Сценарий мероприятия "Сезоны. Погода".
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Постоева Инна Васильевна

Мероприятие направлено на обобщение и систематизацию знаний учащихся 6ых классов.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Сценарий итогового урока по теме: « Seasons and weather ».

Ведущий: Good afternoon everybody! Good afternoon dear pupils, guests and teachers! We are glad to see you at our party. Today as you see we are going to speak about the seasons , the months and the weather. At our lessons we have read a lot of texts, poems, dialogues on this topic. I see you are ready for today’s party very well. There are four teams here and each team will perform one season of the year. Let’s see how you can speak about the seasons and the weather. And who will give the best answers to my questions. Let’s begin.

Разминка:  1. How many seasons are there in a year?

                2.What are they?

                3. How many months are there in the year?

                4. What are winter     months?




                  5.what is the coldest      season?




                And what season is it now?

                Well done. I see that you are ready. Your answers were very good. I know that you want to tell us poems about the seasons. We’ve prepared a lot of interesting tasks for you. They will be very funny. But at first will you try to guess which season will begin our party?

        Listen to me attentively and try to guess. “It is cool, but sometimes it is warm. The weather is fine. There are first flowers in the fields and parks. We all like this season.

This is the season

When birds make their nests

This is the weather

We all like best.

Children:  It is spring.

Ведущий: You are right. It’s spring. Come here, please, March, April and May.

Pupil 1:     Spring is here

                 Summer is near

                  Grass is green

                   So nice and clean

        Winter, spring, summer, fall

        I like spring best of all.

Pupil 2:          Pass the happy news along

        Listen to the bird’s sweet songs

        Spring is coming, winter’s gone

        Pass the happy news along.

Pupil 3:        I’m happy, I’m happy

        I sing all day

        It’s spring, it’s spring again.

Ведущий:        Thank you very much. And you pupils, do you want to help your spring months?

Pupils:         With great pleasure.

Pupil 4:        In the spring, in the spring

        Sweet and fresh is everything.

Pupil 5:        April weather

        Rain and sunshine both together.

Pupil 6:        In the merry month of May

        All the little birds are gay

        They hop about and sing and say

        Winter days are far away.

        Welcome, welcome merry Hay.

Ведущий:        `Very good. Well done. Sit down, please, spring months. And now, pupils, I want you to have some rest and to do the puzzle. As you see , each season has its colour. Do you know what colours has the rainbow?Then you must put down the cards with colours in the right order according to the colours of the rainbow. In Russian we say: “Каждый Охотник Желает Знать Где Сидит Фазан” If you put the names of the colours as in Russian proverb you will read the English proverb (см. Приложение 1)

Ведущий:        Very well, pupils. We see that you know colours well. Let’s go to another season. Listen to me Guess, please.

        “It is warm. Sometimes it’s hot. The weather is usually fine. There are many flowers in the fields and parks. Children like this season best of all.

        This is the season when nights are short

        And children have plenty of fun and sport

        Boating and swimming all day long

        Will make us well and strong.

        What season is it?

Pupils:        It is summer.

Ведущий:        That’s right. Now I want summer months to come up to me. What poems do you know about summer months?

Pupil 1:        The sun is shining

        Flowers are blooming

        The sky is blue

        And rains are few.

Pupil 2:        Without my shoes

        Without my socks

        My feet touch grass

        My feet touch rocks.

Pupil 3:        Let us make a merry ring

        Talk and laugh and dance and sing

        Quickly, quickly come away

        For it is a pleasant day.

Ведущий:        Thank you summer months. Who wants to tell us the poems about summer?

Pupil 4:        Summer is here

        And the days are long

        And the sun shines bright and strong.

Pupil 5:        Rain, rain go away

        Bob and Sally want to play.

        For the fields and for the wood

Summer rains are very good.

Pupil 6:        Every river, every pool

        After rain is always full.

