методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
1.Пояснительная записка
2.Технологическая карта урока
3.Обеспечение занятия
4.Ход урока
5.Список использованной литературы
Пояснительная записка.
Целью методической разработки является ознакомление студентов со страноведческим материалом по теме: «Башкортостан» с географическим положением, городами, символами, населением, традициями.
Целями урока являются:
Обучающая:ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме, работа над чтением и переводом текста, работа над диалогами, монологами.
Развивающая:развитие диалогической и монологической речи учащихся, умение высказывать своё мнение, использовать лексику урока для коммуникативных задач, развитие внимания, наблюдательности, умение слушать и делать выводы.
Воспитательная:формирование интереса к иностранному языку, любви к родному краю, к своему городу, т.е. патриотическое, нравственное и эстетическое воспитание.
· Изучение данного материала предполагается на Iкурсе. Урок комбинированный. Используются различные формы работы, которые взаимосвязаны: это такие виды как аудирование, работа над видеофильмом, выполнение различных упражнений, работа над пословицами, текстом, стихотворениями и т.д. Студенты знакомятся с новой лексикой по теме, получают много интересной информации о своей республике. На уроке присутствует и игровой момент, что повышает интерес студентов к изучению данной темы.
Используются ТСО: аудио, видеомагнитофон, телевизор, компьютер.
Межпредметные связи: история, география, культура Башкортостана, башкирский язык.
Технологическая карта урока.
Вид занятия:комбинированное.
Форма организации учебного процесса: индивидуальная, групповая.
Время занятия:90 минут.
Цели занятия:
Обучающая:ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме, работа над чтением и переводом текста, работа над диалогами, монологами, аудированием, видеосюжетом.
Развивающая:развитие диалогической и монологической речи учащихся, умение высказывать своё мнение, использовать лексику урока для коммуникативных задач, развитие внимания, наблюдательности, умение слушать и делать выводы.
Воспитательная:формирование интереса к иностранному языку, любви к родному краю, к своему городу, т.е. патриотическое, нравственное и эстетическое воспитание.
Межпредметные связи:история, география, культура Башкортостана, башкирский язык, литература.
Методы обучения:
1 Объяснительно-иллюстративный
2 Репродуктивный
В ходе изучения студенты должны:
знать:лексику по теме.
уметь: слушать и делать выводы, обмениваться информацией на иностранном языке.
понимать:понимать английскую речь.
Обеспечение занятия:
1. Методическое:методическая разработка открытого урока по теме:
“ Bashkortostan”.
2. Раздаточный материал:карточки с текстами, упражнениями, с новыми словами, тест: “Как хорошо ты знаешь Башкортостан”.
3. Средства обучения: аудиокассеты: “ Clickon1”, “ Clickon4”, видеофильм “Башкортостан”, презентация с использованием компьютера по теме “Ufa”, диск “Курай”.
Ход урока.
I.Организационный момент.
T: Good afternoon dear quests and students.
I am glad to see you.
How are you?
Are you ready for the lesson?
II. Начальная мотивация учебной деятельности.
· Беседа на тему : «Башкортостан»
· Перевод отрывка из стихотворения М. Карима « О березовом листе»
Our lesson is devoted to our republic. Do you know the history of our republic?
St-1: It’s the joining of Bashkortostan to Russia 450 years ago.
St-2: Following the collapse of Kazan khanate Bashkortostan voluntary joined to Muscovite Russian State. The Bashkirs requested Tzar Ivan the Terrible to construct a fortress to protect the land.
T: Yes, you are right. I see that you know the history of our republic. 450 years ago Bashkortostan joined to Russia. And all the time, Bashkortostan and Russia are all together.
The people’s poet of Bashkortostan Mustai Karim once compared the republic with a leaf on a birch tree which he called “Russia”. Alien winds and fires have tried to tear it from the tree.
But the leaf grew on upon the tree.
It fed on its mother’s milk.
On the land of the tree.
Но зеленел листок
Среди ветвей,
The leaf symbolizes our republic. The birch tree is Russia. So, at our lesson we’ll know some information about our republic, its population, cities, customs and traditions. I think it will be interesting for you to know such information.
III. Беседа на тему: “Что такое Родина”.
T: Tell me, please: Who was born in Bashkortostan?
I see that Bashkortostan is the motherland for all of us.
What does it mean “motherland”?
