE   Complete gaps 1-6 with the correct derivative of each word in capitals.

When the Channel Tunnel opened, many people had high 1)…  .                   expect

Instead of travelling for up to 3 hours by sea, the tunnel appeared

to be an 2)…     alternative. However, the Channel Tunnel project                 attract                                                                                  

ran into some unexpected 3)… . For example, nobody had imagined          difficult

that there might be a power 4)…   , leaving the passengers stranded                  fail

in the tunnel for hours. 5)…  , problems like this have been                          obvious

overcome and the tunnel now satisfiers passengers’ 6)…  for a fast             require

and enjoyable journey.

RNE   Complete gaps 1-7 with the correct form and tense of each verb in capitals.

Audiences around the world consider David Copperfield to be the

Greatest magician of our time. Copperfield 1)… born in the United                      be

States in 1956. He 2)… performing magic at the age of 12 and                         begin

became the youngest person ever admitted  to the Society of

American  Magicians. At 16, he was teaching a magic course at New

York University.  At the age of 19, he 3)… a break in television with                 give  

his own show. His career in the world of entertainment 4)… off.                      take  

Since the 1970s, Copperfield 5)… in Emmy award-winning                            appear

Television programmes, stage plays, films and personal tours.

He 6)… around the world and has elevated the art of magic to new             travel

Heights. In addition to 7)… he created a Broadway show, Dreams &       perform

Nightmares, which broke all box-office records during its run in New

York City. ‘’The secret’’, says David, ‘’is to consider nothing impossible,

then start treating possibilities as probabilities’’.

RNE   Read the text and complete gaps 1-7 with the correct form and tense of each verb in capitals.      

                            The Walk

Nataly raised her face to the warm spring sun and took a deep breath.

How wonderful it was, she 1)… , to be out in the fresh air again after a             think

long, cold winter.‘’Come on, hurry up, or we 2)… late for lunch!’’ Leo                    be       said as he walked  along the forest path ahead of her.They 3)… through           walk       the woods all morning and Leo was beginning to get  hungry after all the  exercise.‘’We’ve got plenty of time,’’ replied Natalie cheerfully, ‘’and I                4)… to go home yet.  It’s so lovely here,’’ she added.                                      not want

Leo 5)… by her enthusiasm. Natalie hadn’t been very keen to come             surprise     walking when he first suggested it. ‘’You are funny,’’ he said. ‘’Where

6)… (you) so much energy from all of a sudden?’’ ‘’Oh, I’m not sure,’’                 get

Natalie said, 7)… happily,’’but perhaps the first spring air and the good          laugh

Company might have something to do with it’’.

RNE   Read the text and complete gaps 1-6 with the correct  derivative of each word in capitals.      

Unusual Restaurants.

All over the world there are restaurants for people who are looking for

dinner with a 1)… . Dubai may be hot, but diners need to dress up very     different

2)… for a meal at the Chillout restaurant, where everything is made of           warm

ice. Other ice restaurants can be found in Finland, Canada and Russia.                          

In the Canary Islands, the EI Diablo Restaurant uses 3)… heat to cook          volcano

 the meals. The 4)… restaurant has glass walls. The Ithaa Restaurant                circle            in the Maldives is 5 metres below the Indian Ocean. The curved,                   transparent walls give diners an amazing view of the 5)… coral reef.          surround    There is a covered staircase leading down to the restaurant so diners             remain 6)… dry.                                                                                                      complete

RNE   Read the text and complete gaps 1-7 with the correct form and tense of each verb in capitals.      

A Day to Remember.

Julie and Cindy

Предварительный просмотр:


The Ant and the Chrysalis

An Ant nimbly running about in the sunshine in search of food came across a Chrysalis that was very near its time of change. The Chrysalis moved its tail, and thus attracted the attention of the Ant, who then saw for the first time that it was alive. “Poor, pitiable animal!” cried the Ant disdainfully. “What a sad fate is yours!  While I can run hither and thither, at my pleasure, and, if I wish, ascend the tallest tree, you lie imprisoned here in your shell, with power only to move a joint or two of your scaly tail.” The Chrysalis heard all this, but did not try to make any reply. A few days after, when the Ant passed that way again, nothing but the shell remained. Wondering what had become of its contents, he felt himself suddenly shaded and fanned by the gorgeous wings of a beautiful Butterfly. “Behold in me,” said the Butterfly, “your much-pitied friend! Boast now of your powers to run and climb as long as you can get me to listen.” So saying, the Butterfly rose in the air, and, borne along and aloft on the summer breeze, was soon lost to the sight of the Ant forever.

“Appearances are deceptive.”

The Ant and the Dove

AN ANT went to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and  being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of  drowning.  A Dove sitting on a tree overhanging the water plucked  a leaf and let it fall into the stream close to her.  The Ant  climbed onto it and floated in safety to the bank.  Shortly  afterwards a birdcatcher came and stood under the tree, and laid  his lime-twigs for the Dove, which sat in the branches.  The Ant,  perceiving his design, stung him in the foot.  In pain the  birdcatcher threw down the twigs, and the noise made the Dove  take wing.

