Презентация "В необычной школе"
презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Letters A, R, T, M, H, S, E, N, G, L, I, P, D, W, U, C
MATHS 5+3=8 7+2=9 4+6=10 1+5 = 6
MATHS a)Two monkeys are sitting on the tree. Five monkeys are sitting under the tree. How many monkeys are there?
MATHS b) There are four fishes in the first aquarium and three fishes in the second aquarium. How many fishes are there in two aquariums altogether?
MUSIC I’m Lucy, Lucy Bright. I can read and I can write. I’m Dickon , Dickon Great. I can’t read, but I can paint! I’m Willy, Willy Saw I can’t paint, but I can draw. She’s Lucy, Lucy Bright. She can read and she can write. He’s Dickon , Dickon Great. He can’t read, but he can paint! He’s Willy, Willy Saw He can’t paint, but he can draw.
PE You put you’re left arm in You’re left arm out In, out, in, out, shake it all about We do the hokey cokey and You turn around That’s what it’s all about Oh hokey hokey cokey-3 Knees, bend, arms, stretch, clap clap You put you’re right arm in You’re right arm out In, out, in, out, shake it all about We do the hokey cokey and You turn around That’s what it’s all about Oh hokey hokey cokey-3 Knees, bend, arms, stretch, clap clap You put you’re left leg in You’re left leg out In, out, in, out, shake it all about We do the hokey cokey and You turn around That’s what it’s all about You turn around That’s what it’s all about Oh hokey hokey cokey Knees, bend, arms, stretch, clap clap You put you’re right leg in You’re right leg out In, out, in, out, shake it all about We do the hokey cokey and You turn around That’s what it’s all about Oh hokey hokey cokey-3 Knees, bend, arms, stretch, clap clap You put you’re whole self in You’re whole self out In, out, shake it all about We do the hokey cokey and You turn around That’s what it’s all about
Who is he? A teacher A student A mechanic
Pen_il i s c
u, b, r, b, r, e ruler rubber rubre
Find the odd one out . Cat Book Ruler Rubber
S-c-h-o-o-_-b-a-g. b l -
He can … climb run swim
I … got a book. have am has
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