Ведущий:        Very well, pupils. Nice of you. And now it’s time to have fun. I’ll give you the cards with the adjectives. Your task is to make the Degrees of Comperison to these adjectives. Who will do the task quicker? Let’s start. (см. Приложение 2 )

        Thank you very much. I’ll give you another puzzle. These are the cards with scrambled words. How many of these words can you unscramble? (см. Приложение 3 )

        Are you ready? Then,  let’s check up your words. Please, read them aloud and translate the words you unscrambled.

        The first word is… The second word is… (etc.)

        Well done. Nice of you. How do you think what season will be the next?

Pupils:        Autumn!

Ведущий:        You are right. Now autumn months come here, please. Listen to the poems about autumn.

Pupil 1:        Autumn is season

        When apples are sweet

        It is the season

        When school friends meet.

Pupil 2:        When noisy and gay

        And browned by sun

        With their books and bags

        To school they run.

Pupil 3:        What a rainy season

        The sky is dark and grey.

        No sunshine any more,

        No playing out of doors.

Ведущий:        Thank you very much. Who helps them?

Pupil 4:        But in the rainy season

        I have other joys.

        I read my books and play

        At home with all my toys.

Ведущий:        Now, pupils I want you to do the crossword. Here it is. I’ll read you the poems in Russian and you will finish them in English. The pupil who names the right word will put it into the crossword. (см. Приложение 4 )

        ……. Шапку на уши плотнее надвиньте

                  Ведь холод настал с названием  ……    (winter)

        Which word is the last in our crossword?

Pupils:        Winter!

Ведущий:        You are right. Then let’s speak about winter. What are winter months? Name them, please.

Pupils:        December, January and February.

Ведущий:        Well, then, December, January and February, come here, please. Tell us about winter.

Pupil 1:        This is the season

        When children ski

And old Father Frost

        Brings New Year Tree.

Pupil 2:        The windows are blue at night

        But in the morning they are white.

        And snowflakes are falling

        “Come out”,- they are calling.

Pupil 3:        Little snowflakes, come and play.

        I have nothing to do today.

        Come on, snowflakes, come with me,

        There are many things to see.

Ведущий:        Thank you. Sit down, please. And who wants to help them with the poems about winter?

Pupil 4:        The snow is falling,

        The wind is blowing,

        The ground is white

        All day and all night.

Pupil 5:        Where is my cap?

        My warm little cap?

        My boots and my mittens too?

        I want to go and play in the snow

        And have a lot of fun. Do you?

Pupil 6:        When windows are frosty and icy in places,

        I like to write letters and draw funny faces.

        The snow is falling, the north wind is blowing,

        The ground is white all day and all night.

Ведущий:        Thank you very much, pupils. We see that everybody knows much about seasons. Are you tired?

Pupils :        No!

Ведущий:        Then, let’s have fun! As we have just named all the months of the seasons, I’ll give you the next puzzle to do. These are the cards with the months and the letters. If you put the months in right order you’ll read two new proverbs and try to translate them.  (см. Приложение 5.)


Ведущий:        Pupils, do you like to draw?

Pupils:        Yes, with great pleasure!

Ведущий:        Well boys and girls, do you remember what you can see in the forest, in the street, on the fields in different seasons of the year? Or what can you do in each season? Please, draw some of the things you remember. Complete the pictures. (см. Приложение 6).

        Well done. Name, please, what you have drawn.

        What’s this ……. ?




Ведущий:        And now, pupils, we shall make a story about the seasons. I’ll show the story with the pictures. Your task is to read the story with the help of these pictures and translate the sentences. (см. Приложение 7).

Ведущий:        Well, pupils, our party comes to the end. Do you know what holiday people celebrate in winter?

Pupils:        The New Year!

Ведущий:        You are right. It’s a very nice holiday and Katya will wish us “A Happy New Year”. You are welcome, Katya.

# # # # #

A Happy New Year to you.

        May the New Year bring you way

        Nice, unexpected things each day –

        New joys, new dreams, new plans to make.

        Worth while things to undertake ….

