Паспорт социального проекта «Дни британской культуры в школьном лагере»
проект (1, 2, 3, 4 класс) на тему
В паспорте описаны этапы работы по организации утренников, посвященных британским праздникам в школьном лагере. В приложении даны руководства по проведении игр с детьми.
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Паспорт социального проекта «Дни британской культуры в школьном лагере»
Актуальность проекта
Основная цель изучения иностранного языка в школе - формирование у школьников иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции, т.е способности и готовности осуществлять иноязычное межличностное и межкультурное общение с носителями языка. формирование социокультурной компетенции неразрывно связано с основными целями образования: практической, развивающей и воспитательной. Знакомство младших школьников с праздниками и традициями стран изучаемого языка формирует культуру мира в сознании человека, развивает желание участвовать в межкультурной коммуникации.
Цель проекта: коммуникативное и социокультурное развитие личности, формирование у школьников представлений о диалоге культур, ознакомление с культурой стран изучаемого языка.
Задачи проекта:
- расширение представления о культуре страны изучаемого языка;
- сопоставление родной культуры и культуры других народов;
- этическое и эстетическое воспитание
- развитие интереса к предмету английский язык.
Адресная направленность:
- Проект рассчитан для учащихся 1-4 классов, посещающих школьный лагерь в дни осенних ,весенних и летних школьных каникул 2012-2013 уч.года
В ходе подготовки и реализации проекта необходимы партнеры, в качестве которых выступают учитель, учащиеся 11 класса
Проект предполагает:
1. Информационно-методическую работу со школьниками, выразившими желание принять участие в работе по данному проекту.
2. Разработка учащимися утренников, посвященных британским праздникам Halloween,Bonfire Night, Saint Patrick’s Day и “ A Day in British Summer Camp”
4. Развитие творческой деятельности школьников.
Этапы реализации проекта
Аналитический, диагностический этап
- Организация деятельности творческой группы.
- Планирование работы по проекту.
- Анкетирование младших школьников с целью определения уровня их знаний британских традиций
Организационно-деятельностный этап
- Сбор информации по теме проекта.
- Написание сценария утренников.
- Подготовка утренников.
Итоговый этап
- Презентация итогов проекта в виде утренников.
- Рефлексия деятельности.
1 Halloween games
Jack-o-Lantern Faces
Hang a picture of a jack-o-lantern on the wall and have matching face pieces cut out of black paper for the eyes, nose and mouth. Place sticky-tack on the back of the pieces. Blindfold each player when it is their turn and play the same as pin the tail on the donkey except players put the eyes, nose and mouth on the pumpkin face. Younger children can do just the mouth, while older children and adults can do the entire face for more of a challenge.
Ghost Hunters
Cut out several paper ghosts and divide the players into two groups. Have one team hide the ghosts around the room. The other team has to hunt down the ghosts. Play continues until all ghosts are found. The team that hunts the most ghosts wins.
Ghost Bowling
Collect ten empty one or two liter soda pop bottles (use the larger bottles for younger guests). Paint the bottles white and decorate with silly ghost faces. Use a small playground size ball as the bowling ball. If you can find orange ones, decorating them as jack-o-lanterns can add to the fun.
Upset the Candy Dish
Place chairs in a circle, facing in, having one less than the number of players. Whisper in each child’s ear the name of a favorite Trick or Treat candy. They will become this piece of candy in the candy dish. Have one person stand in the middle of the circle to be “it”. The child in the middle will call one or two types of candy. If the candy name that’s called is matches the one the children are, they should stand up and try to move to another empty seat. Occasionally, the child who is “it” calls out, “Upset the candy dish.” and all the players need to move to a new seat. If any of the candy kids can’t find a seat they then become “it.”
Bobbing for Apples
A classic Halloween party game has always been bobbing for apples, however some kids don’t like putting their face in the water or don’t want to mess up the make up that took a long time to perfect. One variation of this game is to tie the stems of the apples to varied lengths of string and then hang them up. Then the people have to put their hands behind their back and try to take a bite out of the apple. You can also play the game using marshmallows.
