Сценарий сказки для 3 класса
творческая работа учащихся

Данный сценарий разнообразит внеклассную деятельность в школе. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

    This is the story about a girl. She is beautiful and also she is kind. Her name is Kselina. She lives in a big city. She likes drawing and reading fairy tales. Every day she takes her favourite book, sits in her armchair next to the fire and begins reading a new fairy tale. One day Kselina fell asleep, when she wakes up, she can’t understand where she is. She goes outside. On her way she meets a fairy.

"Lady, I'm sorry, tell me, please, what place it is?" says a girl.

"My dear, you are in the magic land" says the fairy.

"Magic land? But I want to go home, to my parents" cries the girl.

“Don’t worry. You’ll come home, if you help the heroes of the fairy tales you meet. Please take these magic things. Go ahead and you’ll find the way” says the fairy.

     And the girl goes. She hurries. On the way she meets very beautiful girl, which is crying.

“Hello, I’m Kselina, what’s your name? Why are you crying and what are you looking for?” asks Kselina.

“Hi, I’m so poor. I’m Cinderella. I was at the ball. But when the clock began striking at twelve, I have to leave the ball. And I’ve lost the way home”

“Cinderella, don’t cry. Take this magic ball; it can help to find your home. Here it is”.

“Thank you so much. Good bye”.

“Bye bye”.

    Kselina continues her way too. She sees a little boy.

“I’m so hungry. I want to have some warm drink and some bread” cries the boy.

“I’m Kselina. What’s your name?”

“I’m Jack”

“Jack, don’t cry. Take this magic bean, which will feed you and your family. It will grow a vine that will be as high as sky. There might be many things that you want up there”.

“Thank you very much” says the boy.


Kselina goes; she meets a prince.

“Hello, who are looking for”?

“I must save my princess. She and all people in her castle fell asleep and she must be awakened by a person, who truly loves her”.

“Take this ring and it will show you the way to your princess. You should kiss her and everybody in the castle will awake from the sleep” says Kselina.

“Thank you very much for your kindness”

     Kselina is tired but she continues her way. She wants to see her mother, father and friends. Suddenly, the old and tired dog appears on her way.

“Dear, Dog! You look so tired; do you want to eat something?”

“No, thank you. I escaped from my farmer; he thinks that I’m too old. Now, I don’t know where to go” says the dog.

“I know! Take this magic map. You must to Bermen to become a musician. But you should find friends, like a donkey, a cat and a rooster, to make a musical band”.

“Thank you for your help” says the dog.

     After sometime Kselina meets a little girl, she is carrying a small basket.

“My dear, where are you going?” asks Kselina.

“I’m going to see my granny, she’s ill in bed. I’m carrying some tasty pies for her. And she needs my help about the house. An ugly wolf lives in the forest. And he can eat me. I’m afraid “says the little girl.

“Don’t afraid, my friend. I have a red coat with a hood for you. Here it is. It’s the magic coat. You’ll be invisible if you wear it” says Jane.

“Thank you for your gift. Good bye”

       Kselina is happy, because she has the last magic present, soon she’ll come home. Thinking about her toys, favourite books, she is face to face a wooden boy.

“Hello, who are you? And where are you hurrying?”

“Hi, I’m Pinocchio. I have escaped my school. It’s so boring to study. I don’t want to go to school. I like to play, run and I want only to have fun” says Pinocchio.

“School is a wonderful place. You can learn many things, subjects about the world, people and animals. I want to give you the magic book, which helps you to study” says Kselina.

“Thank you. I promise, I’ll try to study well” says he.

      Kselina is glad. She met and found new friends. At this time the fairy appears again, she’s holding a pair of silver shoes in her hands. She gives them to Kselina and says

“You’re kind and friendly girl. You did a lot. Take these shoes and you’ll come back home. Bye.”

“Good bye the fairy!”

    After sometime Kselina awakes in her lovely room.  


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