“One good turn deserves another”

The Ass in the Lion’s Skin

An Ass once found a Lion’s skin which the hunters had left out in the sun to dry.  He put it on and went towards his native village.  All fled at his approach, both men and animals, and he was a proud Ass that day.  In his delight he lifted up his voice and brayed, but then every one knew him, and his owner came up and gave him a sound cudgeling for the fright he had caused.  And shortly afterwards a Fox came up to him and said: “Ah, I knew you by your voice.”

“Fine clothes may disguise, but silly words will disclose a fool.”

The Bald Man and the Fly

A FLY bit the bare head of a Bald Man who, endeavoring to destroy  it, gave himself a heavy slap.  Escaping, the Fly said mockingly,  “You who have wished to revenge, even with death, the Prick of a  tiny insect, see what you have done to yourself to add insult to  injury?’  The Bald Man replied, “I can easily make peace with  myself, because I know there was no intention to hurt.  But you,  an ill-favored and contemptible insect who delights in sucking  human blood, I wish that I could have killed you even if I had  incurred a heavier penalty.”

“Revenge will hurt the avenger”

The Bear and the Two Travelers

TWO MEN were traveling together, when a Bear suddenly met them on  their path.  One of them climbed up quickly into a tree and  concealed himself in the branches.  The other, seeing that he  must be attacked, fell flat on the ground, and when the Bear came  up and felt him with his snout, and smelt him all over, he held  his breath, and feigned the appearance of death as much as he  could.  The Bear soon left him, for it is said he will not touch  a dead body.  When he was quite gone, the other Traveler  descended from the tree, and jocularly inquired of his friend  what it was the Bear had whispered in his ear.  “He gave me this  advice,” his companion replied.  “Never travel with a friend who  deserts you at the approach of danger.” 

“Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends.”

The Bee and Jupiter

A BEE from Mount Hymettus, the queen of the hive, ascended to  Olympus to present Jupiter some honey fresh from her combs.   Jupiter, delighted with the offering of honey, promised to give  whatever she should ask.  She therefore besought him, saying,  “Give me, I pray thee, a sting, that if any mortal shall approach  to take my honey, I may kill him.”  Jupiter was much displeased,  for he loved the race of man, but could not refuse the request  because of his promise.  He thus answered the Bee:  “You shall  have your request, but it will be at the peril of your own life.   For if you use your sting, it shall remain in the wound you make,  and then you will die from the loss of it.” 

“Evil wishes, like chickens, come home to roost.”

The Boys and the Frogs

SOME BOYS, playing near a pond, saw a number of Frogs in the  water and began to pelt them with stones.  They killed several of  them, when one of the Frogs, lifting his head out of the water,  cried out:  “Pray stop, my boys:  what is sport to you, is death to  us.”

“One man’s pleasure may be another’s pain.”-

The Cat and Venus

A CAT fell in love with a handsome young man, and entreated Venus  to change her into the form of a woman.  Venus consented to her  request and transformed her into a beautiful damsel, so that the  youth saw her and loved her, and took her home as his bride.   While the two were reclining in their chamber, Venus wishing to  discover if the Cat in her change of shape had also altered her  habits of life, let down a mouse in the middle of the room.  The  Cat, quite forgetting her present condition, started up from the  couch and pursued the mouse, wishing to eat it.  Venus was much  disappointed and again caused her to return to her former shape.

“Nature exceeds nurture.”

The Dog and the Hare

A HOUND having started a Hare on the hillside pursued her for  some distance, at one time biting her with his teeth as if he  would take her life, and at another fawning upon her, as if in  play with another dog.  The Hare said to him, “I wish you would  act sincerely by me, and show yourself in your true colors.  If  you are a friend, why do you bite me so hard? If an enemy, why do  you fawn on me?’ 

“No one can be a friend if you know not whether to trust or distrust him.”

The Dog and the Wolf

A gaunt Wolf was almost dead with hunger when he happened to  meet a House-dog who was passing by.  “Ah, Cousin,” said the Dog.   “I knew how it would be; your irregular life will soon be the ruin  of you.  Why do you not work steadily as I do, and get your food  regularly given to you?” “I would have no objection,” said the Wolf, “if I could only  get a place.” “I will easily arrange that for you,” said the Dog; “come with  me to my master and you shall share my work.” So the Wolf and the Dog went towards the town together.  On  the way there the Wolf noticed that the hair on a certain part of  the Dog’s neck was very much worn away, so he asked him how that  had come about. “Oh, it is nothing,” said the Dog.  “That is only the place  where the collar is put on at night to keep me chained up; it  chafes a bit, but one soon gets used to it.” “Is that all?” said the Wolf.  “Then good-bye to you, Master  Dog.”

“Better starve free than be a fat slave.”

