The cleverest
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Внеклассное мероприятие для 6 класса, на подобии игры "Самый умный". Игра содержит все материалы,необходимые для проведения. Включает в себя как грамматический материал,так и лексический, подходящий по уровню 6 класса.
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Предварительный просмотр:
«The cleverest»
(викторина для 6-х классов в рамках предметной недели иностранного языка)
Учитель английского языка
Морозова Н.В.
Г.Нижний Новгород
Цель: развитие коммуникативных навыков посредством иностранного языка
1)обобщение изученного материала, тренировка фонетических и грамматических навыков, актуализация навыков диалогической речи, актуализация изученной лексики,
2) развитие внимания, мышления, памяти, воображения,
3) воспитание интереса к изучению иностранного языка
Оборудование: карточки с таблицами для отборочного тура, табло с клетками разного цвета, мультимедиа, бланки оценок для жюри.
Ход занятия
1. Оргмомент.
-Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Today we are going to find out who can better cope with his or her emotions, who is the quickest player in your group and finally who is the cleverest pupil in your class. And now, I ask you to introduce themselves.
(Pupils introduce themselves).
Thank you. Now we know each other and I think it’s high time to start our intellectual game “The Cleverest”.
So let me explain to you some rules. Our quiz consists of 3 rounds. The first is Selection round, after that 6 participants who gave the right answers will take part in the second round. Then there will be the final third round. And at last we’ll find out who is the cleverest! So, are you ready? Let’s start.
(отборочный тур)
Choose from the words on the right the name of the person who is in charge of or the leading person in the group, place on the left.
(ученики должны соотнести соответствующие профессии с местом их профессиональной деятельности).
№ | Сфера деятельности | Выбор |
1 | a TV programme | Manager |
2 | A shop | A teacher |
3 | A school | Principal |
4 | A college | President |
5 | The governing party | Conductor |
6 | An orchestra | Captain |
7 | A republic | Prime Minister |
8 | A hospital | Abbot |
9 | A football team | Producer |
10 | A monastery | A nurse |
Let’s now see how you should have done it. The correct order is:
№ | Сфера деятельности | Выбор |
1 | a TV programme | Producer |
2 | A shop | Manager |
3 | A school | A teacher |
4 | A college | Principal |
5 | The governing party | Prime Minister |
6 | An orchestra | Conductor |
7 | A republic | President |
8 | A hospital | A nurse |
9 | A football team | Captain |
10 | A monastery | Abbot |
- Now let’s see who will stay with us and who will leave our game.
(Жюри выбирает правильно ответивших учеников и называет имена тех, кто проходит во второй тур. По итогам 1-го раунда выбираются 6 участников – те игроки, которые раньше других смогут правильно выполнить задание).
- Round No.2. Each of you will now answer my questions and you will have only 2 minutes to do it. You should give as many correct answers as possible. If you don’t know the answer, say “pass”. The jury will count the number of correct answers. At the end of this round we’ll choose only 3 participants who will take part in the final third round. Is it clear? Let’s start.
(Каждый из 6 участников по очереди отвечает на вопросы ведущего. За ограниченный период времени – 2 минуты – ему необходимо правильно ответить на максимальное количество вопросов. По итогам 2-го раунда выбираются 3 финалиста).
- How many parts are there in Great Britain?
- What river is the capital situated on?
- Who is the head of the country?
- What is the home of the Queen?
- What is the double-decker?
- What is the symbol of England?
- Where did the detective Sherlock Holmes live?
- What is the most famous lake in Scotland?
- Why is the city Bath called so?
- Who is the most famous woman-writer of detective stories?
- What books of English writers do you know?
- What is the oldest part of London?
- What is the symbol of Scotland?
- What is the symbol of Wales?
- What is the Scottish national costume?
- What is the national instrument of Scots?
- When do British people celebrate Christmas?
- Who wrote about Winnie the Pooh?
- Who is the writer of “Mary Poppins”?
- Who is the author of books about Harry Potter?
- What river does London stand?
- What is the central square of London?
- What holiday is celebrated on the 31st of October?
- How many parts does the UK consist of?
- What traditional song is performed at a British birthday party?
- What vegetable is traditional on Halloween?
- What animal is Australia famous for?
- Name the biggest island and the smallest continent in the world?
- Who discovered the American continent?
- In what British museum can people see wax copies of famous people?
- The creator of Mickey Mouse is …?
- What is a double-decker?
- Who is Elizabeth the second?
