Урок по теме "Здоровье" в 9 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Махмутова Оксана Николаевна

Повторительно-обобщающий урок по теме "Healthy Living Guide" ( учебник анг. языка для 9 кл. В. П. Кузовлева) с использованием здоровьесберегающих технологий и технологий личностно-ориентированного подхода.


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Урок по теме: «Healthy Living Guide» в 9 классе

Главной целью своей работы на любой ступени обучения считаю достижение функциональной грамотности во владении иностранным языком, т.е. рабочее владение им, дающее учащимся возможность речевого взаимодействия с носителями иностранного языка. В большой степени реализации этой цели способствует использование технологий личностно-ориентированного подхода. Это означает учет интересов и волнующих современных школьников проблем, что проявляется, прежде всего, при отборе аутентичного текстового материала, в выборе тем для обсуждения, в привлечении актуального аудиовизуального материала. Интересными в этом плане считаю темы «Pets in Our Life (V класс)», «School», «Ecological Problems»(VII класс) и другие.

 Сейчас я предлагаю вашему вниманию повторительно-обобщающий урок по теме: «Healthy Living Guide» (учебник английского языка для 9 класса, авторы В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа, Э.Ш.Перегудова и др.), включающий в себя также элементы здоровьесберегающих технологий.

Educational aims:

  1. To activize reading, speaking and writing skills on the topic “Health in the greatest wealth”.
  2. To form the right notion of a healthy way of life.

  1. Организационный момент.

Ознакомление с целями и задачами урока.

     Dear students!

     Welcome to our revision lesson “Healthy Living Guide” (слайд 1,2)

Health is one of the most urgent problems in the world now. And keeping health is very necessary for everyone. Why is that so? There is nothing more important than health.

  1. How do you and your classmates care about your health?
  2. Do you have bad habits and know how dangerous they are?
  3. Are you anxious about food you eat?

Today we’ll try to solve these problems and find out the things our health depend on.

On the screen you see the proverbs about health. Listen to them and repeat after me. (2 слайда - № 3,4).

  1. Фонетическая разминка.

You should know many words to be able to speak fluently and distinctly. Let’s practice our phonetics. (Слайд “Phonetics )

3. Обсуждение. 

(Слайд 6) What does our health depend on? Let’s read and answer.

  1. Сообщения учащихся о здоровом образе жизни.

To give you some other tips several students prepared short reports about what a healthy way of life means. Listen to them attentively and after that we’ll do some tasks.

Welcome with your opinions, students (слайды 6-9).

Thank you, dear students for your nice points of view and now I think you are ready for the following task:

     5. Cоревнование между группами

(Слайд 10 – Good and Bad Habits)

I suggest the competition between the first and the second row.

You’re given some phrases and words connected with good and bad habits. You should divide them into 2 columns.

Organize the groups and be attentive, please.

          Good and Bad Habits (Информация со слайда)

Let’s check if you were right (слайд 11)

(Слайд 12: Make up sentences)

Bad Habits lead to Bad Health.

You see, to be healthy you should have only good habits.

But how will do you know the causes of bad health?

Now you have to do the next task.

(Слайд 13: Bad Habits – bad health)

       6. Работа с карточками

           I’ll give you cards (учащиеся выполняют и отвечают)

Thank you, I see that you know how to prevent causes of bad health and to be healthy.

But kindness in your hearts, good thoughts and positive thinking do also mean much for our health.

7. Решение кроссворда по теме «Здоровье»

We know some good English phrases to cheer up in different situations which may save our nerves and health.

The next task is crossword for you.

(Слайд14: A kind of revision…) While translating the phrases you’ll get     the word “doctor” down the square.

Don’t worry! (Слайд 15: Check yourself!)

Take it easy! Cheer up! We use these phrases to balance our emotions and to gain strength. There are some very useful rules to prevent tiredness.

“Rest before you get tired – not after” – as psychologists say.

And learn to relax.

8. Комплексная релаксация – элемент здоровьесберегающей технологии

Now our future doctor Elmira Geniatova suggests you a kind of Complex Relaxation.

(тихая спокойная музыка)

Complex Relaxation

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Breathe in. Breathe out.

Let’s pretend it’s summer.  You’re lying on a sandy beach. The weather is fine. The light wind is blowing from the sea. The birds are singing. You have no troubles. No serious problems. You’re quiet. Your brain relaxes. There is calm in your body. Nothing diverts your attention. You’re relaxing. (Другой слайд)

Your troubles float away. You love your relatives, your school, your friends. They love you too. Learn to appreciate every good thing.

