23/02/2025 Spotlight 11 Module 6 Reported Speech
рабочие листы (11 класс)

Спирина Ирина Владимировна

Тренировочные упражнения для отработки на уроке.Дистанционное обучение


Предварительный просмотр:

Фамилия Имя_______________________________________________________

Выберите правильный вариант  перевода предложения из прямой речи в косвенную. Более чем один вариант возможен.

  1. “I am planning to go to Kenya,” Sally said.
  1. She said she was planning to go to Kenya.
  2. He said he was planning to go to Kenya.
  3. She said she is planning to go to Kenya.
  4. Sally said that she was planning to go to Kenya.
  5. Sally said I am planning to go to Kenya. 
  1. “The birds build their nests among the trees,” the teacher said.
  1. The teacher said that the birds were building their nests among the trees.
  2. The teacher said that the birds built their nests among the trees.
  3. The teacher said that the birds have built their nests among the trees.
  4. The teacher said that the birds will build their nests among the trees.
  5. The teacher said that the birds build their nests among the trees.

3. “I don’t like chocolate,” Mary said.

  1. Mary said that she doesn’t like chocolate.
  2. Mary said that she not liked chocolate.
  3. She said that she didn’t like chocolate.
  4. Mary said that she liked chocolate.
  5. Mary said that she didn’t like chocolate.

4. “Do you do sports?”, doctor asked.

  1. Doctor asked me if I do sports.
  2. Doctor asked me if you do sports.
  3. Doctor asked me did I sports.
  4. Doctor asked me if I did sports.
  5. Doctor said me did you do sports.

5. “What is your favorite subject?”, Colin asks me.

  1. Colin asks me what my favorite subject is.
  2. Colin asked me what my favorite subject is.
  3. Colin asks me what my favorite subject is.
  4. Colin asks me what your favorite subject is.
  5. Colin asks me what is my favorite subject.

6. “Have you made new friends?”, a mother asked.

  1. My mother asked me if I had made new friends.
  2. My mother asked me if you had made new friends.
  3. She asked me if I had made new friends.
  4. A mother asked her daughter if she had made new friends.
  5. A mother asked her daughter had she made new friends.

7. “Is it your second visit to England?”, the policeman asked.

  1. The policeman asked me if it is my second visit to England.
  2. The policeman asked me if it was my second visit to England.
  3. The policeman asked if it was my second visit to England.
  4. The policeman asked me was it my second visit to England.
  5. The policeman asked my friends if it was their second visit to England.

8. “Can Molly speak English?”, Kate asked.

  1. Kate asked if Molly could speak English.
  2. Kate asks if Molly could speak English.
  3. Kate asked if Molly can speak English.
  4. Kate asked could Molly speak English.
  5. She asked if Molly could speak English.

9. “Don’t smoke”, the doctor said.

  1. The doctor advised me not to smoke.
  2. The doctor advised me do not smoke.
  3. The doctor said me not to smoke.
  4. The doctor advised me didn’t smoke.
  5. The doctor said me not smoke.

10. Соотнесите указатели времени и наречия с их измененными формами

Direct Speech

Indirect Speech

1. today
4.next week
5.last month


a) the following week

b) there

c) those

d) that day
e) before
f) the next day
g) that
h) the day before
i) then

j) the previous month


  1. a, d
  2. b
  3. c, e
  4. d
  5. a
  6. a, c, d
  7. b, c, e
  8. a, e
  9. a, c

Direct Speech

Indirect Speech

next week

last month


that day
the next day
the day before
the following week
the previous month


  1.   1-d,










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