Разделительные вопросы
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Разделительные вопросы


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Слайд 1

Tag-questions Разделительные вопросы

Слайд 2

The weather is fine today, isn`t it ? Сегодня хорошая погода, не так ли ?

Слайд 3

You liked the film, didn`t you ? Вам понравился фильм, не так ли ?

Слайд 4

She is a very good pupil, isn`t she ?

Слайд 5

«Разные мостики» won`t you?/will you? doesn`t she?/does she? don`t you?/do you? didn`t we?/did we? wasn`t he?/was he?

Слайд 6

Правило №1. +- /-+ +,-? His friends are students, aren`t they ? - ,+? His friends aren`t students, are they?

Слайд 7

Правил о №2. Глаголы. to be(am, is, are, was, were ) to have(has, had ) w ill/shall c an/could w ould/must

Слайд 8

Правил о №2. Глаголы. You can`t finish this work today, can you? They have got a big house, haven`t they? She is a girl, isn`t she? You will go to school tomorrow, won`t you? He must work, mustn`t he?

Слайд 9

Правило №3. «Загадочные мостики» You like detective stories, ____ you ? You like detective stories, don`t you? My sister plays the piano well, ___ she ? My sister plays the piano well, doesn`t she?

Слайд 10

Правило №3. «Загадочные мостики» My friends saw us, ___ they? My friends saw us, didn`t they? I walk ed yesterday, didn`t I? I didn`t walk yesterday, did I?

Слайд 11

How to answer? - She was in England a year ago, wasn`t she? – Yes, she was/- No, she wasn`t. -You don`t go to music school on Saturdays, do you? – No, I don`t/-Yes, I do.

Слайд 12

Ex. 7 p. 27 – B. It`s a lovely evening, ______? It`s a lovely evening, isn`t it ?

Слайд 13

Ex. 7 p. 27 – B. The sportsman runs very fast, … ? It was a wonderful game, … ? You will come here again, … ? We could go there together, … ? You know my family, … ? Doesn`t he? wasn`t it? Won`t you? Don`t you? Couldn`t we?

Слайд 14

Ex. 7 p. 27 – B. The sportsman runs very fast, doesn`t he? It was a wonderful game, wasn`t it ? You will come here again, won`t you? We could go there together, couldn`t we? You know my family, don`t you?

Слайд 15

Ex. 7 p. 27 – B. You don`t need any help, … ? Paul isn`t good at Maths , … ? Your parents aren`t from Britain, … ? Our match wasn`t interesting today, … ? Your teacher won`t give you much homework for the weekend, … ? w ill she? i s he? a re they? d o you? w as it?

Слайд 16

Ex. 7 p. 27 – B. You don`t need any help, do you ? Paul isn`t good at Maths , is he? Your parents aren`t from Britain, are they ? Our match wasn`t interesting today, was it ? Your teacher won`t give you much homework for the weekend, will she?

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Разделительные вопросы.

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