Методическая разработка "Модальные глаголы английского языка".
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
В данной методической разработке размещён материал по теме: "Модальные глаголы". Здесь содержится не только теоретический материал, но и приводятся упражнения с ответами на тренировку этой темы.
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Modal Verbs.
Модальные глаголы не выражают действия предмета, а отношение говорящего к действию.
Модальные глаголы никогда не имеют окончаний и перед ними и после них не ставится ,,TO”.
CAN COULD CAN Cannot but Could have done Can+Inf. Passive To be able to... | Только в настоящем времени, в других временах заменяется выражением “To be able to”-быть в состоянии. 1.Прошедшее время (обычно неуспешное) 2.Сослогательное наклонение (мог бы). 3.Форма вежливости. 1.Могу(выражает физическую и умственную способности). 2.Разрешение. 3. Запрещение. 4. Просьба. 5.Сомнение (неужели, не может быть) 6.Упрек (могли бы) 7.Нельзя не, не могу не, не может не и т.д. I cannot but agree with you. 8.We could have gone to the cinema but we decided to stay at home. 9.This can be explained. It cannot be done. 10. Can’t you do it? 11. Can, could + глаголы чувств и восприятий(to see, to hear, to feel, to smell, to taste) на русский язык не переводятся. Can you see that house? I am able to speak English. He was able to go there. We shall be able to do this. He has been able to go shopping. | 1.He could go there but it was late. 2. I could go there. 3. Could you tell me… 1.I can lift it. He can read. 2.You can go there. 3.You can’t cross the street. 4.Could you get me a glass of water? 5.Can they really be here? They can’t be here. 6.You could wait for us . 7.Нельзя не согласиться с вами. 8.Мы могли бы пойти в кино, но решили остаться дома. (могли бы, но не сделали). 9.Это можно объяснить. Это нельзя сделать. 10.Разве ты не можешь сделать это? 11. Видите вы этот дом?. Present Indefinite. Past Indefinite Future Indefinite Present perfect |
Must | 1.должен(обязательно что-то делать) употребляется только в настоящем времени. | I must go now. It’s late. |
Have to- | 2.является заменителем MUST в : Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Future Indefinite Должен, приходиться поневоле, вынужден | have(has) to-Do you have to.. had to- Did he have to…? shall(will) have to |
Be to- Must | 3.должен (обещал, запланировал, по расписанию, по договоренности). Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Future Indefinite 4. Must I read? - Yes, you must. No, you needn’t. 5. Must wait.-Должен ждать. Must know.-Должен знать. Had to wait-должен был ждать, пришлось ждать 8.Shall(will) have to wait- Придется ждать. | I am to go there on Monday. He was to do it.
Must be waiting.-Должно быть ждет. Must know.-Должно быть, знает. 6.Must have been waiting- Должно быть, ждал. 7. Must have waited- Должно быть подождал. |
Needn’t- Сравнение May Might- May- | 1.отсутствие необходимости- можно не… She needn’t get up early. The lesson begins at nine. 2.Что-то сделано, а необходимости в этом нет. The water was clean. You needn’t have boiled it. 3.Ты не можешь делать этого. Ты можешь не делать этого. Обратите внимание: 4.You needn’t have done it. You shouldn’t have done it. 1. Спрашивать разрешение-Можно…? May- только в настоящем времени. 2. Употребляется только в косвенной речи. 3.В других случаях берем глагол: to be allowed. 4.В ответах: May I go out?