Книжки-малышки на английском языке.
книга по английскому языку по теме
Собрание сказок, рассказов на английском языке с диснеевскими рисунками. Книжки можно распечатать и собрать как книжки-малышки, используя инструкцию. Некоторые книжки можно не только читать, но и самим раскрасить.
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The wolf falls into the hot soup! He shouts, “Ouch!” and jumps out of the pot. He runs into the forest and never goes back to the pigs. The little pigs are happy. They aren’t afraid of the big bad Wolf. | They run into the house and hide under the bed. The oldest pig closes the door. The Wolf comes to the brick house. He says, “Let me in!” But the little pig doesn’t open the door. The wolf blows. The house doesn’t "I can’t blow down the house,” he shouts, “I will go home!" But the wolf doesn’t leave. There is a big fire. On the big fire |
The youngest pig builds a house made of straw. The middle pig builds a house made of wood and leaves. The oldest pig builds a house made of bricks. His house is the strongest. He knows the big bad wolf can’t blow it down. The youngest and the middle pigs laugh and dance. They aren’t worried about the wolf. Three little pigs live in the forest. One day the oldest and cleverest pig says: "Cold weather comes. We must build houses for the winter". | The big bad wolf sees the houses of little pigs. First he goes to the house made of straw. He says, “Let me in!” But the little pig doesn’t open the door. Then the Wolf blows and blows. The house of the youngest little pig breaks. He runs to his middle brother. He shouts, “Help!” The middle pig says: "My house is strong. The Wolf can’t break it". The Wolf goes to the house of the middle pig. He say, “Let me in!” But the little pig doesn’t open the door. He blows. Some leaves fall down. He blows again. The house moves. The Wolf blows and blows. The house falls down and the two little pigs run to the house of their oldest brother. |
Text adapted from: Три Поросенка / Three Little Pigs. Английский язык в сказках; Drawings from: http://www.coloring-book.info/coloring/coloring_page.php?id=89;
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