Олимпийский урок по английскому языку в 6-8 классах
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6,7,8 класс) по теме
Олимпийский урок по английскому языку для 6-8 классов в рамках программы "Олимпийское образование 2012"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Theme: Favourite British activities. Doing sport.
Цели урока:
- Расширить лексический запас учащихся по теме «Спорт»;
- Развить коммуникативные навыки в общении на спортивные темы;
- Воспитать интерес к спорту и спортивным мероприятиям.
Оборудование: картинки с изображением разных видов спорта, копии текста «National sports in England».
Timing 2min 2 min 4 min 2 min 7 min 10 min 8 min 5 min | Methods and steps
Task1. What kinds of sport do you know? SPORTS Swimming Task2.What are your favourite sports? 3. Presentation: Task 1. 1. Look at the pictures, Do you know what sports are these? 2. What Olympic Games will be in Sochi in 2014? 3. Winter or Summer? 4. Practice: British are great lovers of sport. What British sports are different from Russian ones? Task1. Read the text about National sports in England. National sports in Great Britain… It is a very interesting question, because many kinds of sports have taken the origin in England. The Englishmen love sports, they are called sports-lovers in spite of this fact, that some of them neither play games nor even watch them. They only like to speak about sports. Some kinds of sports are professional in England. Popular and famous players have a lot of money. Many traditional sporting contests take place in England, for example, Cricket. It is played from May till September. There are many cricket clubs in this country. People like to play cricket. They say that summer without cricket isn‘t summer. If you play cricket you must wear white boots, a white shirt and white long trousers. Football. It has a long history. Football was played by the whole village teams in the middle ages in England. Now football is the most popular game in Britain. It is a team game. There are some amateur teams but most of the teams are professional ones in England. Football is played at school too. Rugby. You can see a ball in this game, but it is not round. It is oval. This is a team game too. There are fifteen players in each team. It is very popular game in Britain. There are many amateur rugby teams. Table tennis. Englishmen heard about table tennis in 1880.Then the International Table Tennis Association was formed and the international rules were worked out. Many people like to play table tennis. This game is played by men and women too. There some tennis clubs in England, but if you go to play there it is necessary to pay money for it. Englishmen like to play tennis but many of them prefer to watch this game. Wimbledon. It is the centre of the lawn tennis. Some years ago Wimbledon was a village, but now it is a part of London and a famous Stadium. You can see All England Tennis Club there. Wimbledon tennis tournament is famousall over the world. Englishmen pay much attention to swimming, rowing and walking. Usually the Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race takes place at the end of March or at the beginning of April. It is an interesting contest between the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Usually it is held on the Thames. The first such race was held in 1820. There are a lot of people watching this race. There are some other racing competitions in Britain. They are motor-racing, dogracing, donkey-racing, horse-racing, boat-racing. All kinds of racing are very popular in England. It is interesting to see the egg-and-spoon racing. The runner, who takes part in this competition, must carry an egg in a spoon. It is not allowed to drop the egg. We must speak about the Highland Games in Scotland. All competitors wear Highland dress. There are such competitions as putting the weight, tossing the caber and others. The British are great lovers of sports. Task 2: answer the questions: 1. The Englishmen love sport, don‘t they? 2. What kind of traditional sporting contests in England do you know? 3. Are there any cricket clubs in Britain? 4. Do people play cricket in winter or in summer? 5. What is the most popular game in Britain? 6. Is the ball oval or round in rugby? 7. Is table tennis played by men or by women? 8. Do the English like watching games? 9. What kinds of racing are popular in England? 10. Have you read any books about sports in Great Britain? 11. When were Olympic Games in Great Britain? 12. Where and when will the next Olympic Games take place? 4. Production: Task1. Discuss with your friends the advantages and disadvantages of doing sports. These questions will help you. 1. What do you think about doing sports? 2. Do all your classmates like doing sports? 3. What kinds of sports do they go in for? 4. What is your favorite sport? 5. What kind of sport would you like to do? 5. End of the lesson. HW Write about your favourite kind of sport. | Patterns T-S S1,S2 – T T - S1, S2 T - S1, S2 T - S1, S2 Individual S1- S2- S3 Pairs |
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План проведения олимпийского урока
по английскому языку в 6-8 классах
Учитель Колодяжная О.А.
ОМСК - 2012
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