The Dogs and the Fox

SOME DOGS, finding the skin of a lion, began to tear it in pieces  with their teeth.  A Fox, seeing them, said, “If this lion were  alive, you would soon find out that his claws were stronger than  your teeth.”   “It is easy to kick a man that is down.” The Eagle and the Fox  AN EAGLE and a Fox formed an intimate friendship and decided to  live near each other.  The Eagle built her nest in the branches  of a tall tree, while the Fox crept into the underwood and there  produced her young.  Not long after they had agreed upon this  plan, the Eagle, being in want of provision for her young ones,  swooped down while the Fox was out, seized upon one of the little  cubs, and feasted herself and her brood.  The Fox on her return,  discovered what had happened, but was less grieved for the death  of her young than for her inability to avenge them.  A just  retribution, however, quickly fell upon the Eagle.  While  hovering near an altar, on which some villagers were sacrificing  a goat, she suddenly seized a piece of the flesh, and carried it,  along with a burning cinder, to her nest.  A strong breeze soon  fanned the spark into a flame, and the eaglets, as yet unfledged  and helpless, were roasted in their nest and dropped down dead at  the bottom of the tree.  There, in the sight of the Eagle, the  Fox gobbled them up.

The Fox and the Grapes

One hot summer’s day a Fox was strolling through an orchard  till he came to a bunch of Grapes just ripening on a vine which  had been trained over a lofty branch.  “Just the thing to quench  my thirst,” quote he.  Drawing back a few paces, he took a run and  a jump, and just missed the bunch.  Turning round again with a  One, Two, Three, he jumped up, but with no greater success.  Again  and again he tried after the tempting morsel, but at last had to  give it up, and walked away with his nose in the air, saying: “I  am sure they are sour.”

“It is easy to despise what you cannot get.”

The Fox Who Had Lost His Tail

A FOX caught in a trap escaped, but in so doing lost his tail.   Thereafter, feeling his life a burden from the shame and ridicule  to which he was exposed, he schemed to convince all the other  Foxes that being tailless was much more attractive, thus making  up for his own deprivation.  He assembled a good many Foxes and  publicly advised them to cut off their tails, saying that they  would not only look much better without them, but that they would  get rid of the weight of the brush, which was a very great  inconvenience.  One of them interrupting him said, “If you had  not yourself lost your tail, my friend, you would not thus  counsel us.”

The Hares and the Frogs

The Hares were so persecuted by the other beasts, they did not  know where to go.  As soon as they saw a single animal approach  them, off they used to run.  One day they saw a troop of wild  Horses stampeding about, and in quite a panic all the Hares  scuttled off to a lake hard by, determined to drown themselves  rather than live in such a continual state of fear.  But just as  they got near the bank of the lake, a troop of Frogs, frightened  in their turn by the approach of the Hares scuttled off, and  jumped into the water.  “Truly,” said one of the Hares, “things  are not so bad as they seem: “There is always someone worse off than yourself.”

The Wolf and the Kid

A Kid was perched up on the top of a house, and looking down  saw a Wolf passing under him.  Immediately he began to revile and  attack his enemy.  “Murderer and thief,” he cried, “what do you  here near honest folks’ houses?  How dare you make an appearance  where your vile deeds are known?” “Curse away, my young friend,” said the Wolf.

“It is easy to be brave from a safe distance.”

The Lion and the Eagle

AN EAGLE stayed his flight and entreated a Lion to make an  alliance with him to their mutual advantage.  The Lion replied,  “I have no objection, but you must excuse me for requiring you to  find surety for your good faith, for how can I trust anyone as a  friend who is able to fly away from his bargain whenever he  pleases?’ 

“Try before you trust.”

The Lion and the Mouse

Once when a Lion was asleep a little Mouse began running up  and down upon him; this soon wakened the Lion, who placed his huge  paw upon him, and opened his big jaws to swallow him.  “Pardon, O  King,” cried the little Mouse: “forgive me this time, I shall  never forget it: who knows but what I may be able to do you a turn  some of these days?”  The Lion was so tickled at the idea of the  Mouse being able to help him, that he lifted up his paw and let  him go.  Some time after the Lion was caught in a trap, and the  hunters who desired to carry him alive to the King, tied him to a  tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him on. Just  then the little Mouse happened to pass by, and seeing the sad  plight in which the Lion was, went up to him and soon gnawed away  the ropes that bound the King of the Beasts. “Was I not right?”  said the little mouse, after the lion had gotten out for a freedom.

“Little friends may prove great friends.”

The Lion in Love

A LION demanded the daughter of a woodcutter in marriage.  The  Father, unwilling to grant, and yet afraid to refuse his request,  hit upon this expedient to rid himself of his importunities.  He  expressed his willingness to accept the Lion as the suitor of his  daughter on one condition:  that he should allow him to extract  his teeth, and cut off his claws, as his daughter was fearfully  afraid of both.  The Lion cheerfully assented to the proposal.   But when the toothless, clawless Lion returned to repeat his  request, the Woodman, no longer afraid, set upon him with his  club, and drove him away into the forest.

The Lion’s Share

The Lion went once a-hunting along with the Fox, the Jackal,  and the Wolf.  They hunted and they hunted till at last they  surprised a Stag, and soon took its life.  Then came the question  how the spoil should be divided.  “Quarter me this Stag,” roared  the Lion; so the other animals skinned it and cut it into four  parts.  Then the Lion took his stand in front of the carcass and  pronounced judgment:  The first quarter is for me in my capacity  as King of Beasts; the second is mine as arbiter; another share  comes to me for my part in the chase; and as for the fourth  quarter, well, as for that, I should like to see which of you will  dare to lay a paw upon it.” “Humph,” grumbled the Fox as he walked away with his tail  between his legs; but he spoke in a low growl. “You may share the labours of the great, but you will not share the spoil.”

