презентация к уроку английского языка (9 класс) по теме
Презентация в помощь учителю на уроке английского языка.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Harry Potter The story begins when Harry is 11. He is small and skinny, with grey eyes and black hair that is always untidy. He wears round glasses and on his forehead there is a scar. This scar is the only hint of Harry’s mysterious past. He was a year old when a powerful dark wizard killed his parents. But he couldn’t kill Harry. Harry didn’t know he was a wizard and believed that his parents died in a car crash. But when he was 11, he received a letter from Hogwarts school, and then he learned that his dead parents were both powerful wizards and he was to follow their footsteps. Untidy – неаккуратные Glasses – очки Forehead – лоб Scar – шрам Hint – намек Powerful – могущественный Wizard – волшебник Car crash – автокатастрофа To receive - получать To follow - следовать
Hogwarts School is a huge castle with towers, big halls, hundred of passages and plenty of ghosts( friendly & annoying )
The students have classes like in any other school, but instead of Math & Geography they study : Herbology Charms Magic potions Transfiguration Defence against the Dark arts History of Magic
Argus Filch The caretaker of the school
The pedagogical staff is very interesting & professional
Professor McGonagall The teacher of Transfiguration. Strict & clever . Can change her desk into a pig
Professor Sprout The teacher of Her b ology . knows everything about all the strange plants & also how to use them
Professor Flitwick The Charms teacher a tiny little wizard always stands on a pile of books
Professor Binns He was very old when he woke up in front of the fireplace without his body The ghost teacher of History of magic
caretaker of the school strict & clever strange plants Herbology Charms Magic potions Transfiguration Defence against the Dark arts History of Magic Untidy Glasses Forehead Scar Hint Powerful Wizard Car crash To receive To follow
Хранитель школы Строгий и умный Странные растения Зельеварение Магия Магические заклинания Превращения Защита против зла История магии неаккуратный очки лоб шрам намек могущественный волшебник автокатастрофа получать следовать
Автор книги - Джоанна Роулинг . Главный герой книги – Гарри Поттер . Он – маленький и худой мальчик. Он носит очки, на лбу у него шрам. Когда ему был один год его родителей убил могущественный волшебник, но Гарри думал, что они погибли в автокатастрофе. Когда ему исполнилось 11 лет, он получил письмо из Хогвартса . Так он узнал, что он должен следовать по стопам родителей. Хогвартс – школа необычная. Это огромный замок со множеством переходов, холлов, и привидениями. Вместо математики и истории здесь учат зельеварение , магические заклинания, историю магии, превращения. Педагогический состав очень интересный. Некоторые учителя умеют превращать стол в свинью и летать над учениками .
Speak about Magic school Harry Potter Subjects Teachers
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
English around the World of Pop Music
кончик языка находится между зубами, а поток воздуха проходит между языком и верхними зубами [ɵ ] t+h th ousand fai th th eme th ought Ear th
A th ousand fai th s with a common dream A th ousand tongues with a common th eme A th ousand th oughts with a single plan: Place on Ear th and goodwill to man! Do you speak English ?
who are these people ? http://studyenglishnow.ru/2011/01/happy-new-year-abba/
They sing their songs in English to have a better chance to win the contest. The most notable winner was German band - Abba. The Eurovision song contest is held among all the countries of the World. CORRECT THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS : THAT’S RIGHT! I THINK SO TOO! I AGREE WITH YOU! IT IS TRUE! THAT’S WRONG! I DISAGREE! I DON’T THINK SO! IT IS FALSE! C:\Users\User\Documents\ кроссворд. htm
British Pop and Rock Stars Do you recognize them?
INSTRUMENTS PEOPLE TYPES OF MUSIC Rock and roll, musician, punk, pop, bass guitar, saxophone, piano, lead guitar, heavy metal, songwriter, drums, blues, singer, pop star, guitarist, rock, producer, trumpet Put the words into the correct column:
Window on Britain Oxford English Video
Now work in pairs: interview each other; ask the following questions and fix the answers What do you sing in the shower? What is you favorite album? Who is you favorite singer? What was your first record and where did you buy it? What music do you usually listen with your friends?
