Workshop Vocabulary with Young Learners
материал по иностранному языку (2 класс)

Мастер класс о том, как преподать лексику на уроке английского языка  начальным классам. 


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Vocabulary with young learners (PPP)

                                                   Выполнила учитель английского языка

                                                               Хохолова Галина Столетовна

                                                               МАОУ Образовательный центр «Успех»

                                               Москва - 2024

              Vocabulary with young learners (PPP)

  1. Lead in:
  1. In pairs match the sets of words with a technique which is easier to present:
  1. Classroom, board, pen, book, eraser    - using realia, drawing              
  2. Tired, happy, sad, hungry, angry         - miming
  3. Doll, teddy bear, toy soldier, ballerina – drawing, realia
  4. Love, friendship, marriage  - using translation
  5. Eyes, ears, nose, head, hair – pointing

  1. Can you add more ways to present vocabulary? Write on the board.            

(using flashcards, showing pictures, explaining the meaning, using in contexts)

  1. Working with a lesson plan:

(Show pages 30-31 Spotlight 2.)

In groups of three you are going to present one of the lesson’s stages . How would you teach the stage.

Gr1: Vocabulary  - Presentation

Gr2: Structure: Where is…? – He/She is in the …. - Practice

Gr3: Reading  - Practice

Gr4: Speaking/writing) - Production

Lesson plan: Spotlight 2: 2a Where’s Chuckles?  (p 30-31)

  1. Vocabulary:

(Garden, bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom, house)

  1. Draw a house with 4 rooms and a garden.

( Drawing rises ss’ interest. Ss don’t open their books yet, in case not to be distracted)

  1. Point the rooms and say the words: It’s a …. (present words in sentences)

T says ss repeat. T says 3 times ss repeat. (From right to left, left to write)

T points ss say the words, then t points randomly ss say. (to check ss acquisition)

  1. What is missing game. Write the words on the board, repeat with ss and play the game: garden, kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, house

  1. Structure: Where is….? – She/ he is in the …..
  1. Ask ss to stand up. Be sure everybody is listening. Model the structure using your hands: Where – is – mom?   –    She’s – in the – bathroom.

                   Where – is – dad?     -      He’s – in the – kitchen

  1. Ask ss to repeat after you using their hands.
  2. On the board write: Ex 2
  • Where is mom (dad/sister/brother/grandma/granddad)?
  • He’s/She’s in the …..(bedroom/living room/kitchen/bathroom/garden)

Divide ss into two groups and ask them to ask and answer using hints. (Guide the activity by pointing to the board).  

  1. Reading: Ex 3
  1. What is it? (tree house). Who is it? (Lulu, Larry). Where is Lulu/Larry? (tree house)
  2. Read ss follow with their fingers
  3. Ss read with a teacher.
  4. CCQ: Where is Chuckles? (in the house)

           Where is mummy? (in the kitchen)

            Where is Daddy? (in the bedroom)

  1. Speaking: in pairs ss ask and answer each other. (Show a picture on the screen or just draw. Put family members in the rooms)

T monitors ss without interruption. Writes ss’ mistakes if they have any. Scaffold ss if they need it.

  Attachment 1



  • When you present new vocabulary words, do not ask your students to open their books yet, because they will be distracted by other pictures from the page.
  • Do not show the written words yet, because students may read the words incorrectly and remember the way they have read.
  • Do not ask your students to repeat the words one by one because it will take a lot of time. Remember time management.
  • Always model the tasks or ask strong students to model them, before asking your students to do the tasks themselves.
  • Drill the words as many times as they need. Go to practice stage if only you are sure that most of your students remembered the words.
  • Never present the words in single. Always teach them in a chant. Ex: It’s a …..
  • When you present new vocabulary (in drilling stage) change your voice into happy, sad. Say slowly, faster, quietly, loudly and so on.

   Attachment 2

  1. In pairs match the sets of words with a technique that is easier to present:
  1. bag, board, pen, book, eraser          

2. Tired, happy, sad, hungry, angry        

  1. Doll, teddy bear, toy soldier, ballerina
  2. Love, friendship, marriage, air
  3. Eyes, ears, nose, head, hair

  1. Pointing b) miming c) using realia d) using translation e) drawing

  1. Can you add more techniques?  Write them on the board .    


  1. Working with a lesson plan:

(Show pages 30-31 Spotlight 2.)

In groups of three you are going to present one of the lesson’s stages . How would you teach the stage.

Gr1: Vocabulary  - Presentation

Gr2: Structure: Where is…? – He/She is in the …. - Practice

Gr3: Reading  - Practice

Gr4: Speaking/writing) – Production

  Attachment 3

                            Self evaluation:

  1. Write down the new words you taught in the lesson. What techniques did you use to present them?
  2. Think about these questions:
  • What techniques were the most successful? Why?
  • Which were the least successful? Why?
  • Did you use any new techniques for the first time? If so, did they make the lesson better or worse? In what way?
  • How much time did you spend in the lesson on presenting vocabulary? Do you think this was: too much? Too little? The right amount?
  • What might you do differently next time you present vocabulary?

                            Self evaluation:

  1. Write down the new words you taught in the lesson. What techniques did you use to present them?
  2. Think about these questions:
  • What techniques were the most successful? Why?
  • Which were the least successful? Why?
  • Did you use any new techniques for the first time? If so, did they make the lesson better or worse? In what way?
  • How much time did you spend in the lesson on presenting vocabulary? Do you think this was: too much? Too little? The right amount?
  • What might you do differently next time you present vocabulary?

                            Self evaluation:

  1. Write down the new words you taught in the lesson. What techniques did you use to present them?
  2. Think about these questions:
  • What techniques were the most successful? Why?
  • Which were the least successful? Why?
  • Did you use any new techniques for the first time? If so, did they make the lesson better or worse? In what way?
  • How much time did you spend in the lesson on presenting vocabulary? Do you think this was: too much? Too little? The right amount?
  • What might you do differently next time you present vocabulary?

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