The Little House
материал по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
The Little House.
Персонажи: ведущий, мышка, лягушка, медведь, заяц, лиса.
Ведущий. It’s time to put our masks on and to start our fairy - tale.
What is the title of the tale?
Дети: The little house.
Дети одеваются, звучит музыка из передачи «В гостях у сказки».
There is a house in the wood, wood, wood
A little mouse is running through the wood, wood, wood.
She stops at the door, door, door
She says at the door, door, door:
The mouse. I am a little mouse and this is my house.
Ведущий. The mouse is alone and she decides to learn the ABC and all the animals in the forest listen to her and remember the ABC song.
The ABC song. ( Можно петь на известный мотив, а мы поем на до- ре- ми- фа - соль -ля- си ).
Музыкальная заставка звучит и выпрыгивает лягушка.
The frog. What a nice house! Who lives here? ( Все персонажи издают типичные для них имитационные звуки ).
The mouse. I do. I am a tiny grey mouse. And who are you?
The frog. I am a green funny frog. May I live with you?
The mouse. Yes, of course. You are welcome!
Ведущий. So they are two now. The mouse can count well and she teaches the frog to do the sums.
Здесь можно взять любую песню на счет, считалку, нам очень нравится песенка из сборника Г. Доля.
One, one , one - little dog run!
Two, two, two - cats see you!
Thee, three, three - birds in the tree!
Four, four, four - rats on the floor!
Звучит музыка, появляется медведь.
The bear. What a nice little house! I’d like to live in it. Who lives here?
The mouse. I am a grey little mouse.
The frog. I am a green funny frog.
Together. And who are you?
The bear. I’m a big brown bushy bear. May I live with you?
The mouse and the frog. Come in. Let’s live together!
Ведущий. The three animals are happy. In the evenings the mouse and the frog teach the bear to dance well, because he is so clumsy.
Песенка инсценировка «Teddy bear».
Teddy bear, teddy bear look around.
Teddy bear, teddy bear touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear switch off the light.
Teddy bear, teddy bear say «Good night».
Бежит испуганный зайка, трясется от страха.
The hare. Here is a house in the wood, wood, wood. Who lives here?
- I’m a grey tiny mouse
- I’m a green funny frog
- I’m a big brown bushy bear
- And who are you?
The hare. I’m a grey unhappy hare.
The animals. What’s the matter?
The hare. Oh, help me, please! An awful fox wants to catch me. Oh, help me, help me, please!
The animals. Be quick! Come here!
Заяц дрожит, очень напуган. Все зверушки успокаивают его.
Don’t be afraid! We’ll help you!
Появляется лиса.
The fox. Oh, what a nice little house! Who lives here, I wonder?
The animals. We do, four true friends. And who are you?
The fox. I’m a sly red fox. Where is the hare? ( Лиса ищет зайца, принюхивается ). Зверушки гонят ее, закрывают зайца.
Go away! Go away! You are bad.
The fox. No, no. I’m good. I’m fluffy. I’m very kind. May I live with you?
Ведущий. Will you be good to the animals?
The fox. Yes, I will (shall ). I promise.
The animals. Come in then. Let’s live together.
Ведущий. The animals are happy in their house. The fox teaches them to dance her favourite dance «One, two, three on the tiptoes». Would you like to learn it? Follow us then! Let’s dance together!
One, two, three on the tiptoes,
One, two, three on the tiptoes,
One, two, three on the tiptoes,
Clap, clap step aside.
Ведущий. Be children again. Take off your masks . You are not animals any more. You are pretty children again.