Презентация ко Дню Св.Валентина
презентация по английскому языку на тему

Асташина Юлия Ивановна

Презентация ко Дню святого Валентина


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Слайд 1

N ew words: U.S. Census Bureau -Бюро переписи США Stork -аист Swift -быстрый Smooth -гладкий Crabapple -яблоня Imperfection -несовершенство Gasoline -бензин

Слайд 3

How do Americans celebrate Valentine’s Day? U.S. Census Bureau has the answer

Слайд 4

Greeting Cards 65%

Слайд 5

Date Night 44%

Слайд 6

Candy 38%

Слайд 7

Flowers 32 %

Слайд 8

Plush 21%

Слайд 9

Perfume 12%

Слайд 10

Jewelry 11%

Слайд 11

The English language has scores of phrases that make reference to love. Do you know what of these ‘ LOVE’ phrases mean?

Слайд 12

There’s an old saying that goes “When _______ comes in the door, love flies out of the window.” What is that wretched thing? a) The stork b) Poverty c) Jealousy d) Hardship

Слайд 13

What was referred to as a love apple? Red Delicious apple b) Sweet crabapple c) Tomato d) Apricot

Слайд 14

We say love is blind and there’s a mythological source for the saying. What is it? a) Oetesh, the Egyptian goddess of love and beauty, was blind to the imperfections of those she loved. b) Venus, the Roman goddess of love, blinded Adonis to the beauty of all other women so that he would see only her. c) Eros, the Roman god of love, was blinded at birth by the beauty of his mother Aphrodite. d) Cupid, the Greek god of love, wears a blindfold.

Слайд 15

Who wrote “My love is like a red, red rose” ? Robert Burns b) Richard Lovelace c) Andrew Marvell d) William Shakespeare

Слайд 16

If you declare love for someone from selfish motives, you can be accused of showing… . What? a) Shelf love b) Cupboard love c) Self - interest love d) Indulgent love

Слайд 17

Love Tips For the Guys

Слайд 18

Say, “ I’d give you the moon, but Bill Gates bought it long ago."

Слайд 19

“ Conserve gasoline… … take a long walk together.

Слайд 20

“ Hold her tight… … when you watch SCREAM, Part 2”

Слайд 21

The “car way” of telling how far the relationship is: Dating : the guy unlocks the door and then goes around to his side to get in. Engaged : the man opens his door, leans over and unlocks her door and opens it. Married : the man gets in to the driver’s seat, unlocks the doors, and says “ Aren’t you getting in?” Trying to impress the woman : he unlocks and opens the door, waits for her to get inside, closes the door behind her.

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