St-1: I think that motherland is the best place in the world. It’s very beautiful place. Motherland means something native. In my opinion motherland means my family, my mother, my home, my republic.
St-2:Motherland is the place where I was born. And I was born in Bashkortostan, in Meleuz city. I like my city. I have many friends in my city.
St-3:I like to travel, while travelling I get to know a lot about places I visit, I meet new people and learn about new culture and traditions. But all the time I want to go home, to my republic. I like traditions, foods of Bashkortostan.
T:What food do you like?
St-3:I like chack-chack, kostyby.
T:Yes, it’s very tasty. Thank you for your answer
St-4: I can’t stay from home for a long time. I like the nature, forests, rivers, fields of our republic. It’s the place where I always feel cozy and safe. Otherwise it is not home.
T:I see that all of us like our republic, our motherland. You compare the word “motherland” with the world “home”, “mother”, “nature”, “friends” and “family”. The world “motherland” is composed of two words “mother” and “land”. I want that you give words which are associated with the word “mother”.
St:Native, nice, kind, beautiful, hostess, wonderful, home.
T:I think that you fill the same feelings when you think about motherland:
Native land
Nice land
Beautiful land
Hostess land
Wonderful land
It’s our republic, Bashkortostan!
IV. Работанадпословицами.
T: Would you like to read and translate this proverb:
East or West Home is best.
St-s:В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
T: Give the synonyms, please:
St-s:There is no place like home.
Home is home though is be never so homely.
Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad.
На чужбине родная землица во сне снится.
Дома и солома съедобна.
V.Опроснатему “ Do you know about our republic Bashkortostan?”
T: Let’s check up how much do you know about our republic. Answer my questions:
1. Where is Bashkortostan located?
(the South Urals)
2. What is the territory of Bashkortostan?
(143.600 km2)
3. What is the population of Bashkortostan?
(over 4 million)
4. What are the main rivers and lakes?
(Belaya River, Ufa River, Sim, Nugush, Ik, Dyoma, Zilim, Ay, Kandry-kul, Asly-kul)
5. What is the biggest river in Bashkortostan?
(Belaya River – 1.430 km)
6. What nationalities are in Bashkkortostan?
(Bashkirs, Russian, Chuvash, Tatars, Udmurts, Mari and others)
7. What famous writers do you know?
(Salavat Yulaev, Mustai Karim, Zarema Akhmedyanova, Ibragim Abdullin, Nail Gaitbaev, Musa Gali, Gulnur Yakupova, Dinis Bulyakov, Robert Pal)
8. What regions does Bashkortostan border on?
(Chelyabinsk, Perm, Tatar, Sverdlov, Orenburg, Udmurt regions)
9. What is the national hero of Bashkortostan?
(Salavat Yulayev)
10. Who is the President of our republic?
(Murtaza Gubaidullovich Rakhimov)
11. What is the main National Library in our republic?
(A.Z. Validi National Library)
12. What is the oldest Publishing House in our republic?
13. What are the national Bashkir instruments?
(Kurai, koubys)
14. What is the famous Bashkir State Folk Dance ensemble?
(named after F. Gaskarov)
15. What is the famous ice hockey team in Bashkortostan?
(“Salavat Yulayev”)
16. What newspaper and magazines and printed in Ufa?
(“Vatandash”, “Ufa”, “Tulpar”, “Vechernyay Ufa”)
You knowledge is brilliant. Thank you. You know a lot about our republic.
VI. Работа над аудированием текста: “WelcometoBashkortostan”.
T: Let’s listen to some information about our republic
· Работа над словами.
Before listening, remember some words.
· Прослушивание текста.
Listen to the text and try to remember the information.
republic [ri′p/\blik] - республика
official [ә′ƒi∫l] - официальный
growing [′grәviη] - растущий
oil [әil] - нефть
gas [gæs] - газ
copper [′kәpә] - медь
iron [′aiәn] - железо
scenery [′si : nәri] – пейзаж
hare [heә] - заяц
species [′spi : ∫iz] - порода
Welcome to Bashkortostan
1. The Republic of Bashkortostan is in the South Ural mountains and has an area of 143,600 km2. There are 21 cities in Bashkortostan. The capital city is Ufa. Other large cities in the republic include Sterlitamak, Salavat, Neftekamsk and Oktyabrsky.
2.The population of Bashkortostan is just over 4 million. One third of people living in Bashkortostan are Bashkirs Russians, Chuvash, Tatars, Udmurts, Mari and others also live in the republic.
