"Father`s Day"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Внеклассное мероприятие для 5-7 классов с целбю знакомства с традициями анго-яз.стран и воспитания любви к своим отцам.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Чернига Елена Викторовна,
учитель английского языка
МОУ«Еланская СОШ»
Кемеровская область, Новокузнецкий район
Сценарий к празднику “Father`s Day”
для учащихся 5-7 классов
Праздник проводится совместно для учащихся и их пап. Так как не все родители владеют английским языком, возможен синхронный перевод. Ведущим может быть сам учитель или старшеклассник. Ему весь праздник помогает клоун Тони.
Необходимые атрибуты: воздушные шарики с пожеланиями внутри, детские фотографии пап, мужские галстуки, плюшевые мишки, удочки и рыбки на магнитах.
Сопровождение: компьютер, проектор, аудиодиски.
(слайд 1)
Hi everybody!
Who can tell me what special day it is today? (Give children a chance to answer). That's right. It`s Father's Day! On Father's day we like to give our dad gifts or cards. Maybe your mum helps you pick out a gift for your dad; or maybe she helps you make a card to give to him. I'm sure your dad will like the gifts and cards you give him. But do you know that there is one gift that he loves the most?
What's that?
(слайд 2)
It`s YOU! You are a gift to your dad! YOU are a wonderful gift to your parents!
Yes! He loves to see you grow up.(слайд 3) He feels happy when he sees that you are happy. (слайд 4)
He works hard to get you the things you need. He does all he can to protect you and help you be safe.(слайд 5)
Do you know that you can help your dad be a little bit happier?
No, we don't know. How?
Clown Tony:
We could give him special presents, especially on Father's Day!
Yes, very good.
Clown Tony:
We could tell him how much we love him, make him a special gift or card and our songs.
(Исполняются песни на английском языке)
(слайд 6)
Father, Daddy, Papa, Dad
Father, Daddy, Papa, Dad.
Father, Daddy, Papa, Dad.
He's my father.
He's my daddy.
He's my papa.
He's my dad.
Father, Daddy, Papa, Dad.
Father, Daddy, Papa, Dad.
He's my father.
He's my daddy.
He's my papa.
He's my dad.
He's my dad
Father's Day Party
(слайд 7)
I want to give a party on Father's day
And invite all the fathers in the U.S.A.
At the great big party, I want to say,
"Happy, happy Father's Day"
Oh, I want to give a party on Father's Day, the biggest party in the U.S.A.
A party for my daddy, so I can say,
"Happy, happy Father's Day!"
I want to give a party on Father's Day for everybody's daddy in the U.S.A.
A wonderful party so we can say,
"Happy, happy Father's Day!"
Our dear fathers! These poems are for you!
1. Today's the Day. I want to say,
"Happy Father's Day!"
Today's the day. I want to say,
"Happy Father's Day!"
2. I'm talking to my daddy and your daddy,
And his daddy and her daddy,
And my daddy and your daddy, and their daddy too.
3. Our daddy and their daddy,
And his daddy and her daddy,
And my daddy and your daddy.
"Happy Father's Day!"
4. If all these Kisses aren't enough,
There's two hands to help with garden stuff.
If all these hugs don't work their charm,
There's two arms to help keep you warm.
If this gift doesn't show how much we care,
We have real hugs and kisses to share
(слайды 8,9)
Why do we celebrate Father's Day? It`s a good idea to have a special day to honor and celebrate our fathers, isn't it? But I wonder who started the holiday? The story goes like this:
Sonora Louise Smart Dodd , her Dad and brothers and sisters lived on a farm in Washington. Sonora's mother had died when she gave birth to the 6th child, when Sonora was 16 years old. Since then, her Dad had raised all six children on his own! One day Sonora was listening at church to a sermon about Mother's Day. She decided right then that there should also be a Father's day to celebrate and honor fathers around the world. She wanted to show special honor to her own Dad who she loved so much.
She told a group of men, but they laughed! They said they didn't want any Father's Day -- they wanted a national fishing day instead! But that didn't stop Sonora! She also told a group of ministers. They were all for the idea! The very first local Father's Day was held on the first Sunday in June, 1910, the same day Sonora's dad was born. Then in 1924 President Johnson signed a law that said the 3rd Sunday of June would be the official Father's Day. So we celebrate Father's Day because of the special little girl named Sonora. I think Father's Day is a great idea. Don't you?
Clown Tony:
(слайд 10)
You see, there are some balloons with wishes inside.
(Папам предлагается выбрать воздушный шарик, а их дети читают пожелания):
- Daddy, here`s a hug for you,
And lots of kisses too. - I want to thank you very much
For being my special dad. - All I want to say is
Happy Father's Day! - Thanks, Dad, for all that you do!
- Thanks for loving me.
6. Happy, happy Father's day;
I love you in a big way!
Clown Tony:
Dear friends! We have some funny competitions for you!
- Who’s the first to tie Dad’s tie?
- Who’s the first to fish a lot of fishes?
- Who’s the first to dress a teddy bear?
- To recognize a dad on his child`s photo.
5. Handprint/ Footprint I.D. Game
This game should be played during your Father's Day party. Place the child's hand/ foot print on a piece of paper and label the top with their name. Then cover up the name with a flap of paper and hang these on the wall. During the party you ask the father's to identify his child's print. Then reveal to everyone whose print is whose. This is harder then it sounds!
(слайд 11)
Our party is going to be over. Our song is for you, dear fathers!
(Все дети исполняют финальную песню)
Happy Father's Day to You
Verse 1:
Dad I'm sending you this letter to let you know
I've been thinking 'bout you
All the kids at school are ready for the holidays
That's when I really miss you
If it's not too much to ask
Could you call me or write me back
There's a special day I'm celebrating
And hoping you'd come back
Happy Father's Day to you
Happy Father's Day to you
Happy Father's Day
I miss you daddy
I love you badly
I still have faith in you
Verse 2:
Dad I'd make you proud of me
If you can see me but I understand
Mama's doing the best she can
But it's hard for a woman raising a man
And I'm not asking any blame
Because I know in life things change
And if we never get together
I'm still proud to have your name
Happy Father's Day to you
Happy Father's Day to you
Happy Father's Day
I miss you daddy
I love you badly
I still have faith in you
Happy Father's Day to you
Happy Father's Day to you
Happy Father's Day
I miss you daddy
I love you badly
I still have faith in you
Verse 3:
There's a lot of things I don't understand
But I wonder if I did something wrong
And even though mom assures me it's not that way
Am I the reason you're gone
If it's not too much to ask
Could you call me or write me back
There's a special day I'm celebrating
And hoping you'd come back
(Hoping you'd come back)
Happy Father's Day to you
Happy Father's Day to you
Happy Father's Day
I miss you daddy
Clown Tony:
Our children want to give the fathers their presents.
( Дети дарят открытки, сделанные своими руками).
Good bye and good luck!
Предварительный просмотр:
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По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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