Таблица всех английских времен
материал (английский язык) по теме

Казарьян Инна Игоревна

В таблице представлены все английские времена с примерами.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Indefinite (Simple)

Continuous (Progressive)


Perfect Continuous


Active Voice

+ V, Vs (he, she, it)

-  do not/does not V

?  Do I V?

    Does he V?

(usually, every day, often, sometimes, always, in spring, on Monday)

Active Voice

+  am/is/are    Ving

-  am/is/are not  Ving

?  Am I

    Is he            Ving?

   Are you

(now, at the moment, still, Look! Listen! )

Active Voice

+  have/ has  V3   

-   have/has not  V3

?  Have I V3?

    Has he V3?

    (just, not yet, already, ever, never, this week, today, since, for, for a long time, for ages)

Active Voice

+  have/has been Ving

-   have/has not been  


?  Have I been Ving?

    Has he been Ving?

(since 3 o’clock, for 2 hours)

Passive Voice

Am/is/are  V3

Passive Voice

Am/is/are being  V3

Passive Voice

Have/has been  V3

Passive Voice



Active Voice

+  V2 (Ved)

-   did not V1

?  Did I V1?

(yesterday, last week, 2 days ago, in 1998)

Active Voice

+ was/were Ving

-  was/were not Ving

? Was I Ving?

   Were you  Ving?

(at 2 o’clock yesterday, when mother came, the whole evening, from 2 till 3 yesterday)

Active Voice

+  had V3

-   had not V3

?  Had I V3?

(before he came, by 2 o’clock yesterday, hardly )

Active Voice

+  had been Ving

-   had not been Ving

?  Had I been Ving?

(for 2 hours, when I came)

Passive Voice

Was/were V3

Passive Voice

Was/were being V3

Passive Voice

Had been V3

Passive Voice



Active Voice

+  shall/will  V1

-   shall/will not V1

?  Shall I V1? Will he V1?

(tomorrow, next week, in 2010, in a day)

Active Voice

+  shall/will be Ving

-   shall/will not be Ving

?  Shall I be Ving?

   Will he be Ving?

(at 5 o’clock tomorrow)

Active Voice

+  shall/will have  V3

-   shall/will not have


?  Shall I have  V3?

    Will he have V3?

(by  5 o’clock tomorrow)

Active Voice

+  shall/will have been Ving

-   shall/will not have been Ving

?  Shall I have been  


    Will he have been          


(for 2 hours when I come)

Passive Voice

Shall/will be V3

Passive Voice


Passive Voice

Shall/will have been V3

Passive Voice


Future-in-the  Past

Active Voice

+  should / would V1

-   should / would not V1

?  Should I V1?

    Would he V1?

(He said that he would V1 the next day)

Active Voice

+  should/would be Ving

-   should/would not be


?  Should I be Ving?

    Would he be Ving?

(He said that he would be Ving at 5 o’clock the next day)

Active Voice

+ should/would have


-  should/would not

                     have V3

? Should I have V3?

   Would he have V3?

(He said that he would have V3 by 5 o’clock the next day)

Active Voice

+  should/would have  

                   been Ving

-   should/would not

           have been Ving

?  Should I have been


    Would he have been


(He said that he would have been Ving for 2 hours when I came)

Passive Voice

Should/would be V3

Passive Voice


Passive Voice

Should/would have been V3

Passive Voice


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