3. Russian is the official language of Bashkortostan. The Bashkir language is the second language in the Republic.
4. Bashkortostan is one of the largest agricultural regions in Russia. It also has many growing industries. The area produces a lot of oil, gas, copper and iron. Bashkortostan has beautiful-scenery. There are over eight hundred lakes and six hundred rivers. The wildlife in this area includes bears, moose, foxes, hares and over two hundred species of birds.
· Would you like to go to the map and retell the text.
VII. Составление рассказов о своем городе.
T: Doyou know the main cities in our republic? Name them.
St-s: Kumertau, Meleuz, Sterlitamak, Belebey, Salavat, Ufa, Oktyabrskiy, Tuimazy, Beloretsk, Ishimbay, Aghidel, Uchaly, Sibay.
T:Would you like to find the cities on the map
(Студентам нужно найти города Башкортостана по карте. Преподаватель раздает карточки с городами, студенты находят их. Но в карточках с названиями городов, есть город, который не находится в Республике. Студентыдолжнынайтиэтуошибку.)
There is one mistake. One of these cities is not situated in our republic.
Agidel is in the north – eastern part.
Neftekamsk is in the north – western part.
Tuimazy is the western gate of our republic.
Oktyabrsky is in the west.
Belebey is in the south – western part.
Kumertau is the southern part of the Urals Mountains.
Meleuz is in the south.
Sterlitamakis the western part of the South Urals.
Ishimbay is in the West.
Beloretsk is the eastern part of the South Urals.
Sibay is in the eastern part.
Salavat is near Ishimbay, Sterlitamak it is situated in the South.
Uchaly is in the eastern part of our republic.
Miass is not situated in our republic.
T:Would you like to tell me: «Where are you from?»
St-1:I am from Ufa.
St-2:I am from Meleuz.
St-3: I am from Blagovar region, etc.
T: Who wants to tell us about your city?
St-1: I want to tell you about my city Meleuz.
(Студент рассказывает о своем городе)
T: Who was bornin Ufa? Would you like to tell us about Ufa – city?
St-2: Yes, I was born in Ufa. I want to tell about Ufa – city. (рассказ о Уфе)
T: Thankyou.
· Now we have an opportunity to watch the presentation of our third – year students about
Ufa– city. Let’swatch.
(идет просмотр слайд – шоу презентации о городе Уфе)
T:I hope that you like this presentation. Thank you.
VIII. Работанадтекстомпесни“The Old Urals”.
T: The songs are at the heart of Bashkort people. Song Poetry occupies the main place in the culture of Bashkorts, the people of South Ural. The Bashkorts have been nestling against the majestic Ural Mountains since the oldest days. Thick forests and high rocks protected them from their enemies. The Bashkort sasans composed songs to glorify the Urals and the batyrs. Many batyrs laid down their lives to keep the land, its waters, mountains and plains free frominvasion. The song that spread among all the Baskort tribes was called “Ural” –“ The Old Urals”. As time went on, the tune changed. These days people sing “The Old Urals” like this.
(Учитель произносит эти слова под музыкальное презентацию слайд – шоу о природе Башкортостана. Звучит мелодия “Старый Урал”).
· Объяснения значений слов.
Who is batyr?
It is a hero.
Who is sasan?
Sasan is a folk tale narrator, an improvisator.
batyr – батыр
sasan – сэсэн
tribes – племена
· Чтение текста песни «Старый Урал» на английском языке.
Let’s read the text of the song: “The Old Urals” into English.
My Urals, your mountains are high,
Your rocks are so endearing.
They are like a mother’s arms
Thrown around her dear children.
My Urals, your chest is broad –
The seven tribes, the backbone of the land.
Your men defended you in battles,
Forever they remained in your embrace.
· Перевод на русский язык.
Would you like to translate the text into Russian.
Урал, тебя и взором не объять нам,
Нет скал твоих прекрасней и светлей.
Твои объятья – матери объятья,
Что прижимает ласково детей.
Грудь широка твоя, и даль безмерна,
Страна семи родов родной земли!
Храня тебя и правдою и верой,
· Перевод на башкирский язык.
Translate it into Bashkort.
Уралkайым, huнеңmayыңбейек,
Каяларың, бигерәкhөйкөмлө.
Уралkайым, һuнең, кукpәгенкuң-
Eтe ләырыуuлдeңmөйәге.
hинe генәhakлапяузарсапҡан
Куйынында ирҙәр hөйәге.