The Monkey and the Dolphin

A SAILOR, bound on a long voyage, took with him a Monkey to amuse  him while on shipboard.  As he sailed off the coast of Greece, a  violent tempest arose in which the ship was wrecked and he, his  Monkey, and all the crew were obliged to swim for their lives.  A  Dolphin saw the Monkey contending with the waves, and supposing  him to be a man (whom he is always said to befriend), came and  placed himself under him, to convey him on his back in safety to  the shore.  When the Dolphin arrived with his burden in sight of  land not far from Athens, he asked the Monkey if he were an  Athenian.  The latter replied that he was, and that he was  descended from one of the most noble families in that city.  The  Dolphin then inquired if he knew the Piraeus (the famous harbor  of Athens).  Supposing that a man was meant, the Monkey answered  that he knew him very well and that he was an intimate friend.   The Dolphin, indignant at these falsehoods, dipped the Monkey  under the water and drowned him.

The Monkeys and Their Mother

THE MONKEY, it is said, has two young ones at each birth.  The  Mother fondles one and nurtures it with the greatest affection  and care, but hates and neglects the other.  It happened once  that the young one which was caressed and loved was smothered by  the too great affection of the Mother, while the despised one was  nurtured and reared in spite of the neglect to which it was  exposed. 

“The best intentions will not always ensure success.”

The Nurse and the Wolf

“Be quiet now,” said an old Nurse to a child sitting on her  lap.  “If you make that noise again I will throw you to the Wolf.” Now it chanced that a Wolf was passing close under the window as this was said.  So he crouched down by the side of the house and waited.  “I am in good luck to-day,” thought he.  “It is sure to cry soon, and a daintier morsel I haven’t had for many a long day.”  So he waited, and he waited, and he waited, till at last the child began to cry, and the Wolf came forward before the window, and looked up to the Nurse, wagging his tail.  But all the Nurse did was to shut down the window and call for help, and the dogs of the house came rushing out.  “Ah,” said the Wolf as he galloped away,

“Enemies promises were made to be broken.”

The Shepherd’s Boy and the Wolf

A SHEPHERD-BOY, who watched a flock of sheep near a village,  brought out the villagers three or four times by crying out,  “Wolf! Wolf!”  and when his neighbors came to help him, laughed at  them for their pains.  The Wolf, however, did truly come at last.   The Shepherd-boy, now really alarmed, shouted in an agony of  terror:  “Pray, do come and help me; the Wolf is killing the  sheep”; but no one paid any heed to his cries, nor rendered any  assistance.  The Wolf, having no cause of fear, at his leisure  lacerated or destroyed the whole flock. 

“There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth.”

The Kid and the Wolf

A KID, returning without protection from the pasture, was pursued  by a Wolf.  Seeing he could not escape, he turned round, and  said:  “I know, friend Wolf, that I must be your prey, but before  I die I would ask of you one favor you will play me a tune to  which I may dance.”  The Wolf complied, and while he was piping  and the Kid was dancing, some hounds hearing the sound ran up and  began chasing the Wolf.  Turning to the Kid, he said, “It is just  what I deserve; for I, who am only a butcher, should not have  turned piper to please you.”

“In time of dire need, clever thinking is key or outwit your enemy to save your skin.”

The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

A Wolf found great difficulty in getting at the sheep owing to  the vigilance of the shepherd and his dogs.  But one day it found  the skin of a sheep that had been flayed and thrown aside, so it  put it on over its own pelt and strolled down among the sheep.   The Lamb that belonged to the sheep, whose skin the Wolf was  wearing, began to follow the Wolf in the Sheep’s clothing; so,  leading the Lamb a little apart, he soon made a meal off her, and  for some time he succeeded in deceiving the sheep, and enjoying  hearty meals.

“Appearances are deceptive.”

Предварительный просмотр:


                Answer the questions and mark “Yes” or “No”.                                                                                    



Are you good at solving the tasks?

Are you good at using a computer?

Are you good at playing the guitar?

Are you good at reciting poems by heart?

Are you good at riding a bike?

Are you good at speaking English?

Are you good at cooking meals?

Are you good at driving a car?

Are you good at running and jumping?

Are you good at composing music?

Are you good at writing fairy tales?

Are you good at doing lab works?

Are you good at helping mum about the house?

Are you good at making reports?

Are you good at playing tennis?

Are you good at making models?

Are you good at repairing a TV set?

Are you good at horseriding?

Are you good at skateboarding?

Are you good at drawing pictures?    

                                          Are You a Jack of All Traids?

1-7 “Yes”:     You are not a Jack of all traids.

1-15 “Yes”:  You are almost a Jack of all traids.

1_20 “Yes”:  You are a Jack of all traids.

Предварительный просмотр:

                                         Form 7.  Grammar  Tenses.  Test.

