Урок-путешествие (нач.ступень обучения)
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Данный урок был разработан для учащихся 5 класса (1 год обучения) по программе Кузовлева В.П. Считаю, что элементы урока можно также использовать при обучении по другим программам.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок- соревнование в 5 классе по теме
“A trip to London ”
1. The theme: “A trip to London.”
2. The aim: 1) Образовательный аспект: Совершенствование навыков
говорения, чтения, аудирования, письма.
2) Познавательный аспект: знакомство с традициями и
достопримечательностями Лондона.
3)Развивающий аспект: развитие языковых,
интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей учащихся.
3. The equipment: виды Лондона, карточки, карта, магнитофон, компьютер.
1. Good morning! Glad to see you! Our lesson is unusual; we’ll have a competition, that’s why we have a jury (the pupils of the ninth form).
Children, I know that you like reading books, and I’m sure that you’ve read a novel by English writer Robert Louis Stevenson “Treasure Island”. One of the pirates whose name was Flint had buried treasure. One part of the treasure was found by Captain Silver on Treasure Island. But the other part of it (as you know from the book) has not yet been found. I only know that it is in the British Isles, in the capital of Britain. What’s the capital of Britain? So the treasure is hidden in London.
2. Let’s do a crossword. If we work it out and read the words from top to
bottom, we’ll see where the treasure is in London:
- The ocean that washes the British Isles.(Atlantic)
- The capital of Britain. (London)
- The smallest country of Britain. (Wales)
- The name of the queen of Britain. (Elizabeth)
- The symbol of England. (Rose)
- The country that consists of England, Scotland and Wales.(Britain)
- One of the colours of the flag of Britain. (Red)
- The language that the English speak. (English)
- The favourite English domestic animal. (Dog)
- The weather in Britain. (Foggy)
- The widest river in Britain.( the Thames)
Teacher: Now we see, that the treasure is in London, under the Tower Bridge, beneath the waters of the Thames. Let’s make a trip to London and find the treasure.
3. I think you must know English very well for making your trip to London. Let’s see how you are ready to travel to London (you must read, speak English well)
- I’m sure you know a lot of rhymes (reading competition)
- We’ll train tongue- twisters (let’s see who will be the best?)
- Let’s find the house for each word. How well do you know London? (we’ll see how you know the rules of reading) – (card 1)
- “Mrs. Grammar”
Who knows Grammar best of all? (what questions you can ask your English
friend?) – (card 2)
- The task is: find the pair
Hyde/ Park
Trafalgar/ Square
The Tate/ gallery
The Barbican/ art gallery
Hampton/ court
Covent/ garden
Marble/ Arch
- “Mr. Word”
There are a lot of beautiful words for description of some places.
The task is: make word combinations with these adjectives.
Rare- flowers, animals, books.
Beautiful- picture, film, furcoat, cafe, church.
Charming- gardens, parks, squares, songs, cafe, theatre.
Famous- writers, poets, places.
Amazing- nature, picture, lake, swimming-pool, theatre.
Attractive- valleys, landscapes, land.
Romantic- trip, valley.
4. “At the Customs”. (card 3)
We are going abroad and that’s why we must fill in application forms. Please
write down your name, surname, age, nationality, and home address.
5. Everything is ready! Now we may go to London by plane. Image you
are flying in the plane.
- People like to read, guess puzzles in the plane. ( puzzles)
- You are missing your family, your friends. Try to remember our
beautiful town. (Use the structure)
There is… beautiful (parks, museums, theatres)
There are…. charming (square, cafe…)
attractive (supermarket…)
amazing (swimming-pool)
- Proverbs: East or west home is best.
There is no place like home. (use new words in your situations)
6. “At the airport”.
Now we are in London. You meet English children. (reproduce
the dialogue).
- Are you from Russia?
- Yes, I’m.
- Nice to meet you. Welcome to London.
- What’s your name?
- My name is…
- How old are you?
- I’m…
- Have you got a family?
- Yes, I have…
- What is your favourite sport?
- My favourite sport….
7. “At the cafe”.
Big Ben has struck one. It’s time for lunch. The English have lunch at one o’clock. It’s their tradition. Every country has its customs. So let’s go to the cafe. Please read the menu and work in pairs. Order something for lunch.
Примерные высказывания учащихся:
- Would you like a cup of tea, Mary?
- Yes, please.
- With milk?
- No, thanks.
- Help yourself to the fruit, Mary.
- Thanks a lot. Could you pass me a banana, please?
- Here you are.
8. Look, this is the British library (one of the biggest library in London). A
talk in the library:
- Have you got a guide book? (Historical books. I enjoy reading historical books.)