IX. Работа над текстом: “Sabantui”.
· Беседа « Что такое Сабантуй».
T: So many countries, so many customs and traditions. Our republic has its customs and traditions. At our lesson we’ll speak about Sabantui. It’s the main festival of the plough, ofthe future harvest. The name Sabantui comes from “saban” which means “a plought” and “tui” which means “a festival”.
· Работа над словами
Before listening to the text remember some words:
sow [sәu] - сеять
dexterity [dek’sterәti] – ловкость, проворство
glade[gleid] - поляна
cherish[‘t∫eri∫] – заботливо выращивать, лелеять
chests[‘t∫est] – сундук, комод
thoroughbred[‘Ө/\rәbred] – чистокровный, породистый
tumultuous[‘tju’m/\lt∫uәs] - возбужденный
poleclimbing[‘әul’klaimiη] – подниматься на столб
earthenware[‘ә:Өnweә] – глиняная посуда, керамика
blindfold[‘blainfәuld] – с завязанными глазами
dodge[dәdз] – уловка, хитрость
sackrace[‘ækreis] – бег в мешках
wrestling [‘resliη] – борьба
spectator [spek’ teitә] – зритель
ram[ræm] – баран
throb[Өrәb] – трепет, волнение
energetic[enә’ dзetik] – энергичный
· Прослушивание текста.
Would you like to listen to the text “Sabantui”.
The name Sabantui comes from saban, which means a plough in the Bashkiri and Tatar languages, and tui, which means a festival. So, Sabantui is the festival of the plough.
As a man ploughs the soil with his saban, he is thinking of the future harvest. Even after the sowing is over, he keeps dreaming of it. So, early in the summer there comes the time of Sabantui: a feast of dreams and hopes, of strength and dexterity, of songs and dances.
Early in the morning of the day of Sabantui, the maidan - a spacious glade in the steppes - fills with people. Old women take their cherished traditional costumes made of velvet of many hues, with necklaces of coins and splendid embroidery out of their chests. Young people don their best dresses and suits. The maidan is decorated with huge banners with wishes for a good harvest and brightly coloured tents with various contest areas.
The festival starts with Sabantui horse racing. Special thoroughbreds thunder past to the accompaniment of tumultuous shouts. Meanwhile other contests begin. Some try their luck at pole climbing, while others try climbing a pole placed at an angle to the ground which, like a wild horse, shakes off the unlucky 'riders'. Next to the pole, an old blindfolded man beats the ground with a stick, and tries to hit an earthenware pot but, disoriented, attacks the judges instead, who dodge the stick in panic.
The sack race is also very popular. Some people move in giant leaps, some take tiny steps, jump on one foot. A popular race for women involves racing with a yoke and two buckets filled with water: not a single drop should be spilt on the way to the finish line. Wrestling attracts the biggest crowd of spectators because they love to watch the competitors showing off their strength and skills. The winner in each competition is awarded a prize, the top one being a ram, taken home on the winner's shoulders.
The festival continues until late at night, when the air throbs with cheerful songs, the ground vibrates with energetic dancing, and the neighborhood is filled with the tender sounds of the kurai.
· Чтение и перевод.
Would you like to read and translate the text?
· Беседа о соревнованиях, проводимых на Сабантуе.
What contests are help at Sabantui?
· Просмотр видеосюжета и беседа по нему.
Would you like to watch the film about Sabantui?
What is your opinion about this festival?
Thank you. I see that this tradition is very interesting. It’s very joyable festival.
X. Подведениеитогов.
T: Let’s sum up what we have done at our lesson and what you have learned.
What did you speak about?
St-s: We spoke about our republic. We knew some interesting information about our republic, its traditions, people.
T: Now, fill the table: “Bashkortostan”
(студенты заполняют таблицу: “Bashkortostan”)
XI. Мотивация оценок.
XII. Домашнее задание.
· Find the interesting information from Internet about our republic.
1. Click on-4 Express Publishing2009
2. Click on-3 Express Publishing2009
3. ПисателиземлиБашкирской. Уфа.: Китап, - 2006
4. Башкортостан: Энциклопедия. Уфа.: Китап, - 2006.
5. Сборник стихотворений Мустая Карима. Уфа, - 1995.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1.Пояснительная записка
2.Технологическая карта урока
3.Обеспечение занятий
4.Ход урока
5.Список использованной литературы
Пояснительная записка.