- но в отрицательных предложениях: 5.Означает ВОЗМОЖНОСТЬ что-то делать. A body may be divided… | Need I…? – Надо… А можно сказать так: She doesn’t have to get up early…. Можно было не делать, зря,напрасно. You cannot do that. You needn’t do that. Вы могли и не делать это. (а сделали). Вам не следовало делать это.(Это было не обязательно) Не следовало делать (плохо, что вы это сделали). 1.May I come in? 2.She said he might come in. 3.We are allowed to go out. I was allowed… I shall be allowed… 4.Yes, you may. No, you must not. 5.Тело может быть разделено… |
May, Might | 6.Предположение, сомнение, неуверенность. I may(might) go to Italy in June. Might- 7.Выражает упрек, замечание. | 6.Я возможно поеду… Может быть, но маловероятно… 7.You might do it yourself. |
Should- Ought to- Сравнение. | 1. Должен (следует, по моему мнению,совету) 2.Следует, должен (это твой моральный долг, когда мы говорим о законе, о правилах). 3.I should have done it. 4.You should work more seriously 5 .You should do it. 6. You should have done it. | 1.You should study the English words before you go to bed. 2.You ought to return the book to me in time. 3.Мне следовало сделать это (а я не сделал). 4.Вам следовало бы работать серьезнее. 5.Вам следовало бы сделать это(теперь) 6.Вам следовало бы сделать это (раньше). |
Will Would | 1.Предложение. 2. Предположение. 3. Желание. | 1.Will you have a cup of coffee? .Would you come to the party with me? 2. Someone is knocking. That would surely be Tom. 3. I wish you would stop crying. |
Shall | 1.Обещание. 2. Угроза, предупреждение. 3.Предложение, вежливая просьба. |
She shall answer for her actions. 3. What shall I do next? |
Dare to- |
Daren’t speak=don’t dare to speak Dares, dared, will dare | 1.Nobody dares to tell the truth. Nobody will dare to speak to him. |
Модальные фразы | 1.Had better –You’d better. 2.Would rather – You’d rather. Вам бы лучше… | 1.Had you better…? 2. Would you rather…? |
Тестовые задания. (Test 25)
1.It’s forbidden. You….do that.
a) mustn’t b) don’t have to
2. You…ask my permission. You can do what you want.
a) mustn’t b) don’t have to
3. You …speak to the driver when the bus is moving. It’s dangerous.
a) mustn’t b) don’t have to
4. Help yourself to anything you want. You …ask.
a) mustn’t b) don’t have to
5. You … park here. There is a double yellow line.
a) mustn’t b) don’t have to
6. Pay me back when you can. You …do it immediately.
a) mustn’t b) don’t have to
7. It’s optional. We … go if you don’t want to.
a) mustn’t b) don’t have to
8. I’ll tell you a secret. 8. I’ll tell you a secret. You …tell anybody else. Promise?
a) mustn’t b) don’t have to
9. Be on time. You … be late or we will leave without you.
a) mustn’t b) don’t have to
10. He is a millionaire. He …work but he does because he enjoys it.
a) mustn’t b) don’t have to
11. I like Saturdays because I …go to work.
12. This is very important. You …forget what I said.
a) mustn’t b) don’t have to
13. It’s very informal here. You …wear a tie unless you want to.
a) mustn’t b) don’t have to
14. The train is direct. You …change trains.
a) mustn’t b) don’t have to
15. In boxing you … hit you opponent below the belt.
a) mustn’t b) don’t have to
16. I … wear a suit at work on Fridays. It’s “dressing down day”.
a) mustn’t b) don’t have to
17. In athletics you …start before the gun starts.
a) mustn’t b) don’t have to
Вставьте: a) needn’t b) mustn’t ( Test 26)
1.I don’t mind at all. You …apologize.