Active Voice.

Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в соответствующую видовременную форму:

1.He usually (help) his parents in the morning. 2.Next week they (give) a concert for the war veterans. 3.The day before she (visit) her ill neighbour. 4. Yesterday at 6 p.m. he (work) on a computer. 5.Look! They (play) football in the yard. 6.Alice (feed) already her parrot. 7.When Jane called her mother she (leave) just the office.

1.My friend (keep) secrets well. 2.In three weeks the pupils (pass) exams in Maths. 3.Last Sunday the teacher (take) his pupils to the forest. 4.While the mother was cooking the cake the daughter (lay) the table. 5.Look! The birds (eat) already the bread. 6.The father (come) just from work. 7.They (leave) the city by last Sunday.

1.Sometimes Jesse and Kim (make) toothbrush holders for selling. 2.She (learn) two languages next year. 3.In his childhood Tom (want) to be a driver.4.The day before at 9 friends (listen) to the opera. 5.Don’t trouble me! I (think) over my report. 6.I’m sorry. I (not learn) the poem yet. 7.When Hilary visited Stephen, he (got) already well.

1.He often (give) a helping hand to his classmates. 2.Last Saturday the children (clean) the park. 3.The day after tomorrow all the pupils (discuss) teenagers’ problems. 4.Two years ago the family (move) to a new flat. 5.I’m sorry. I (write) my home composition now. 6.She (be) never to London. 7.By last lesson they (do) all the task.

Passive Voice.

Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в соответствующую видовременную форму:

1.Sometimes they (ask) to help the elderly. 2.The day before he (help) in English. 3. The rubbish (take) out every day. 4.A week ago the pupils (take) to the park. 5.Some money (raise) by the children for the concert last month. 6.Many nursing homes (visit) by different charities regularly.

1.Usually many folk tales (read) to babies before sleeping. 2.Many forests (put ) on fire by tourists last summer. 3.His clothes (iron) always perfectly. 4.Much litter (collect) by voluntaries in the national park yesterday. 5.He (give) never bad marks. 7.She (betray) by her friend the other day.

1.This year many beasts (feed) in the forest by special guard. 2.Last winter many birds (save) from starvation. 3.Last two years Disney Land (visit) by 40 million people. 4.The Moscow Metro (use) by thousands of people. 5.The beauty of the nature (enjoy) by everybody. 6.The other day they (tell) not to disturb birds.

1.Everyone (tell) not to leave litter in the forest. 2.Last Saturday the game (play) well. 3.Vey often voluntaries (ask) to support the disabled. 4. The war veterans’ stories (listen) always attentively. 5.Last year Easter (celebrate) in the beginning of April. 6.Cadbuy chocolate (love) by all childen.

Active Voice – Passive Voice.

Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в соответствующую форму по образцу, переведите предложения:    He (tell) the story: He tells the story. – He is told the story. (Он рассказал рассказ. – Ему рассказали рассказ.).

1.She (ask) to help the lonely. 2.They (allow) to make a fire. 3. He (tell) not to shout in the forest. 4. At night the baby (read) the fairy tale. 5. Sometimes the headmaster (send) many letters.

1.The teacher always (listen) attentively. 2.The son (ask) to help about the house. 3.She (teach)  English well. 4.They (allow) to plant trees in the park. 5.He often (support)  (by) everybody.

1.He (read) many folk tales. 2.He (listen) attentively. 3.The pupils (read) the reports. 4.The boys (ask) to help the girls. 5.They (send) telegrams before each holiday.

1.She (write) a long letter. 2.They (allow) to raise money to save animals. 3.Tom (ask ) to write the poem. 4.She (leave) some money. 5.He (tell) to take litter home.

Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в соответствующую видовременную форму Active Voice и Passive Voice:  

1.Last winter many birds (save) by children. 2.Many voluntaries (help) to clean national parks. 3.Cadbury chocolate (love) by all children. 4.The day before my car (stop) at the crossing by a policeman.  5.He (listen) to the teacher attentively. 6.Tomorrow they (take) some food and (go) to the forest.

1.At the last lesson the war stories (listen) by pupils with great interest. 2.Usually tourists (disturb) birds and animals in the forest by their music. 3.Last year Disney Land (visit) by 40 million peoples. 4.Every year many flowers (plant) in the squares. 5.At Ecology the teacher (tell) his pupils how to keep nature. 6.Three days ago two wolves (kill) near the village.

1.The baby fox (find) in the forest by my father last year. 2.Children (want) to help the  elderly. 3.The hunters (kill) many wolves every year. 4.Many dolphins (kill) by boats every summer. 5.The day before a great fire (put) on the forest by rain storm. 6.The scientists (work ) at many pollution problems.

1.At Biology pupils (teach) how to keep the environment clean. 2.The teacher (give) many good marks for correct answers at the last lesson. 3.The Yellow Stone national park (know) all over the world. 4. The task was difficult so the pupils (ask) many questions. 5.My father (fish) every Sunday. 6.Yesterday the family (move) to a new family.                 





Предварительный просмотр:

                              Form 7.   Unit 4.  How do You Treat the World?  Test.