Целью методической разработки является ознакомление студентов со страноведческим материалом по теме: «Башкортостан» с географическим положением, городами, символами, населением, традициями.
Целями урока являются:
Обучающая: ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме, работа над чтением и переводом текста, работа над диалогами, монологами.
Развивающая: развитие диалогической и монологической речи учащихся, умение высказывать своё мнение, использовать лексику урока для коммуникативных задач, развитие внимания, наблюдательности, умение слушать и делать выводы.
Воспитательная: формирование интереса к иностранному языку, любви к родному краю, к своему городу, т.е. патриотическое, нравственное и эстетическое воспитание.
- Изучение данного материала предполагается на I курсе. Урок комбинированный. Используются различные формы работы, которые взаимосвязаны: это такие виды как аудирование, работа над видеофильмом, выполнение различных упражнений, работа над пословицами, текстом, стихотворениями и т.д. Студенты знакомятся с новой лексикой по теме, получают много интересной информации о своей республике. На уроке присутствует и игровой момент, что повышает интерес студентов к изучению данной темы.
Используются ТСО: аудио, видеомагнитофон, телевизор, компьютер.
Межпредметные связи: история, география, культура Башкортостана, башкирский язык.
Технологическая карта урока.
Тема: “Bashkortostan”.
Вид занятия: комбинированное.
Форма организации учебного процесса: индивидуальная, групповая.
Время занятия: 90 минут.
Цели занятия:
Обучающая: ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме, работа над чтением и переводом текста, работа над диалогами, монологами, аудированием, видеосюжетом.
Развивающая: развитие диалогической и монологической речи учащихся, умение высказывать своё мнение, использовать лексику урока для коммуникативных задач, развитие внимания, наблюдательности, умение слушать и делать выводы.
Воспитательная: формирование интереса к иностранному языку, любви к родному краю, к своему городу, т.е. патриотическое, нравственное и эстетическое воспитание.
Межпредметные связи: история, география, культура Башкортостана, башкирский язык, литература.
Методы обучения:
1 Объяснительно-иллюстративный
2 Репродуктивный
В ходе изучения студенты должны:
знать: лексику по теме.
уметь: слушать и делать выводы, обмениваться информацией на иностранном языке.
понимать: понимать английскую речь.
Обеспечение занятия:
- Методическое: методическая разработка открытого урока по теме:
“ Bashkortostan”.
- Раздаточный материал: карточки с текстами, упражнениями, с новыми словами, тест: “Как хорошо ты знаешь Башкортостан”.
- Средства обучения: аудиокассеты: “ Click on 1”, “ Click on 4”, видеофильм “Башкортостан”, презентация с использованием компьютера по теме “Ufa”, диск “Курай”.
Ход урока.
- Организационный момент.
T: Good afternoon dear quests and students.
I am glad to see you.
How are you?
Are you ready for the lesson?
Take your seats.
II. Начальная мотивация учебной деятельности.
- Беседа на тему : «Башкортостан»
- Перевод отрывка из стихотворения М. Карима « О березовом листе»
Our lesson is devoted to our republic. Do you know the history of our republic?
St-1: It’s the joining of Bashkortostan to Russia 450 years ago.
St-2: Following the collapse of Kazan khanate Bashkortostan voluntary joined to Muscovite Russian State. The Bashkirs requested Tzar Ivan the Terrible to construct a fortress to protect the land.
T: Yes, you are right. I see that you know the history of our republic. 450 years ago Bashkortostan joined to Russia. And all the time, Bashkortostan and Russia are all together.
The people’s poet of Bashkortostan Mustai Karim once compared the republic with a leaf on a birch tree which he called “Russia”. Alien winds and fires have tried to tear it from the tree.
But the leaf grew on upon the tree.
It fed on its mother’s milk.
On the land of the tree.
Но зеленел листок
Среди ветвей,
Питаясь соком
Матери своей.
The leaf symbolizes our republic. The birch tree is Russia. So, at our lesson we’ll know some information about our republic, its population, cities, customs and traditions. I think it will be interesting for you to know such information.
III. Беседа на тему: “Что такое Родина”.
T: Tell me, please: Who was born in Bashkortostan?
I see that Bashkortostan is the motherland for all of us.
What does it mean “motherland”?