http://www.artsides.ru/big/item_5724.jpg http://pesenteksty.ru/img/3740.jpg http://all-biography.ru/wp-photos/20080929-180023-2.jpg http://all-biography.ru/wp-photos/20080929-180023-2.jpg http://www.artsides.ru/big/item_5715.jpg http://www.alleurovision.ru/uploads/posts/2011-05/1305282611_evrovinie-v-2012-gody.jpg http://www.artsides.ru/big/item_5707.jpg http://stat18.privet.ru/lr/0a2c911200037c62edb84561f342a233 http://www.kleo.ru/items/planetarium/img/n012_7756_jpg_01151402.jpg http://www.akkords.ru/r/rolling_stones/2133.jpg http://www.alleurovision.ru/uploads/posts/2011-05/1305404190_vorobev-pomenyl-nomer.jpg http:// www.alleurovision.ru/uploads/posts/2011-05/1305402664_eurovision_2011_final.jpg http://www.artsides.ru/big/item_5709.jpg http://img.beatles.ru/articles/201104/201104081520150615.jpg http://www.artsides.ru/big/item_5721.jpg http://top-desktop.ru/files/muzyka/1280/12.jpg
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
What do you like/hate doing? Е very day I…. I don ’ t like V- ing… I hate V- ing… I don ’ t mind V- ing… I like V- ing… Free Time Activities Play video games/ tennis/cards – играть в игры / теннис / карты Ride a bicycle/a motorbike – кататься на велосипеде / мотоцикле Go shopping / dancing / fishing / to bed - ходить по магазинам/увлекаться танцами/ложиться спать Read a book/a magazine/a newspaper- читать книгу / журнал / газету Meet friends- встречаться с друзьями Watch a film/the news on TV- смотреть фильм / новости Have dinner/a shower – обедать / принимать душ Listen to the radio/music – слушать радио / музыку Wash dishes/the car/my clothes - мыть посуду / машину / стирать одежду Do my homework/the washing up/shaving– делать дом . работу / мыться / бриться Do every day – делаю каждый день Do every morning – делаю каждое утро Don ’ t like doing – не люблю делать Hate doing – ненавижу делать Don ’ t mind doing – не против делать Like doing – люблю делать
Milky Way (Galaxy)
Mission Control
Shuttle (spaceship)
In orbit
Aboard the spaceship
Astronauts working c losely
Space Walk
They work on projects involving satellite
t o shave w ith a special razor бриться особыми лезвиями to have a shower принимать душ to wash with a wet sponge мыться влажной губкой razor
Night and Day around the Milky Way A space shuttle/spaceship – космический корабль A satellite - спутник Astronauts - астронавты A crew – команда, экипаж Audience - публика Fans - фанаты Viewers - свидетели Aboard – на борту Wake up - будить Exactly – ровно в …, точно Space walks – выход в открытый космос Admire the view – наслаждаться видом The Earth - Земля The Moon - Луна The stars - звезды A couple of hours – пара часов Relax - расслабиться Piece of music – музыкальное произведение Message – послание, сообщение Wet sponge – влажная губка Razor – лезвие, бритва Project involving … - проект, связанный с… Take photos - фотографировать Work closely – работать тесно, сообща Take a short break – взять перерыв , паузу During – во время, в течение According to – согласно, по мнению Until - до Fortunately – к счастью Take over for the night – готовиться к ночи Each other – друг друга Personal - личный Difficult task – трудная задача , дело Clap loudly хлопать громко Catch a bus – сесть на автобус Get home – вернуться (попасть) домой Visit relatives – навещать родственников Brush my teeth – чистить зубы Appear - появляться Receive - получать
Night and Day around the Milky Way Every morning Mission Control wakes the crew up at 6:45 p.m. Then the crew members wash themselves with a wet sponge and shave with special razors. At 8:45 the crew starts work. They work on projects involving satellites and spaceships. Each day they have six-hour space-walks. In their free time most of them read and send personal e-mail, read books and listen to music. Sometimes they sit by the window and admire the Earth and the stars. At 10:41 it’s time for the crew to go to bed.
Наречия частотности Когда … When… Often - часто Occasionally – время от времени Sometimes - иногда Usually - обычно Rarely - редко Never - никогда Always - всегда Constantly - постоянно
Quit e / Qui e t – абсолютно, совершенно (наречие) I’m quite sure.- Я абсолютно уверен . - тихий, спокойный (прилагательное) He’s very quiet . – О н очень спокоен . Quite Quiet
Вопросительные слова с How … How -как How long – как долго, сколько времени How far – как далеко, на каком расстоянии
USED TO BE / DO – ИМЕЛ(А)ПРИВЫЧКУ, ОБЫКНОВЕНИЕ (В ПРОШЛОМ, В НАСТОЯЩЕЕ ВРЕМЯ ДЕЙСТВИЕ БОЛЬШЕ НЕ СОВЕРШАЕТСЯ) I used to cry when I was a baby. Life used to be very different. I used to work as a cleaner. I used to buy my clothes from second-hand shops. I used to sing in the college choir. I didn’t use to go to clubs. I used to listen to the radio a lot.