Заполните пропуски буквами и переведите:

pr.ten . , d.mage, n.ture, sp..l, rec.cle, r.in, pol..tion.

po..ute, d.stroy, redu.e, litt.., dist..b, prote.t, w.ldl.fe.

d.fend, c..ntrys.de, anim.ls, .ontrol, env..onment, t.dy, r.spect.

ru.n, dist.rb, dam.ge, recy.le, po..ution, protect..n, .poil.

Соедини две части в предложение:

1.Always put garbage …; 2.Don’t hurt ..; 3.Recycle newspapers, …; 4.Keep dogs …; 5.Don’t damage … . – a)bottles and metal cans; b)animals; c)in a garbage bin; d)trees; e)under control.

1.Feed birds …; 2.Plant flowers … ; 3.Keep your litter …; 4.Don’t spoil …; 5.Don’t leave … . – a)in a bin; b)in winter; c)litter in the forest; d)and trees; e)the environment.

1.Plant but …; 2.Recycle bottles …; 3.Keep your city …; 4.Don’t throw garbage …; 5.Never draw … .- a)and newspapers; b)tidy; c)on the trees; d)not cut down; e)into water.

1.Don’t pollute rivers …; 2.Never ruin …; 3.Resting in the forest …; 4.Keep you countryside …; 5.Reduce pollution … . – a) don’t disturb wildlife; b)clean; c)with garbage; d)birds’ nests; e)by recycling.

Выбери два правильных окончания: a)switch off the light; b)switch off the iron; c)switch off the TV; d)turn off the gas; e)turn off the water; f)shut the fridge; g)shut the window; h)keep the door shut; i)recycle newspapers and magazines.

1.In order the save energy we should … . 2. In order to save gas we should … .

1.In order to save warmness we should … . 2. In order to save electricity we should … .

1. In order to save water we should … .   2.In order to save the forest we should … .

1. In order to save gas we should …  2.In order to save coldness we should …

Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в Passive Voice (Present):

1.Eight dogs (kill) to make one fur coat. 2.A lot of dolphin (hurt) by boats. 3.Animals (disturb) often by tourists. 4.Millions of trees (cut) for making paper. 5.Water (pollute) often by farms.

1.Over 40 thousand monkeys (catch) every year. 2.Air (spoil) by cars and works. 3.Wildlife (study) by naturalists. 4.Old paper and glass (recycled) at the large works. 5.Russia (wash) by three oceans and 12 seas.

1.Every year many trees (plant) in this park.2.Three million kangaroos (kill) by hunters every year. 3.A large number of fish (catch) in the Atlantic Ocean. 4.Twenty three national parks (open) in Russia. 5.Lake Baikal (call) the cleanest lake on the planet.

1.A lot of trees (damage) by tourists. 2.Many forests (put) on fire in summer. 3.Large forests (cut) down for building houses. 4.Wild beasts (feed) by forest watchers in winter. 5.Rivers and lakes (pollute) by plants and works.

Переведите на английский язык:

1.Я прошу  вас покормить птиц утром. – Нас просят покормить птиц утром. 2.Учитель просит нас вымыть классную комнату. – Нас просят вымыть классную комнату.

1.Мужчина просит туристов не оставлять мусор в лесу. – Туристов просят не оставлять мусор в лесу. 2.Сторож просит детей бросать мусор в мусорный бак. – Детей просят бросать мусор в мусорный бак.

1..Руководитель просит учеников организовать экологическую группу. – Учеников просят организовать экологическую группу. 2.Лесник просит ребят не беспокоить животных. – Ребят просят не беспокоить животных.

1.Мама просит сына посадить цветы. – Сына просят посадить цветы. 2.Брат просит сестру помочь по английскому.  – Сестру просят помочь по английскому.

Составьте 5 типов вопросов к предложению:

1.A lot of dolphins are hurt by boats. 2.Hunters kill about 3 million kangaroos every year.

1.Many tortoises are caught into nets every year. 2.Water pollution destroys wildlife.

1.Many forests are put on fire in the Far East. 2.Tourists  often put grass on fire.

1.Litter is recycled to make cardboard. 2.Children leave a lot of paper in the classrooms.

Составьте предложения из слов:

1.must, protect, we, nature. 2.think, I, can, children, animals, help. 3.is, it, important, the Earth, to save.

1.are, trees, many, by, damaged, tourists. 2.must, birds, help, we, in, winter. 3.are, plastic, to recycle, they, asked, bottles.

1.building, cut down, for, forests, are, many. 2.should, we, wildlife, protect. 3.are, home, litter, told, to take, we.

1.can, plastic, I, make, toys, good, from, bottles. 2.should, we, beautiful, make, planet, our. 3.is, it, to save, important, the environment, very.   


Предварительный просмотр:

                     Form 7.  Unit 6. “Do You Like Living in Your Country?” Test.

Дайте правильный перевод слов:

1.famous, 2.popular, 3.the tops, 4.nothing can beat it, 5.smashing. – a) отлично, b)популярный, c)ничего не может сравниться, d)знаменитый, e)высший класс.