St-1: I think that motherland is the best place in the world. It’s very beautiful place. Motherland means something native. In my opinion motherland means my family, my mother, my home, my republic.
St-2: Motherland is the place where I was born. And I was born in Bashkortostan, in Meleuz city. I like my city. I have many friends in my city.
St-3: I like to travel, while travelling I get to know a lot about places I visit, I meet new people and learn about new culture and traditions. But all the time I want to go home, to my republic. I like traditions, foods of Bashkortostan.
T: What food do you like?
St-3: I like chack-chack, kostyby.
T: Yes, it’s very tasty. Thank you for your answer
St-4: I can’t stay from home for a long time. I like the nature, forests, rivers, fields of our republic. It’s the place where I always feel cozy and safe. Otherwise it is not home.
T: I see that all of us like our republic, our motherland. You compare the word “motherland” with the world “home”, “mother”, “nature”, “friends” and “family”. The world “motherland” is composed of two words “mother” and “land”. I want that you give words which are associated with the word “mother”.
St: Native, nice, kind, beautiful, hostess, wonderful, home.
T: I think that you fill the same feelings when you think about motherland:
Native land
Nice land
Beautiful land
Hostess land
Wonderful land
It’s our republic, Bashkortostan!
IV. Работа над пословицами.
T: Would you like to read and translate this proverb:
East or West Home is best.
St-s: В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
T: Give the synonyms, please:
St-s: There is no place like home.
Home is home though is be never so homely.
Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad.
На чужбине родная землица во сне снится.
Дома и солома съедобна.
V.Опрос на тему “ Do you know about our republic Bashkortostan?”
T: Let’s check up how much do you know about our republic. Answer my questions:
- Where is Bashkortostan located?
(the South Urals)
- What is the territory of Bashkortostan?
(143.600 km2)
- What is the population of Bashkortostan?
(over 4 million)
- What are the main rivers and lakes?
(Belaya River, Ufa River, Sim, Nugush, Ik, Dyoma, Zilim, Ay, Kandry-kul, Asly-kul)
- What is the biggest river in Bashkortostan?
(Belaya River – 1.430 km)
- What nationalities are in Bashkkortostan?
(Bashkirs, Russian, Chuvash, Tatars, Udmurts, Mari and others)
- What famous writers do you know?
(Salavat Yulaev, Mustai Karim, Zarema Akhmedyanova, Ibragim Abdullin, Nail Gaitbaev, Musa Gali, Gulnur Yakupova, Dinis Bulyakov, Robert Pal)
- What regions does Bashkortostan border on?
(Chelyabinsk, Perm, Tatar, Sverdlov, Orenburg, Udmurt regions)
- What is the national hero of Bashkortostan?
(Salavat Yulayev)
- Who is the President of our republic?
(Murtaza Gubaidullovich Rakhimov)
- What is the main National Library in our republic?
(A.Z. Validi National Library)
- What is the oldest Publishing House in our republic?
- What are the national Bashkir instruments?
(Kurai, koubys)
- What is the famous Bashkir State Folk Dance ensemble?
(named after F. Gaskarov)
- What is the famous ice hockey team in Bashkortostan?
(“Salavat Yulayev”)
- What newspaper and magazines and printed in Ufa?
(“Vatandash”, “Ufa”, “Tulpar”, “Vechernyay Ufa”)
You knowledge is brilliant. Thank you. You know a lot about our republic.
VI. Работа над аудированием текста: “Welcome to Bashkortostan”.
T: Let’s listen to some information about our republic
- Работа над словами.
Before listening, remember some words.
- Прослушивание текста.
Listen to the text and try to remember the information.
republic [ri′p/\blik] - республика
official [ә′ƒi∫l] - официальный
growing [′grәviη] - растущий
oil [әil] - нефть
gas [gæs] - газ
copper [′kәpә] - медь
iron [′aiәn] - железо
scenery [′si : nәri] – пейзаж
hare [heә] - заяц
species [′spi : ∫iz] - порода
Welcome to Bashkortostan
1. The Republic of Bashkortostan is in the South Ural mountains and has an area of 143,600 km2. There are 21 cities in Bashkortostan. The capital city is Ufa. Other large cities in the republic include Sterlitamak, Salavat, Neftekamsk and Oktyabrsky.
2. The population of Bashkortostan is just over 4 million. One third of people living in Bashkortostan are Bashkirs Russians, Chuvash, Tatars, Udmurts, Mari and others also live in the republic.
