презентация к уроку по иностранному языку
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Repeat the expressions : Wear a school uniform Be late for school Answer teacher’s questions Talk loudly in the lessons Do homework Stay after lessons Miss lessons Get along with your classmates Listen to the teacher Use mobile phones in the lessons Carry out your teacher’s orders Walk or run in the classroom Read books during the breaks
Let’s read the text Open your textbooks, page 65, exercise 64. Let's read the text, you completed the modal verbs at home.
Ex 64 Complete the text with modal verbs . 1.You must listen to your teacher and carry out your teacher’s orders 2. You mustn’t walk or run in the classroom. 3. If you want to ask something, raise your hand and ask: « May I go out , please ?» Or could you give me a book,Ms Smith?. 4.You mustn’t use your mobile phones in the lessons, but you can phone your parents during the break. 5.There are lots of interesting books in the classroom and you can read them during the breaks and after the lessons. 6.You needn’t bring your textbooks to school, we have extra copies in the classroom. 7. You may leave the classroom after the bell and with my permission ( разрешение ). 8.Don’t forger that you have to wear your school uniform at school.
Answer my questions : 1. Must you listen to the teacher and carry out your teacher’s orders in the lessons ? 2. Must you use your mobile phones in the lessons? 2. Can you ask questions during the lessons? 4. Can you read books during the breaks? 5 May you leave the classroom after the bell with your teacher’s permission?. 6. May you speak loudly in the lessons? 7. Must you go to school every day? 8. Must you do your homework every day?
Your mini- projects. 1. Let’s make up your projects. 2. Let ’ s do your projects . Say your opinion . 3 . Draw the pictures. 4. Write the sentences about school rules. 5. Let’s make up your projects. 6. Give your opinion about school rules.
Our play ”Tom doesn’t want to go to school”. We are going to present you our a short play ”Tom doesn’t want to go to school”. After “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by M.Twain.We hope you’ll have a good time!
Listen to the song. What school is teaching. 1.To write words like Motherland In a neat and knowing hand School is teaching, school is teaching, school is teaching. Add up figures with a run Not to tease a younger one School is teaching, school is teaching, school is teaching. 2.How to build a house for birds And correctly spell the words School is teaching, school is teaching, school is teaching. To be kind and care the books, Mind our way and mind our looks School is teaching, school is teaching, school is teaching. 3.To explain the grammar rules, Watch the raindrops hit the pools School is teaching, school is teaching, school is teaching. To obey as well as lead And to be a friend in need School is teaching, school is teaching, school is teaching
Reflection. Now I want you to express the opinion about the lesson. What have we done at the lesson today? Today I have known … ( сегодня я узнал ) It was interesting to … ( было интересно ) It was difficult to … ( было трудно ) I have understood that … (я понял, что) I can … ( я могу) I have learnt… ( я научился ) I was surprised … ( меня удивило ) I would like… ( я хотел бы )
Your homework : Ex 66 p.66 Read the text and say why William was sorry for the new boy.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Что делать, если ваш ребёнок не хочет идти в школу? Что делать, если ваш ребёнок не хочет идти в школу? Что делать, если Ваш ребенок не хочет идти в школу?
Консультация для родителей. В этой статье хочу поделиться полезной информацией, рекомендациями для профилактики возможных проблем....
Доклад на тему:Возможности современных педагогических технологий для повышения качества образования в школе в свете реализации проекта «Школа будущего» нашей новой школы.
Этот материал можно использовать в подготовке к педсовету....
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Каталог музыкальных иллюстраций для начальной школы по программам "Школа 2100" и "Школа России"
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Проблемы адаптации учащихся при переходе в основную школу (опыт работы по преемственности начальная школа-основная школа МБОУ "Гимназия №17" г. Перми)
В данной статье представлен опыт работы МБОУ "Гимназия №17" г. Перми по преемственности начальная школа- основная школа по трем напрвлениям: методическая работа с учителями, интеллектуальн...
Проблемы адаптации учащихся при переходе в основную школу (опыт работы по преемственности начальная школа-основная школа МБОУ "Гимназия №17" г. Перми)
В данной статье представлен опыт работы МБОУ "Гимназия №17" г. Перми по преемственности начальная школа- основная школа по трем напрвлениям: методическая работа с учителями, интеллектуальн...
Урок №3 по теме: Наша школа. Воскресная школа. Светские и православные традиции школы.
Раздел «Духовные истоки Кубани» учебного предмета «Кубановедение» ...