1.one of a kind, 2.expensive, 3.beautiful, 4.attractive, 5.it’s better compared to others. – a)прекрасный, b)единственный в своем роде, c)привлекательный, d)дорогой, e)лучше по сравнению с другими.

1.pleasant, 2.dangerous, 3.comfortable, 4.different, 5.nothing can be beat it. – a)удобный, b)приятный, c)нет ничего лучше, d)отличающийся, e)опасный.

1.safe and reliable, 2.boring, 3.similar, 4.the tops, 5.perfect. – a)скучный, b)безупречный, c)безопасный и надежный, d)одинаковый, e)высший класс.

Составьте 4 предложения и переведите их:

               The piano                        |                |   comfortable             |    to play.

   I.          The teeth                         |                |  pleasant                    |    to discuss.    

   II.        The chocolate                  |                |   dangerous                |    to drive.  

   III.        The Tower of London    |                |   important                |     to learn.  

   IV.        Disney Land                   |    is/are    |  interesting                |     to visit.

A car Ford                      |                |   expensive                |     to brush twice a day.

 The foreign languages    |                |   a marvelous sight    |    to eat.

 The problems                  |                |   one of a kind           |    to see.

 The sofa                          |                |  necessary                 |     to buy.

                  The disabled                   |                |  useful                       |     to help.


Переделайте предложения по образцу:   It is difficult to learn English. – English is difficult  

                                                                        to learn.  

1.It is important to help  the lonely. 2.It is interesting to visit the English capital. 3.It is safe to cross the street at crossings. 4.It is difficult to learn to play the violin.

1.It is the top to visit Disney World. 2.It is expensive to buy a computer. 3.It is important to listen to the parents. 4. It is boring to read English newspapers.

1.It is necessary to save the nature. 2.It is exciting to watch the wildlife. 3.It is important to help our parents. 4.It is wonderful to make our own projects.

1.It is terrific to listen to long reports. 2.It is dangerous to make a fire. 3.It is tasty to use a bubble gum. 4.It is cool and stylish to have a player Sony.

Дайте ответы на вопросы:

1.What is necessary to brush every day? 2.What is dangerous to keep at home? 3.What is pleasant to listen to? 4.What is important to know?

1.What is difficult to study? 2.Who is necessary to help? 3.What is comfortable to use? 4.What is a marvelous sight to see?

1.What is pleasant to drink? 2.What is exciting to watch? 3.Who is important to listen to? 4.What is difficult to play?

1.Who is important to support? 2.What is useful to eat every day? 3. What is necessary to keep clean? 4. What is important to recycle?

Составьте предложения из слов:

1.programme, to watch, TV, is, interesting. 2.dangerous, a car, is, to drive, at night.

1.book, exciting, is, this, to read. 2.English, is, well, to learn, important.

1.to help, the disabled, necessary, are, every day. 2.is, bicycle, Ann’s, to ride, safe.

1.new, is, washing - machine, our, to use, easy. 2.are, pets, easy, not, to take care of.

Составьте 5 типов вопросов к предложению:

The Russian folk tales are interesting to read.

Long poems are boring to learn.

Your teeth are necessary to brush every day.

Homework is important to do every day.    



Предварительный просмотр:

                     Form 7. Unit 5. “Do You Have Any Problems with Your Friends?” Test.

Заполните пропуски:

 I.        rel., lo.al, fr..nd, igno.., s.ppo.tive, con.ider. te.

 II.      fr..ndship, betr.y, bo.ing, sh.re, che.r up, advi.ce.

 III.    w.rry, simil.r, f..give, e.ch, respon..ble, br.iny.

 IV.    te.se, to advi.e, q.arrel, c.aracter, su..estion, id.al.

Заполните пропуски предлогами:  on, by, about, of, with, for.

I.       1.Friends rely … each other. 2.My friend is a good person to share secrets … .3.He always              

           cheers me … in difficult situations. 4.Friends always stand … each other. 5.We like to talk ...

          our ambitions.

II.      1.I like to share my problems … my friend. 2.I often ask my mum  … advice. 3.My parents

            always rely … me. 4.We have similar hobbies … my friend. 5.The characters … my friends  

           are different                                                                                                                                  III.     1.I never ask him … help. 2.We can keep secrets … each other. 3.He always talks … his

           problems  with his parents. 4.I cant agree … his opinion. 5.My mum always relies … me.

IV.     1.Don’t worry … me. 2.You may share your secrets … me. 3.You may rely … me. 4.What

             did you fight … ? 5.Tom is one … my loyal friends.

Закончи предложения всеми возможными вариантами:  a) keeps secrets; b) worries about himself; c)ignores your problems; d) tries to understand; e)helps you; f) never thinks about you; g) can betray you; h)always teases you.

I.         1.A true friend is a person who … . 2.A false friend is a person who … .

II.       1.A good friend is a person who … . 2. A bad friend is a person who … .

III.      1.A supportive friend is a person who … . 2. A responsible friend is a person who … .

IV.      1.A false friend is a person who … . 2.An understanding friend is a person who … .

Переведите на английский язык:

I.         1.У меня есть сестра, с которой я делюсь секретами. 2.Школа – это место, где я

            получаю хорошие знания. 3.Мои одноклассники – это люди, с которыми я никогда не


 II.      1.Я не люблю людей, которые могут предать. 2.Мои родители – это люди, которые

            всегда мне помогают. 3.Друг – это человек, который всегда понимает тебя.