3. Russian is the official language of Bashkortostan. The Bashkir language is the second language in the Republic.
4. Bashkortostan is one of the largest agricultural regions in Russia. It also has many growing industries. The area produces a lot of oil, gas, copper and iron. Bashkortostan has beautiful-scenery. There are over eight hundred lakes and six hundred rivers. The wildlife in this area includes bears, moose, foxes, hares and over two hundred species of birds.
- Would you like to go to the map and retell the text.
VII. Составление рассказов о своем городе.
T: Do you know the main cities in our republic? Name them.
St-s: Kumertau, Meleuz, Sterlitamak, Belebey, Salavat, Ufa, Oktyabrskiy, Tuimazy, Beloretsk, Ishimbay, Aghidel, Uchaly, Sibay.
T: Would you like to find the cities on the map
(Студентам нужно найти города Башкортостана по карте. Преподаватель раздает карточки с городами, студенты находят их. Но в карточках с названиями городов, есть город, который не находится в Республике. Студенты должны найти эту ошибку.)
There is one mistake. One of these cities is not situated in our republic.
Agidel is in the north – eastern part.
Neftekamsk is in the north – western part.
Tuimazy is the western gate of our republic.
Oktyabrsky is in the west.
Belebey is in the south – western part.
Kumertau is the southern part of the Urals Mountains.
Meleuz is in the south.
Sterlitamak is the western part of the South Urals.
Ishimbay is in the West.
Beloretsk is the eastern part of the South Urals.
Sibay is in the eastern part.
Salavat is near Ishimbay, Sterlitamak it is situated in the South.
Uchaly is in the eastern part of our republic.
Miass is not situated in our republic.
T: Would you like to tell me: «Where are you from?»
St-1: I am from Ufa.
St-2: I am from Meleuz.
St-3: I am from Blagovar region, etc.
T: Who wants to tell us about your city?
St-1: I want to tell you about my city Meleuz.
(Студент рассказывает о своем городе)
T: Who was born in Ufa? Would you like to tell us about Ufa – city?
St-2: Yes, I was born in Ufa. I want to tell about Ufa – city. (рассказ о Уфе)
T: Thank you.
- Now we have an opportunity to watch the presentation of our third – year students about
Ufa – city. Let’s watch.
(идет просмотр слайд – шоу презентации о городе Уфе)
T: I hope that you like this presentation. Thank you.
VIII. Работа над текстом песни “The Old Urals”.
T: The songs are at the heart of Bashkort people. Song Poetry occupies the main place in the culture of Bashkorts, the people of South Ural. The Bashkorts have been nestling against the majestic Ural Mountains since the oldest days. Thick forests and high rocks protected them from their enemies. The Bashkort sasans composed songs to glorify the Urals and the batyrs. Many batyrs laid down their lives to keep the land, its waters, mountains and plains free from invasion. The song that spread among all the Baskort tribes was called “Ural” –“ The Old Urals”. As time went on, the tune changed. These days people sing “The Old Urals” like this.
(Учитель произносит эти слова под музыкальное презентацию слайд – шоу о природе Башкортостана. Звучит мелодия “Старый Урал”).
- Объяснения значений слов.
Who is batyr?
It is a hero.
Who is sasan?
Sasan is a folk tale narrator, an improvisator.
batyr – батыр
sasan – сэсэн
tribes – племена
- Чтение текста песни «Старый Урал» на английском языке.
Let’s read the text of the song: “The Old Urals” into English.
My Urals, your mountains are high,
Your rocks are so endearing.
They are like a mother’s arms
Thrown around her dear children.
My Urals, your chest is broad –
The seven tribes, the backbone of the land.
Your men defended you in battles,
Forever they remained in your embrace.
- Перевод на русский язык.
Would you like to translate the text into Russian.
Урал, тебя и взором не объять нам,
Нет скал твоих прекрасней и светлей.
Твои объятья – матери объятья,
Что прижимает ласково детей.
Грудь широка твоя, и даль безмерна,
Страна семи родов родной земли!
Храня тебя и правдою и верой,
Сложили головы сыны твои.
- Перевод на башкирский язык.
Translate it into Bashkort.
Уралkайым, huнең mayың бейек,
Каяларың, бигерәк hөйкөмлө.
Тыуған балаларын kосаkлаған
Эсәйҙәpҙең ҡyйыны шикелле.
