Презентация ученика 2"а" класса Саркисяна Артёма "Времена года".
презентация по английскому языку по теме
Данная презентация наглядно демонстрирует красоту природы в любое время года.
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Autumn. September. September is the time for school, It can be warm, it can be cool. But pupils are to read, to write, To do their lessons. Am I right ?
Autumn. October. October days are short and cold. A lot of leaves are red and gold. They cover roads in the park And rustle softly in the dark.
Autumn. November. It rains and snows in November. Last year was snowy, I remember. We’ve got a real snowfall And all became white after all.
Winter. December . I like December, More than November. I play ice-hockey With my brother Rocky.
Winter. January. On the first of January All celebrate the New Year And how we will spend this day, So we shall live the coming year.
Winter. February. The little month of February Comes always after January. The winter is becoming sad, The weather windy, Always bad.
Spring. March. March stands between two seasons. It has for that two reasons : It’s cold still , the snow is melting. And at the door the Spring is waiting.
Spring. April. April weather is unsteady And you always must be ready For the wind, For the rain fall. For the sunshine, After all.
Spring. May. I like the merry month of May, For I can play the whole day, With friends, with little doggy Spot, The weather ‘s warm and even hot.
Summer. June. Big holidays begin in June. The sun shines so bright at noon. The flowers blossom And the grass is green. The fruits of the garden are to be seen.
Summer. July. Journey is so bright in July. Why ? There’s only one reply ; Days are sunny, nights are warm. Seas are quiet, with no storm.
Summer. August. Nature is so bright in August. It’s the best time for the forest. Crops are ripening in the field. The harvest comes of the yield.
I like summer . I can go to the wood, If the weather’s so good I can run and bathe, and swim And be healthy and so trim.
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