           The Earth is full of wonders.

You can do anything.

You are sure of yourself.

You have much energy.

You’re in good spirits…

Open your eyes. How do you feel?

 Teacher: A good rest taken in time is very important.

We should learn how to relax and take away some of the tension that causes stress.

9. Стихотворение «Свободное время».

I’d like to recite a wonderful poem “Leisure” about our rapid life.


What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare?

No time to see when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass,

No time to see in broad daylight.

Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to see at Beauty’s Glance,

And watch her feet, how they can dance,

A poor life this is if, full of care

We have no time to stand and stare.

10. Беседа о сбалансированном питании (Слайд 16: «Balanced Diet»)

Our life is becoming faster and faster. And it influences our eating habits as well. Fast food is becoming more popular.

Now I invite another pupil with his report about healthy eating.

(Слайд 17)

So, do you know what products we should eat? (Слайд 18)

           Do the next task, please.

Divide these products into 3 groups and answer what we need them for and what they give us.

  1. Energy rich products are: sweets, bread, meat, jam, honey, pasta, potatoes, butter. They give us energy, power, but we shouldn’t eat much of them because they’re fatty.
  2. Proteins we find in: eggs, fish, meat, milk, sour cream, cheese, nuts. They give us energy, help our body grow.
  3. Vitamins and minerals: tomatoes, grapes, pears, eggs, cucumbers, carrots. They help our body be healthy, grow in a right way, protect regulate.

Thanks, I see that you’ve done your tasks very well.

11. Советы по здоровому образу жизни от учителя (Слайды 19-24: Try to get up…)

All of us would like to look great and be healthy.

Let’s divide in 2 teams again and try to give each other good pieces of advice.

12. Соревнование – кто даст больше советов о здоровом образе жизни.

Дают друг другу советы, наподобие:


- Sleep 8 hours a day!

- Eat more fruit and vegetables

- Follow a diet

- Don’t eat at night!

- Don’t eat fast food

- Don’t worry

- Have breakfast!

- Cheer up!

I see that you understand that a good health is very important. Let’s summarize  all the rules of a good health in our ABC of Healthy Man:

13. Инсценировка стихотворения

ABC of Healthy Man

Alcohol is forbidden!

Be calm!

Can you balance your emotions?

Do morning exercises!

Eat right food!

Follow adult’s advice!

Give up smoking!

Hold forth a hope!

Idleness is not for you!

Join sportive clubs!

Keep fit!

Laugh extends life!

Make the best of life!

No drugs!

Open windows to air your lodging!

Put right clothes on!

Quality of products is important!

Relax in tense situation!

Sleep not less eight hours a day!

Take vitamins!

Use any opportunity and resources to be healthy!

Vanquish feel of inferiority and fear to something!

Why not follow a diet!


Yield to no diseases!

Zealousness is important for health!

14. Домашнее задание H/w: p. 122, ex. V (Finish up the ideas about health in a funny way)

15. Итоги урока. Рефлексия.

So, let’s make the conclusion of our lesson. I’m sure now that you understand that good health is above wealth.

Questions – слайд 25

  1. What does our health depend on?
  2. What good and bad habits do you know?
  3. What habits do you follow?
  4. Why are bad habits dangerous?
  5. Have you got any health problems?

Dear students! Our lesson is coming to an end.

  1. How did you work at the lesson?
  2. What’s your opinion?
  3. What marks do you deserve?  

Thank you so much for your work.

Good-bye, my dear!

Памятка для учащихся:

Simple Rules for Being Healthy

  1. Remember: we are what we eat. Try to choose healthy food. Fruit and vegetables are ideal.
  2. Never eat at night and avoid fat and sweet food as it causes obesity, which is a reason of heart diseases.
  3. Never skip breakfast and never snack between meals. It will help you to avoid gaining weight.
  4. Remember: bad habits are extremely dangerous for your health.
  5. Smoking causes lung cancer and it is easier to start to smoke than to give it up.
  6. Taking drugs and alcohol destroys your mind and body. You will not notice how you will become an addict.

  1. Do and play sports. It makes you strong and energetic. Keeping fit is very trendy today.
  2. Have a regular lifestyle. Remember a proverb: “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.
  3. Never use transport if it is possible to walk.
  4. If you live in the city, have a rest out if it more often, as it is a brilliant opportunity to breathe fresh air.
  5. Air your room before sleeping and don’t forget to do morning exercises.
  6. Remember that loosing health is easier than to restore it. Think about it now, till it is not too late!

And I wish you strong health for many years! (слайд 26)

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