Уралkайым, һuнең, кукpәген кuң -
Eтe лә ырыу uлдeң mөйәге.
hинe генә hakлап яузар сапҡан
Куйынында ирҙәр hөйәге.
IX. Работа над текстом: “Sabantui”.
- Беседа « Что такое Сабантуй».
T: So many countries, so many customs and traditions. Our republic has its customs and traditions. At our lesson we’ll speak about Sabantui. It’s the main festival of the plough, of the future harvest. The name Sabantui comes from “saban” which means “a plought” and “tui” which means “a festival”.
- Работа над словами
Before listening to the text remember some words:
sow [sәu] - сеять
dexterity [dek’sterәti] – ловкость, проворство
glade [gleid] - поляна
cherish [‘t∫eri∫] – заботливо выращивать, лелеять
chests [‘t∫est] – сундук, комод
thorough bred [‘Ө/\rәbred] – чистокровный, породистый
tumultuous [‘tju’m/\lt∫uәs] - возбужденный
pole climbing [‘әul ’klaimiη] – подниматься на столб
earthenware [‘ә:Өnweә] – глиняная посуда, керамика
blindfold [‘blainfәuld] – с завязанными глазами
dodge [dәdз] – уловка, хитрость
sack race [‘ækreis] – бег в мешках
wrestling [‘resliη] – борьба
spectator [spek’ teitә] – зритель
ram [ræm] – баран
throb [Өrәb] – трепет, волнение
energetic [enә’ dзetik] – энергичный
- Прослушивание текста.
Would you like to listen to the text “Sabantui”.
The name Sabantui comes from saban, which means a plough in the Bashkiri and Tatar languages, and tui, which means a festival. So, Sabantui is the festival of the plough.
As a man ploughs the soil with his saban, he is thinking of the future harvest. Even after the sowing is over, he keeps dreaming of it. So, early in the summer there comes the time of Sabantui: a feast of dreams and hopes, of strength and dexterity, of songs and dances.
Early in the morning of the day of Sabantui, the maidan - a spacious glade in the steppes - fills with people. Old women take their cherished traditional costumes made of velvet of many hues, with necklaces of coins and splendid embroidery out of their chests. Young people don their best dresses and suits. The maidan is decorated with huge banners with wishes for a good harvest and brightly coloured tents with various contest areas.
The festival starts with Sabantui horse racing. Special thoroughbreds thunder past to the accompaniment of tumultuous shouts. Meanwhile other contests begin. Some try their luck at pole climbing, while others try climbing a pole placed at an angle to the ground which, like a wild horse, shakes off the unlucky 'riders'. Next to the pole, an old blindfolded man beats the ground with a stick, and tries to hit an earthenware pot but, disoriented, attacks the judges instead, who dodge the stick in panic.
The sack race is also very popular. Some people move in giant leaps, some take tiny steps, jump on one foot. A popular race for women involves racing with a yoke and two buckets filled with water: not a single drop should be spilt on the way to the finish line. Wrestling attracts the biggest crowd of spectators because they love to watch the competitors showing off their strength and skills. The winner in each competition is awarded a prize, the top one being a ram, taken home on the winner's shoulders.
The festival continues until late at night, when the air throbs with cheerful songs, the ground vibrates with energetic dancing, and the neighborhood is filled with the tender sounds of the kurai.
- Чтение и перевод.
Would you like to read and translate the text?
- Беседа о соревнованиях, проводимых на Сабантуе.
What contests are help at Sabantui?
- Просмотр видеосюжета и беседа по нему.
Would you like to watch the film about Sabantui?
What is your opinion about this festival?
Thank you. I see that this tradition is very interesting. It’s very joyable festival.
X. Подведение итогов.
T: Let’s sum up what we have done at our lesson and what you have learned.
What did you speak about?
St-s: We spoke about our republic. We knew some interesting information about our republic, its traditions, people.
T: Now, fill the table: “Bashkortostan”
(студенты заполняют таблицу: “Bashkortostan”)
XI. Мотивация оценок.
XII. Домашнее задание.
- Find the interesting information from Internet about our republic.
Список использованной литературы:
- Click on-4 Express Publishing 2009
- Click on-3 Express Publishing 2009
- Писатели земли Башкирской. Уфа.: Китап, - 2006
- Башкортостан: Энциклопедия. Уфа.: Китап, - 2006.
- Сборник стихотворений Мустая Карима. Уфа, - 1995.
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