2. It’s a secret. You … tell anybody.
3. It’s not urgent. You … do it now.
4. You can type those letters later. You … do it now.
5. I can find my way there. You … wait for me.
6. If I show you my new hat, you …laugh.
7. You …come if you don’t want to but we’ll be very pleased if you do.
8. Keep quiet. You … talk so loudly in here. People are trying to work.
9. I want a new house. It …have a swimming pool but it must have a nice garden.
10. There’s plenty of money in our account so we … take those cheques to the bank today.
11. I’m not deaf. You … shout.
12. You … drive at more than 70 mph in the UK.
13. I’ll do everything. You …do anything unless you really want to.
14. You … touch that switch, whatever you do.
15. If you want an explanation of this grammar point, you …do a thing. I’ll send you one automatically.
( Test 27)
1…you speak any foreign languages? a) May b)Can c) Have
2. Liz …be tired of her job. It is so boring. a) has to b) must c) should
3. Where’s Nick? He … be in his office. a) might b) mustn’t c) is to
4. Take an umbrella. It … rain later. a) has to b) need c) might
5. Jack … go to hospital yesterday. a) must b) had to c) need
6. You look tired. You …go to bed. a) should b) ought c) are to
7. You …do it. I’ve already done it. a) must not b) need not c)ought not
8. … it be true? a) Must b) May c) Can
9. … we stay or leave? a)Will b) Would c)Shall
10. Jane was so tired. She …have worked days and nights.
a)should b) must c)need
11. Although it contains many difficult words, I …read this book now.
a) can b) could c) may
12. But I … read it last year. a) mayn’t b) couldn’t c) can’t
13. Because there were many long words which I …understand.
a) couldn’t b) can’t c) aren’t able to
14. When you receive the new books… try to read one of them.
a) can I b) could I c) may I
15. I … understand why you won’t let me. a) couldn’t b) can’t c) mayn’t
16. Can you find your way to the hotel? Yes, I… a) could b) am able c) can
17. Can you pronounce my name properly? I …if you would speak more slowly.
a)could b) may c) can
18. Are you strong enough to lift that box? Yes,I… a) could b) am c) can
19.Will you speak more clearly, please. I … hardly hear you at all.
a) could b) can c) can’t
20. I … only listen to my radio when my mother was not at home.
a) did b)can c) could
21. Can you fix my car today? Yes, I … a)may b) could c)can
22. I …do that because I will get a sunburn.
a) can’t b) couldn’t c) can
23. I …have known when she was coming home because I didn’t have a watch.
a)can’t b) couldn’t c)won’t
24. I …reach that apple. I’ll have to use a ladder.
a) don’t b) can’t c) couldn’t
25. …you just jump? a) Can’t b)Don’t c) If
Test 28
- You …help me if you don’t have time. I can do the job myself.
a) aren’t able to b) don’t have to c) aren’t going to
2. …you help me? a) May b) Shall c)Will
3. You …go into that room. It’s forbidden!
a) don’t have to b) mustn’t c) don’t know how to
4. It’s 2.20 and he’d be here at 2.30. He …be here soon.
a) should b) can c) would
5. I have a headache. … you buy some aspirin for me?
a) Shall b) May c) Could
6. There are no lights on and no one answers the doorbell. They …be at home.
a) must not b) cannot c) will not
7. I … come to your party. I have to work.
a)wouldn’t like to b) don’t have to c) can’t
8. …I make some coffee? I’ll do it if you drink a cup.
a) Must b) Shall c) Ought
9. You … seen her in Chicago! I know for a fact that she was right here in Phoenix! a) must have b) should not have c) couldn’t have
10. Yes, I know that I …studied last night, but I decided to watch TV instead.
a) would’ve b) should’ve c) must’ve
11. Where’s Jill? She … forgotten that we were supposed to meet at 2.00 p.m.
a) would’ve b) should’ve c) must’ve
12. I … been glad to help you. Why didn’t you ask?
a)would’ve b) could’ve c) must’ve
13. Look! It’s raining and Professor Johnson is all wet. He …forgotten his umbrella again! a) should’ve b) would’ve c) must’ve
14. You …turned off the computer when you did! You’ve caused all kinds of problems! a) shouldn’t have b) mustn’t have c) mightn’t have
15. She … study last night, so she didn’t.
a) didn’t have to b) mustn’t c) didn’t ought to
16. Yes, she … been here yesterday. I don’t think she was, but I can’t prove that she wasn’t. a) could b) could’ve c) couldn’t have
17.I’m not sure where Dave is. He … taken Benjamin to a movie or to the Zoo. a) would have b) may have c) ought not to have
18.You shouldn’t have driven so fast. You …had an accident!
a) would have b) may have c) might have
19. Tom … drive, but he doesn’t have a car.
a)could b) should have c)can
20. They didn’t have any tomatoes in the first store I went to, but I …got some in the next store. a)could b)could have c) might
Test 29.