1.Гимназия – это школа, которая дает хорошие знания. 2.Друзья – это люди, которые никогда не предают тебя. 3.В гимназии я получаю знания, которые могут помочь мне в будущем.

1.Ложный друг – это человек, который может предать тебя. 2.Книги – это вещи, которые могут дать тебе хороший совет. 3.Лето – это сезон, который мне нравится больше всего.

Задайте все виды вопросов к предложению:

Bad friends can help you to get into trouble.

A lot of friends need a lot of time.

Good friendship needs time to grow.

A friend to everyone can’t be a friend to anyone.

Предварительный просмотр:


            Билет 1.   “Lilly and Jimmy”

        Lilly and Jimmy are hungry. There is no bread on the table. There is no cheese in the cupboard. Jimmy’s mother is not at home. Jimmy’s sister is at school. The little Puppy, Rommbo, is hungry too. There are many apples in the garden. But Jimmy cannot pick the apples because they are too high in the apple-tree.

         Lilly and Jimmy sit under the apple-tree and look at the apples. The apples are ripe, and round, and juicy. The children are very hungry.

         “Can you bring a long, long stick, Jimmy.” asks Lilly.

          “Yes, I can, of course,” says Jimmy.

          “Give me an apple, Jimmy,” says Lilly.

           “But I have no apples,” says Jimmy.

           “Where are the apples?” asks little Lilly.

           “They are high in the tree,” answers Jimmy.

            “Give me one apple, Jimmy.” Little Lilly says again.

           “How can I give you an apple if they are too high,” says Jimmy angrily.

             “Couldn’t you take a long stick,” answers Lilly. She is also angry with Jimmy.

            “Why must I bring a stick if you want apples?” asks Jimmy.

           “You are a silly, silly boy.” says his little clever sister.

            Try to guess why little Lilly says that Jim is a silly boy.

Билет 2.     “Why Some Trees are Evergreen”

     The cold days of winter had come, but one little bird couldn’t go with other birds to the warm south. His wing was broken. And now he was alone in the cold world of frost and snow.

      “The forest looks warm,” thought the little bird. “I shall ask one of the trees if I can live in its branches (ветви) till spring.” So the little bird hopped along till he came to a beautiful birch-tree (береза).

          “Beautiful Birch-tree,” said the little bird, “My wing is broken. May I live in your branches?”

           “No, no, little bird, I’m sorry for you, but I am not very strong”, said the birch-tree.

           “Well, the oak-tree (дуб) is bigger and stronger,” thought the bird. “I shall ask the oak-tree to help me” and the little bird hopped to the oak-tree.

         “Oak”, said the bird, “you are strong enough. My wing is broken. I could not fly away with my friends. May I live in your branches till spring time?”

          “Till spring time?’ said the oak-tree, “That’s long time. I must think about my corns. I’m sorry, but I can’t help you.”

            Maybe the willow (ива) will be kinder to me.” Thought the little bird and flew to the willow.


Билет 3.   “Tea”.

        Every morning we begin our day with a cup of tea. We drink tea every day. But only three hundred years ago people in Europe did not know anything about tea.

       There is a story of an English sailor who brought home some tea leaves as a present for her mother.

        She told her friends about the present and invited them for dinner to try “tea”. When her friends came, the old woman brought in a dish and put it in the table. There were brown leaves of tea on it. The guests began to eat those leaves, but , of course, nobody liked it. At that moment the sailor came in. He looked at the table, smiled and said: “Mother, what have you done with those leaves?”  “I have boiled them as you told me to do” answered the woman. “And where is the water?” asked the sailor. “I have thrown it away, of course?” was the answer. “Now you may throw the leaves away too,” said her son.

                  Maybe this story is only a joke. But it shows that people in England at that time knew very little about tea and liked to tell jokes about it.

Билет 4.       “The Little Fir- Tree”

       A little fir-tree lived in the forest. It had leaves like long green needles. It was a pretty little tree, but it was not happy.

         One day it said, “I don’t like needles (иголки). My needles are hard. The birds will not make nests in them. All the other trees have leaves. I wish I had green leaves too”.  And  it was just like other trees. “Now I am happy,” said the tree

        But a goat came and ate all the green leaves.

        “Oh, “said the fir-tree. “I wish gold leaves and then goats won’t eat my leaves”.

   When its leaves became gold, the tree was happy. But a man came and took all the gold leaves, and the fir-tree was unhappy again. So it wanted to have glass leaves.

      Next morning it had her leaves made of glass, and it boasted: “How happy I am. See my leaves shining in the sun”. But suddenly a strong wind began to blow and broke all the glass leaves.  “Oh, I wish I had my needles again,” cried the fir-tree, “Goats won’t eat them. A man won’t take them and the wind won’t break them.”

      Then the tree went to sleep. Next day it had all its needles again. “Oh, I have never been so happy as I am now,” said the tree.    


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