2. St.Patrick’s party games
Gold Hunt
Since leprechauns are always searching for gold, gather your party guests and send them on a gold hunt of their own. Hide several gold coins (you can use chocolate gold coins, toy coins or even pennies) around the party space. Divide guests into two teams. Give each team a pail and send them on a quest to find as much “gold” as possible in two minutes (you can set the time for longer if you have hidden a lot of coins or have a large area to search). When time is up, have the teams count the coins in their pails. The team with the most coins wins.
Shamrock Scramble
To prepare for the Shamrock Scramble game, cut out the shapes of four large shamrocks from poster board (they should be large enough for a few kids to be able to stand on). Paint or color them green and allow them to dry. Tape one shamrock in each corner of the room. Play some Irish music and have the kids dance while it plays. Stop the music randomly. When the music stops, the kids must scramble to stand on one of the shamrocks. The last player to get on a shamrock is out of the game. Play continues like this until only one player remains.
Gold Coin Toss
For this game you’ll need a few Leprechaun pots (you can find the kind these at dollar stores or craft stores, make your own , or simply use pails, bowls or overturned leprechaun hats). Place them on the floor and then draw a line a few feet away from the pots. Have players stand behind the line and attempt to toss gold coins into the pots. Score a point for each time a player gets one in. You can then award prizes based on the amounts of points scored.
Rainbow Relay
This game has teams racing to see who can be first to create a rainbow. Divide guests into two teams. Hand a roll of different colored crepe paper to each player. To start the game, the first players in line must run across the room (or yard), unrolling her streamer as she goes. When she returns to her team, the next player will run the same course, unrolling his streamer over hers. The first team to complete their rainbow wins the race.
3 Summer Camp Games
Ice Cream Soda
Jump Rope Rhyme
Ice cream soda, cherry on top,
Who's your boyfriend/girlfriend, I forgot?
Is it:
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m,
n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z
(Then the alphabet is repeated.)
"This is a jump rope song. The jumper keeps jumping but whatever letter she/he lands on when they stop jumping is the first letter of her/his boyfriend's/girlfriend's name. It was always fun to use the names of boys or girls in our class.
In a Cabin in a Wood
Children's Song
In a cabin, in a wood
Little man by the window stood
Saw a rabbit hopping by
Knocking at his door
Help me! Help me! Help me! he cried
Wicked hunter shoot me dead
Little rabbit come inside
Safely to abide.
The gestures for Little Cabin in the woods are:
- Little cabin in the woods * draw a cabin fingers together in front of face, draw down and outwards making the top of the cabin. /\ draw straight down making the sides of the cabin | |*
- Little man by the window stood. * hand to brow peering around the room*
- Saw a rabbit hopping by *two fingers up (rabbit ears) hopping by*
- Knocking at my door * knock on air door*
- Help me, help me, sir he cried (the way I learned it)* hands flying up and down with help me*
- 'Fore the hunter shoots me dead* gun hand/hands up pointing around the room*
- Little rabbit come inside *hand gesture beckoning rabbit in.*
- Safely we'll abide.* rabbit fingers against chest other hand petting them.
Little Sally Walker
Circle Game
Little Sally Walker
Walking down the street.
She didn't know what to do
So she stopped in front of me.
She said, "Hey girl, do your thing,
Do your thing and switch!
Hey girl do your thing
Do your thing and switch!"
Game Instructions
All the kids stand in the circle singing the song. "Little Sally Walker" walks around inside the circle. When the song gets to, "She didn't know what to do so she stopped in front of me" the one playing Sally Walker stands in front of someone and does a dance move.
The kids continue singing, "Hey girl, do that thing do your thing and switch!" Then the person who was picked switches places with the one who was in the middle of the circle. The new "Sally Walker" now does the dance move. Meanwhile everyone sings the 2nd, "Hey girl do that thing do your thing and switch!"
The new person who's "Little Sally Walker" walks around the inside of the circle and continues the game.
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