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Хохолова Галина Столетовна
Профессия: учитель английского языка
Профессиональные интересы: интересуюсь методикой и психологией
Увлечения: Мое хобби: петь, готовить и читать учебники по методике преподавания. Люблю развиваться, повышать профессиональное развитие.
Страна: РОССИЯ
Регион: Московская область
Населенный пункт: ленинский район рп дрожжино
Место работы: маоу образовательный центр успех
Ссылка на мой мини-сайт:
https://nsportal.ru/hoholova-galinaTeachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.
О себе
I am a highly experienced English teacher with certifications in TEFL, CELT-P, and ICELT, as well as a specialist degree in teaching English. With over 10 years of experience in secondary and international schools, I have a strong understanding of modern teaching methods and assessment systems, particularly with young learners. I have successfully combined various teaching techniques to help students improve their results and have created engaging activities tailored to their specific topics. My positive rapport with students has been a key factor in maintaining a productive learning environment. My skills in communication, organization, creativity, open-mindedness, classroom management, teamwork, and lesson planning have been invaluable in my teaching career. I am confident in my ability to utilize my language proficiency, knowledge of different teaching methods, and proven track record to support students in reaching their academic goals. I am dedicated to fostering students' growth and expanding their knowledge.
Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир
My top 8 English Books for Teaching, Learning English and Developing professional skills:
Learning Teaching, Classroom Management Techniques (J. Scrivener)
English Language Teaching (J. Harmer)
Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms (J. Richards)
Teaching Practice (R. Gower, D. Phillips and S. Walters)
Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (D. Larsen - Freeman and M. Anderson)
Teaching English as a Second or foreign Language (M. Celce-Murcia, D. M. Brinton and M. A. Snow
A Course in Language Teaching (P. Ur)
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