Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему "Пасха"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Дается характеристика праздника на английском и русском языках.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок - ролевая игра.
Смещение акцента активной деятельности учителя на активную деятельность учащихся – основной принцип повышения эффективности обучения.
Цель урока: совершенствование приобретенных навыков и знаний устной речи, расширение кругозора учащихся, повышение кросс-культурной грамотности учащихся, стремление выявить интерес к истории страны изучаемого языка.
Форма урока.
Урок на тему «Пасха» нетрадиционный, который проходит по типу «ролевой игры». Дается характеристика праздника на английском и русском языках. Обсуждение празднования «Пасхи» в России и Англии.
Задачи урока:
- формирование умения написать поздравительную открытку;
- привлечение интереса к чтению стихов на английском языке;
- активация лексики по теме «Пасха»;
- активация творческих способностей учащихся и интереса к изучаемому языку.
Оборудование: открытки, самодельные поделки яиц, магнитофон, игрушка-кролик, кассета, плакаты.
Ход урока:
Teacher: Good morning, children.
Pupils: Good morning.
Teacher: Sit down please.
The theme of today′s lesson is “Easter”. It′s a religious holiday. The people celebrate it in many countries and in Russia too. You will know about Easter traditions and symbols.
Сообщения детей:
P1. The cross
Christ was crucified on a cross, so the cross has come to have a special meaning to Christians. It represents Christ′s victory over death.
P2. The lamb
Jesus was known as the lamb of God. Early Christians adopted this as a sign of Christ′s sacrifice on the cross. Lamb is now a traditional Easter meat.
P3. Eggs
Eggs represent new life. In England friends wrote messages on colored eggs. The practice of coloring and exchanging eggs has been carried on in many parts of the world. Often eggs are left by the Easter bunny for children to find on Easter morning.
P4. In America and around the world many children believe that the Easter bunny brings Easter eggs and hides them for finding on Easter morning. Where did this tradition begin?
There are many different legends. But here is a popular one.
P5. Звучит легенда
Long ago in Germany there lived an old loving woman who adored children. Each year she would give children gifts to celebrate spring. One year she had nothing to give them. All she had were some eggs. She colored the eggs and hid them in the grass.
When the children arrived, she told them to run out into the lawn to find their gifts hiding there.
Just as one of the children uncovered the eggs, a large rabbit hopped away.
So the children thought that the rabbit had left eggs for them!
Teacher: А как же в России празднуют Пасху?
P7. In Russia Easter is celebrated too. The only remnant of Easter is Maslennitsa, an ancient Slavic pagan festival which lasted many days and marked the end of winter and the beginning of farm work for spring. The people celebrate it with sleigh rides and snowball fights; huge snow sculptures and ice carvings are made and carnivals, processions, fairs and dances are held.
People dress up and go from house to house collecting money, and then straw figures representing winter are burned on bonfires.
Teacher: Слово «Пасха» откуда оно произошло? Мы узнаем из следующего сообщения.
P8. The world “Easter” comes from “Easter” or “Eostre” the Anglo-Saxon goddess of the dawn whose spring festival was celebrated in April. Before the arrival of Christianity, people believed that the sun died in winter and was born again in spring.
On the day of the spring equinox they would sing and dance as the sun rose in the sky.
Teacher: Когда же празднуется Пасха?
P9. The first Easter took place during the Passover feast, which is always celebrated at full moon, so to keep Easter day on a Sunday it was decided that Easter should always be celebrated on the first full moon after the spring equinox (21 March).
Teacher: А сейчас мы узнаем в какие игры играют в этот день.
Игра: “Who has got the eggs?” Дети встают в круг, а в центре сидит ребенок, рядом яйцо. Дети водят хоровод и поют:
”Bunny rabbit,
Where′s your eggs?
Bunny rabbit, guess!
Ask who′s got it,
Bunny rabbit!
See who answers yes!
Ребенок должен угадать у кого яйцо. Затем они меняются местами.
Teacher: А также к этому празднику делают украшения, открытки и подарки.
P10. Easter decorations: flowers, eggs, rabbits and chicks.
They can create a springtime atmosphere in the classroom or at home.
Демонстрируются поделки, которые дети выполнили дома.
Easter tree.
What you need.
Decorated eggs, a twig or small branch of tree.
What to do.
Stick the branch into a solid base of Plasticine or put it into a vase of spring flowers and hang the eggs from the branches.
P11. Easter card.
What you need.
Sheet of card, felt – tipped pens, crayons.
What to do.
Fold the sheet of card, so that the edges overlap.
Draw and cut out an egg shape on the folded front.
One the inside either draw or paint on Easter chick and write a message “Happy Easter”.
Teacher: Now we shall listen to a song “Happy Easter”.
Звучит песня “Happy Easter”.
Ребята исполняют песню.
- Here′s my Easter bunny rabbit,
What a funny bunny!
A little tail and long ears,
My bunny
Is so funny!
- Here′s my Easter bunny rabbit,
What a funny bunny?
He jumps here,
He jumps there,
My bunny is so funny!
Подводятся итоги занятия.
Teacher: Thank you very much for your work.
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