So do I - я тоже Neither do I – я тоже не… A: I always do my homework in time. B: So do I. ___________________ A: I often listen to rock music. A:I never drink coffee. B: Neither do I. ___________________ A: I never make my bed in the morning. B: Neither do I.
Terraced House - один из стандартных домиков, стоящих в ряд вдоль улицы Work as a cleaner – работать уборщиком (- цей ) Choir – хор Perform concerts – давать концерты Bright – яркий/умный/талантливый Cramped – тесненный в чем-либо To make ends meet – сводить концы с концами Go for walks - гулять Hire - нанимать Persuade - убеждать Completely - полностью Lucky – удачливый , везучий Lead the life – вести образ жизни Privacy – личная свобода Promising career – многообещающая/перспективная карьера Successful - успешный Cover - обложка On a diet – на диете Keep the body in shape – держать тело в форме
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
We have spent thousands of years fighting for our survival. Yet now we discovered that our planet is under threat and, to make matter worse, it’s all our fault.
Only when all the rivers have run dry And all the fish in the sea have died Only when all the rainforests have been burnt down And there is no food for the animals Only when all the blue skies have been filled with smoke And the cities of the world have choked Will the white man understand That it’s too late to save the world. ( Native American poem )
Water pollution is one of the most serious problems. We all like swimming in the sea or drinking a cool glass of water in a hot day, don’t we? These simple pleasures may soon become a thing of the past. Factories are polluting our rivers and lakes with dangerous chemicals. Oil tankers are releasing thick black oil into our oceans. Tons and tons of industrial and domestic waste are poured into the seas. Consequently sea life is threatened with extinction .
Air pollution is another important issue. The cars and factories in and around our cities are giving off dangerous fumes. In the past few years more and more people than ever before have developed allergies and breathing problems. If we don’t do something now, our cities will become impossible to live in.
Our society is producing too much packaging and food waste which are dropped in the streets or end up in a rubbish tip. The cities are full of rubbish. People catch diseases from litter and dirt.
problem causes effects air pollution factories and cars environmental problems, diseases water pollution industrial waste and oil litter lack of education
Suggestions Government should force factories to put filters on chimneys. We should stop cutting the trees and plant more trees. Then we’ll have more oxygen. We should clean up the litter in cities. People should get involved into recycling schemes.
In recent years people have become more sensitive to the nature. Still more public organizations and unofficial environmentalist movements have been established every year. In 1987 a “Green Peace” public commission has been set up. Its main goal is to combine the people’s efforts for peace and environmental protection.
Well, everybody knows, how we can help our nature to protect the environment. We can help the Earth, working hard, cleaning the environment and planting trees, studying and loving nature.
All things considered, there are many solutions to the problems. The sooner we put them into practice , the better our life will become.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
What electronic media do you know?
To fix To chat To text To tell of To concentrate To deal with An impact A laptop To chat online To text friends To use frequently Electronic media
catty- fil@mail . ru www. Advet.com/news george@mail.ru www.react.com/cnn Web/email address Write your own address №7- p 107
Per cent % 30% 67% 82% 21%
Do you chat with your friends? Do you install programs? Do you check your email every day? When did you do it last time? How often do you download music?
What do you know about multi-tasking? What is automatic action? Do you often deal with it? Is it negative or positive from your point of view?
At the age of ________ I went to a primary school. Secondary school To begin to use a computer/mobile phone To write my first email To play a console
What technologies do you use in your boarding school? In what way?
To fix To tell of To concentrate To deal with An impact A laptop To chat online To text friends To use frequently Electronic media Выговаривать Печатать СМС друзьям Сидеть в чате Электронные средства общения Иметь дело с Ноутбук Вред Часто использовать Сосредоточиться Уставиться Match the pairs
Lisa is multi – tasking. She can not chat on line/send messages/ download songs/study for her biology exam at the same time. It helps her to concentrate. It is unusual in our technological society. Multi-tasking has not a bad impact. It affects your learning in a negative way. You should multi-task when you learn smth new. Generation M needs time to relax & reflect.