- Here you are.
- Thanks.
I have an interesting task for you: guess what book it is? I’ll read an episode. (card 4)
9. Now we have a guide book, let’s try to find a way to London Zoo.
- Excuse me! Where is London Zoo?
- London Zoo? Let me think… Go straight Cannot street, and just there you can see London Zoo. (Natural History Museum)
10. “London Zoo”
The zookeeper wants to know what proverbs about animals you know.
- Give Russian equivalents to the proverbs (card 5)
- A rhyme about mice (open the brackets) (card 6)
- Do you know how many years animals live?
- Riddle: If two cats are before a cat,
And two cats are behind a cat,
And a cat is in the middle,
How many cats are there in all?
(Three cats: one after another)
- Dramatize a rhyme
“Where are you going my little cat?”
“Three little kittens”.
- Song “Old Macdonald”
11.“Hyde Park”
Lets have a rest in the park.
- riddles
- guess what holiday it is (card 7)
- try to show pantomime (the other team guesses)
- games:
1.Odd word out (in the chain of words you should find out the
wrong word) (card 8)
2. Change the letters and form the word.
3. Make up words on every letter of this word.
12.Trafalgar Square - one of the most beautiful squares in London. (view
of London, text about Trafalgar Square) Let’s read the text.
13.The Tower of London.
We come closer to the Thames and our next stop is the Tower of London. The Tower of London was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. It is a museum now. There are a lot of interesting collections in the Tower of London. They are guarded by ravens. The legend says that without ravens the Tower will fall. The ravens will not let you pass by if they don t get acquainted with you. Please tell them about yourself. They want to know the following things about you:
- Your name
- Your surname
- Your age
- Your family
Now, we are on the bank of the Thames near the Tower Bridge. We may get our treasure. But it is locked, and the key is an English song. Let us sing a song.
Приложение к уроку
1. I’m black and red and blue. I draw everything for you.
2. Has no legs, but just for fun it is always on the run.
3. It’s blue by night, by day it is white, it s cold and not dry, if falls out from the sky.
4. What is white and fall on the top of the roof?
5. What often falls and never gets hurt?
6. What runs but never walks?
7. They run upon the ground with up turned noses
8. What is it that a man cannot live without?
9. What can fly but has no wings?
Card 1.
land classic
valley jam
lake maze
stadium think
amazing attractive
Card 2.
What questions you can ask your friend:
- you /have/got/a lot of friends?
- What /best/your/friends name/is?
- Do /go to school/on Sundays and you/Saturdays?
- What /do/subjects/you study?
- is /a good day at school/for you/what
- When /your/does/school/start?
- At school, have you got/any clubs?
- Your/favorite/what/subjects is?
Card 3.
Application Form:
Home address
Card 4. Guess what character it is?
- Funny, kind, likes honey, has many friends, lives in the forest, full of ideas, friendly.
- Nice, likes children, children like her, full of imagination, tells wonderful stories, clever, likes to travel to imaginary lands, famous for magic, the best nurse.
- Brave and strong, clever, fond of nature, lives among animals, a true friends of animals.
Card 5. Give Russian equivalents to the proverbs:
- The early bird catches the worm.
- When the cat is away, the mice will play.
- If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.
- A bird maybe knows by its song.
- A cat in gloves catches no mice.
- Every bird likes its own nest.
- All cats are great at night.
- It rains cats and dogs.
- To kill two birds with one stone.
Card 6.
I think mice
(to be) very nice.
Their tails (to be) long,
They faces (to be) small.
They don’t have any
Chins at all.
Their ears (to be) pink.
Their teeth (to be) white.
They run about
The house at night.
But I think mice
(to be) rather nice.
Card 7.
Guess: what holiday it is.
1. On this day children walk from house to house and ask: “Trick or treat!” They dig up pumpkins, cut pumpkin faces, put on spooky costumes. Put the candle inside the pumpkin, light the candle. Put the pumpkin near the house.
2. On this day children do guys. You will hear loud bangs, here, there, everywhere. You’ll see fireworks and bonfire. They make a large bonfire of the guy.
Card 8. The task is: you should find out the wrong word.
1. Cucumbers, fruits, juices, sugar, pudding, nuts, plums, bicycle.
2. Cold, foggy, snowy, frosty, spring, summer, below zero, a valley.
1 A T L A N T I C
2 L O N D O N
3 W A L E S
5 R O S E
6 B R I T A I N
7 R E D
8 E N G L I S H
9 D O G
10 F O G G Y
11 T H A M E S
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