- What is the most famous clock in London?
- What Conan Dole wrote?
- What British author wrote the fantasy tales “The Lord of the Rings”?
- It’s been a fortress, a palace and zoo. Now it is a museum?
- What is the oldest university of the UK?
- What holiday do the British celebrate on the 14th of February?
- And at last we are almost at the end of four intellectual game. Now you’ll have the following task: each of you chooses one of 3 topics: Grammar, Lexis and Reading. Each topic has its own colour, for example, Grammar – blue, Lexis – red and Reading – yellow. Then here on the screen you’ll see a table with 35 boxes. You should remember the location of your boxes with your colour. Then this table will be changed for another one, without any colours. You will name the number of boxes that you remembered and answer my questions according to your chosen topic. For each correct answer on the question of your topic you’ll get – 2 points, on the question of your competitor – 3 points and general – 1 point. Let’s start!
(Каждому участнику на выбор предлагается 3 темы. Участник выбирает свою тему. Каждой теме соответствует свой цвет: Грамматика – синий, Лексика – красный, Чтение - желтый, общие вопросы без цвета. На экране появляется таблица из 35 клеток. Финалисты должны запомнить ячейка своего цвета. Таблица демонстрируется 30 секунд. Затем её меняет таблица не цветная. Участники по памяти называют ячейки своего цвета и отвечают на вопрос. За каждый правильный ответ по своей теме участники получают 2 балла, за тему соперника – 3 балла, за общую тему – 1 балл.
Special Topic
- - Name the second form of “speak’?(spoke)
- - Name the fifth letter of the English alphabet?(E)
- - Name a synonym of “small”?(little)
- - Name the definite article.? (the)
20 – Name the Plural form of “child”? (children)
26 – Name the plural form of “mouse”? (mice)
29 – Is the word “money” countable or uncountable? (uncount.)
35 – Name the opposite to “black”? (white)
- – Translate “ help yourself” (угощайся!)
- – translate “добро пожаловать” (Welcome!)
13 – What is the English equivalent of the verb “должен”?(must)
15 - What is the Russian equivalent of the verb “пересказывать”? (retell)
18 – Speak in English “Я увлекаюсь спортом” (I’m fond of sport)
23 – Translate “My favourite holiday is Christmas” (Мой любимый праздник-Рождество)
27 – Continue the sentence “I have never…” (been to London)
31 - Continue the sentence “I go to school …” (by bus)
- – Who is the author of the literary treasure “Alice in Wonderland” (Carroll)
16 – Who wrote the story about “Winnie-the-Pooh and his Friends”? (Alan Milne)
19 – What’s the most famous story of Mark Twain? (Tom Sywer)
21 – Read the word by transcription “ðеn” (then)
22 – How do read the letters “oo” in the “flood” (ä)
25 – Who wrote “The adventures of Robinson Crusoe” (D. Defoe)
30 – Name the subject, where you read stories, learn poems by heart and know about writers (literature)
33 – Who is the main hero of the story by Conan Doyle. (Sherlock Holmes)
General questions
1 – what is the bagpipe? (musical instrument)
5 – translate “my father is fond of travelling” (мой папа увлекается путешествиями)
6 – translate “я тебя люблю” (I love you)
10 – What’s the name of British Queen? (Elizabeth the Second)
12 – What is the Big Ben? (the bell)
14 – Where does the British Queen live? (The Buckingham Palace)
17 – The subject where you draw pictures? (Art)
24 – What is the official language in Australia? (English)
28 – translate “Как дела?” (How are you?)
32 - How many letters in the English ABC? (22)
34 – What does it mean “Russian Tea” (чай с лимоном)
Во время ответов учащихся, одному из членов жюри необходимо вести подсчет баллов.
Другой член жюри вычеркивает номера вопросов, которые уже назвали, чтобы избежать повторов. Как только будут полностью разыграны все вопросы одной из тем – жюри называет имя победителя (при условии, что количество его баллов превышает количество баллов других участников).
-So, there no more questions left in this topic. The jury will now announce the name of the winner. And the winner is … . I would like to thank all participants! All of you are very bright and smart. But the cleverest pupil among you is … . Let’s congratulate him.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Who is the cleverest?
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The cleverest
"Самый умный"-игра, которая поможет повторить грамматику английского языка в 6-7 классах....
"Who is the cleverest?"
Разработка внеклассного мероприятияпо английскому языкудля учащихся 8 класса...
Презентация-игра "Who is the cleverest?"
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