Слушать музыку / новости Посылать сообщения Скачивать фильм Смотреть фильмы по DVD Распечатать фото Подключиться к интернету Установить программу Клавиатура To send To edit To download To connect To listen To watch keyboard To install
Do you use your laptops every day or occasionally? Dos it help you in your study? What subject is the most difficult for you? Does it take much time to do it? Would you like to spend more time learning?
I am fond of… I am best at… Applied economics, computer science, engineering, management, health science Natural biology, chemistry, physics, geography, ecology, astronomy Social Psychology, education, history, politics, sociology
Curriculum Compulsory subjects Foundation subjects
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Modern technical devices
Thomas Alva Edison Bill Gates Akito Morita John Logie Baird James M.Spangler Alexander Graham Bell
EDISON, THOMAS ALVA Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) was an American inventor (also known as the Wizard of Menlo Park) whose many inventions revolutionized the world. His work includes improving the incandescent electric light bulb and inventing the phonograph, the phonograph record and the motion-picture projector.
The Edison Universal Stock Printer gave him the capital ($40,000) to set up a laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey.
Edison originated the concept and implementation of electric-power generation and distribution to homes, businesses, and factories – a crucial development in the modern industrialized world. His first power station was on Manhattan Island , New York .
Bill Gates (William Henry Gates III): Microsoft Founder
Famous for : being one of the world's most generous philanthropists , revolutionizing the computer industry.
In March 2005 William H. Gates received an "honorary" knighthood from the queen of England. Gates was bestowed with the KBE Order (Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) for his services in reducing poverty and improving health in the developing countries of the world.
« I don’t fear computers. I fear the lack of them… » Isaak Asimov
TO BE CONNECTD TO THE INTERNET/ быть подключенным к сети Интернет TO CLICK THE MOUSE /кликнуть мышью THE ICON ON THE DESKTOP /иконка на рабочем столе CHOOSE THE SEARCH ENGINE /выбрать поисковую систему TYPE IN SOME CLUE WORDS /впечатать ключевые слова MENUE OF DIFFERENT SITES /меню разных сайтов SATELITE MAP /изображение со спутника
С hat/mobile/laptop/Internet/online/ addict/technology/CDs/download/ gadgets
DEBATING COMPUTER AND INTRNET – PROS AND CONS Use the following phrases to express your opinion while debating: I suppose/believe/consider/think… I agree/disagree/am not sure about… I’d rather say that…/I wouldn’t say that…
Home task: think of your own invention to revolutionize the world. Be ready to describe it in the class.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Урок по теме: "Мультимедийные интерактивные презентации. Дизайн презентации и макеты слайдов. "
Данный урок рассматривается первым по счету в разделе «Компьютерные презентации». На данном уроке учащиеся знакомятся с программой POWERPOINT, учатся изменять дизайн и макет слайдов....

Презентация "Использование мультимедийных презентаций как универсального средства познания"
В презентации "Использование мультимедийных презентаций как универсального средства познания" даются советы по оформлению и наполнению презентаций....
Разработка урока и презентации "The Sightseeng Tours" London and Saint-Petersburg c презентацией
Цели: развитие речевого умения (монологическое высказывание); совершенствование грамматических навыков чтения и говорения (прошедшее неопределенное время, определенный артикль) Задачи: учи...
Презентация "Рекомендации по созданию мультимедийных презентаций"
§Предложить рекомендации по подготовке презентаций; §научить профессиональному оформлению слайдов. ...

Презентация к уроку "Обобщение по теме презентации"
Урок – деловая игра «Работа с пакетом презентаций Power Point». В ходе урока организовано повторение материала "электронные таблицы" с использованием КИМов, повторение технологи...
Презентация "Лица Победы". Данную презентацию можно использовать на уроках литературы в день памяти о тех, кто сражался и погиб в годы Великой Отечественной войны.
Данная презентация посвящена событиям Великой Отечественной войны и может быть использована в средних и старших классах как на уроках литературы, так и на внеклассных мероприятиях для пров...

Проектная деятельность на уроках литературы. 7 класс. Стихи Н.А.Некрасова .Презентация. презентация
Презентация к уроку"Проектная деятельность на уроках литературы.Стихи Н.А.Некрасова.7класс"...