- Ted’s flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He …be exhausted
such a long flight. a) must b) can c) need
- The book is optional. My professor said we could read it if we need extra credit. But we …read it if we don’t want to.
a) cannot b) must not c) don’t have to
3. Susan … hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly.
a) couldn’t b) can’t c) might not
4. The television isn’t working. It … damaged during the move.
a) must have been b) must c) must be
5. …hold your breath for more than a minute? No, I can’t.
a)Are you able to b) Might you c)Can you
6. You … be rich to be a success. Some of the most successful people I know haven’t got a penny to their name. a) can’t b) don’t have to c) shouldn’t
7. I’ve redone this math problem at least twenty times. The answer in the book …be wrong! a) have to b) must c)should
8. You … do the job if you didn’t speak Japanese fluently.
a) can’t b) won’t be able c) couldn’t
9. You … worry so much. Either you get the job, or you don’t. If you don’t, just apply for another one. Eventually, you will find work.
a)shouldn’t b) don’t have to c) can’t
10. You … be kidding! That can’t be true. a) should b) have to c) must
11. You … leave the table if you have finished your meal and politely excused yourself. a) would b) might c) may
12. Jenny’s engagement ring is enormous. It … a fortune.
a) must cost b) must be costing c) must have cost
13. … we move into the living-room? It’s more comfortable in there and there’s a beautiful view of the lake. a) Shall b) Must c) Will
14.If I had gone water rafting with my friends, I …down the Colorado river right now. a) would have float b) would be floating c) would float
15. At first, my boss didn’t want to hire Sam. But because I previously worked with Sam, I told my boss that he … take another look at his resume and reconsider him for the position. a) must b) ought to c) has to
16. You … take along some cash. The restaurant may not accept credit cards.
a) should b) has to c) can
17. The machine … on by flipping this switch.
a) may turn b) could be turning c) can be turned
18. I can’t stand these people. I … get out of here. I’m going to take off for awhile while you get rid of them. a) might b) have got to c) should
19. You … forget to pay the rent tomorrow. The landlord is very strict about paying on time. a) mustn’t b) don’t have to c) couldn’t
20. Do you always have to say the first thing that pops into your head? …you think once in an while before you speak?
a) Can b) Can’t c) Don’t can
21. Terry and Frank said they would come over right after work, so they …be here by 6:00. a) have to b) can c) should
22. Yesterday I … cram all day for my French final. I didn’t get to sleep until after midnight. a) had to b) should c) must
23. We … no longer suffer the injustice of oppression! Freedom shall be ours!
a) would b) might c)shall
24. If I had gone to the University of Miami, I …participated in there Spanish language program. a) could b) could have c) could be
25. The lamp …be broken. Maybe the light bulb just burned out.
25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | |
1 | a | a | b | b | a |
2 | b | b | b | c | c |
3 | a | a | a | b | a |
4 | b | a | c | b | a |
5 | a | a | b | c | c |
6 | b | b | a | a | b |
7 | b | a | b | c | b |
8 | a | b | c | b | c |
9 | a | a | c | c | a |
10 | b | a | b | b | c |
11 | b | a | a | c | c |
12 | a | b | b | a | a |
13 | b | a | a | c | a |
14 | b | b | c | a | b |
15 | a | a | b | a | b |
16 | b | c | b | a | |
17 | a | b | c | ||
18 | b | b | c | ||
19 | b | c | a | ||
20 | c | a | b | ||
21 | c | a | |||
22 | a | a | |||
23 | b | c | |||
24 | b | b | |||
25 | a | a |
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