        And may it bring you place of mind.

        Success – the real and lasting kind.

        The gift of health, the joy of friends

        And happiness that never ends!

Ведущий:        Nice of you. Thank you very much. And at last I want to give you only one riddle. I think it’s very easy for you.

        “What man can you make of snow?”

Pupils:        Snowman!

Ведущий:        Yes, you are right! It’s a snowman! And now let’s try to draw the snowman but we shall cover your eyes with a scarf. Stand up in the line, please. Let’s begin. (см. Приложение 8).

Ведущий:        Thank you, everybody. All of you, as we see, know much about the seasons and months of the year. And now we want to listen to our guests.

П Р И Л О Ж Е Н И Е  .

Приложение 1. – Запутанная пословица.

        Все цвета радуги перепутали свои места. Поставь их правильно и прочитаешь английскую пословицу. А в качестве подсказки вот вам русская запоминалка цветов радуги по порядку: Каждый Охотник Желает Знать Где Сидит Фазан.















Приложение 2. – The Degrees of Comperison.

                    Make the Degrees of Comperison of the following adjectives and translate them:

                I. hot                                                 III. bright

                    nice                                                    wonderful

                    interesting                                           happy

                    long                                                    clean

                        II. cold                                              IV. warm

                     small                                                   beautiful

                     clever                                                  big

                     comfortable                                         short

Приложение 3. – Scrambled Words.

Приложение 4. – Nature and Weather.

                    С помощью загадок, в которых рифмуется английское слово-отгадка, решите этот








По горизонтали (Across):

  1. Беда у всех Танюш , Марин:                                            

      Веснушки. Виновата…

  1. Из берегов выходит Рейн –

Неделю льёт сильнейший…

  1. Любуюсь я листьев желтых полётом.

Пора золотая, зовём её…

  1. Нас от жары спасёт панама,

Оно в разгаре наше…

  1. Полюбуйтесь-ка, сосною!

Её снегуркой сделал…

  1. Шапку на уши плотнее надвиньте,

Ведь холод настал с названием…

По вертикали (Down):

  1. Характер погоды капризен

В любое время года - …

Приложение 5. – Запутанная пословица.

Месяцы года перепутали свои места. Поставь их правильно и прочитаешь две английские пословицы.




t / on

a / eve

i / as




tr /ry

u / se

ee / th




fr / its

is /ing

its / in




kn / is

by / od

own / go


Приложение 6. – Сезоны в картинках.

Учащимся предлагается нарисовать предметы или действия, олицетворяющие сезоны. Затем нужно рассказать о нарисованных предметах.

Приложение 7. – Read the text with the help of the pictures. 

Учащимся предъявляется текст в картинках, т.е. вместо слов в скобках нужно вклеить картинки.


  1. There are (12) months in the year.
  2. There are (4) seasons in the year.
  3. They are: (зима, весна, лето, осень).
  4. Every season has (3) months:

(декабрь, январь, февраль;

 март, апрель, май;

июнь, июль, август;

сентябрь, октябрь, ноябрь).

  1. I like winter for the (снег).
  2. And I like to (кататься на коньках).I have good (коньки).
  3. Sometimes we go to (кататься на лыжах). But it is (холодно) in winter.
  4. After (зима) comes spring.
  5. In spring the (трава)  and the  (цветы) grow.
  6. All the (птицы)start to sing.
  7. After (весна) comes my favourite season.
  8. I like (лето) best of all. The weather is (жаркая).
  9. In summer my little (брат) and I go to see our (прародители).
  10. We (плавать) in the river, eat (яблоки) and ride (велосипед).
  11. Then comes autumn. The children (идти в школу).
  12. It is a lot of (дождь) in autumn.
  13. In autumn I often go for a walk with my (зонт).
  14. The (листья) on the trees become red and yellow.

Приложение 8. – Draw the Snowman.

                    Учащимся предлагается нарисовать Снеговика с закрытыми глазами поочерёдно.



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