Проверочная работа по теме "Изучение количественных местоимений в разделе Shopping" в 3 классах
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (3 класс)
Проверочная работа
Student___________________________ 3__ Form
Вариант 1
Задание 1. Much/many, few/little, a few/a little?
1.How (much\many)__________ tea have you got?
2.There is (few\little)________flour. We can’t make a cake.
3.I’ve got (a few\a little)_______ milk. Would you like a coffee with milk?
4.There are (much\many) ______biscuits. Let’s drink tea with them.
5.There is(few\little) ________sour cream in the fridge. Can you buy some?
Задание 2. Постройте предложения, поставив глагол в нужное время present simple или present progressive.
1.Betsy’s mother (set) ________________ the table with a birthday cake while girls (drink)___________________tea with sandwiches.
2. Emily (do)_____________ her homework when her dad (come)_____________in.
3. Dad (carry)___________ bags while mother (talk)_______________ over the phone in the shop.
Задание 3. Прочитайте текст.
Mr. Jones went to the dairy shop. He bought a packet of butter and a bottle of milk. Then he went to the corner shop and bought a box of chocolate sweets and a bar of chocolate. After that he visited the grocer’s shop and bought a jar of coffee.
- Запишите названия магазинов. Переведите их на русский язык
2) Выпишите, какие покупки совершил мистер Джонс. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Проверочная работа
Student___________________________ 3__ Form
Вариант 2
Much/many, few/little, a few/a little?
- How(much\many) __________ sausages have got?
- There are (few\little)______onions. We should buy some.
- I’ve got(a few\a little) _______ sweets. Would you like a sweet?
- There is (much\many) ______snow. How nice!
- There are (much\many) ________tomatoes in the fridge. We can make a salad.
Задание 2. Постройте предложения, поставив глагол в нужное время present simple или present progressive.
- Betsy’s dad (watch) ______________________ a new film while Kim and Tom (make)_________________a pudding.
- Sue (choose)_______________ a present for her friend while her parents (go)________________shopping.
- When dad (come)____________in, we (cook)__________________tasty dishes.
Задание 3. Прочитайте текст.
Mrs. Smith went to the baker’s shop. She bought a loaf of bread. Then she went to the grocer’s shop and bought a packet of flour, a carton of apple juice and a packet of tea. After that he visited the butcher’s shop and bought a tin of meat.
- Запишите названия магазинов. Переведите их на русский язык
2) Выпишите, какие покупки совершил мистер Джонс. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Подготовка к проверочной работе.
Задание 1. Much/many, few/little, a few/a little?
1.How (much\many)__________ coffee have you got?
2.There is (few\little)________flour. We can’t make a cake.
3.I’ve got(a few\a little) _______ apples. Would you like a sweet?
4.There is (much\many) ______ice-cream. How nice!
5.There are (much\many) ________onions in the fridge. We can make sup.
Задание 2. Постройте предложения, поставив глагол в нужное время present simple или present progressive.
- Mr.Smith (read)_____________ a newspaper when his son (come)____________ in.
- Mr.and Mrs Green(choose) _______________ a present for their daughter while Grandma (decorate)________________a birthday cake.
- When he (arrive)_______________at the butcher’s, he (talk) ____________________ over the phone.
Подготовка к проверочной работе.
Задание 1. Much/many, few/little, a few/a little?
1.How (much\many)__________ coffee have you got?
2.There is (few\little)________flour. We can’t make a cake.
3.I’ve got(a few\a little) _______ apples. Would you like a sweet?
4.There is (much\many) ______ice-cream. How nice!
5.There are (much\many) ________onions in the fridge. We can make sup.
Задание 2. Постройте предложения, поставив глагол в нужное время present simple или present progressive.
- Mr.Smith (read)_____________ a newspaper when his son (come)____________ in.
- Mr.and Mrs Green(choose) _______________ a present for their daughter while Grandma (decorate)________________a birthday cake.
- When he (arrive)_______________at the butcher’s, he (talk) ____________________ over the phone.
Предварительный просмотр:
Проверочная работа
Student___________________________ 3__ Form
Вариант 1
Задание 1. Much/many, few/little, a few/a little?
1.How (much\many)__________ tea have you got?
2.There is (few\little)________flour. We can’t make a cake.
3.I’ve got (a few\a little)_______ milk. Would you like a coffee with milk?
4.There are (much\many) ______biscuits. Let’s drink tea with them.
5.There is(few\little) ________sour cream in the fridge. Can you buy some?
Задание 2. Постройте предложения, поставив глагол в нужное время present simple или present progressive.
1.Betsy’s mother (set) ________________ the table with a birthday cake while girls (drink)___________________tea with sandwiches.
2. Emily (do)_____________ her homework when her dad (come)_____________in.
3. Dad (carry)___________ bags while mother (talk)_______________ over the phone in the shop.
Задание 3. Прочитайте текст.
Mr. Jones went to the dairy shop. He bought a packet of butter and a bottle of milk. Then he went to the corner shop and bought a box of chocolate sweets and a bar of chocolate. After that he visited the grocer’s shop and bought a jar of coffee.
- Запишите названия магазинов. Переведите их на русский язык
2) Выпишите, какие покупки совершил мистер Джонс. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Проверочная работа
Student___________________________ 3__ Form
Вариант 2
Much/many, few/little, a few/a little?
- How(much\many) __________ sausages have got?
- There are (few\little)______onions. We should buy some.
- I’ve got(a few\a little) _______ sweets. Would you like a sweet?
- There is (much\many) ______snow. How nice!
- There are (much\many) ________tomatoes in the fridge. We can make a salad.
Задание 2. Постройте предложения, поставив глагол в нужное время present simple или present progressive.
- Betsy’s dad (watch) ______________________ a new film while Kim and Tom (make)_________________a pudding.
- Sue (choose)_______________ a present for her friend while her parents (go)________________shopping.
- When dad (come)____________in, we (cook)__________________tasty dishes.
Задание 3. Прочитайте текст.
Mrs. Smith went to the baker’s shop. She bought a loaf of bread. Then she went to the grocer’s shop and bought a packet of flour, a carton of apple juice and a packet of tea. After that he visited the butcher’s shop and bought a tin of meat.
- Запишите названия магазинов. Переведите их на русский язык
2) Выпишите, какие покупки совершил мистер Джонс. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Подготовка к проверочной работе.
Задание 1. Much/many, few/little, a few/a little?
1.How (much\many)__________ coffee have you got?
2.There is (few\little)________flour. We can’t make a cake.
3.I’ve got(a few\a little) _______ apples. Would you like a sweet?
4.There is (much\many) ______ice-cream. How nice!
5.There are (much\many) ________onions in the fridge. We can make sup.
Задание 2. Постройте предложения, поставив глагол в нужное время present simple или present progressive.
- Mr.Smith (read)_____________ a newspaper when his son (come)____________ in.
- Mr.and Mrs Green(choose) _______________ a present for their daughter while Grandma (decorate)________________a birthday cake.
- When he (arrive)_______________at the butcher’s, he (talk) ____________________ over the phone.
Подготовка к проверочной работе.
Задание 1. Much/many, few/little, a few/a little?
1.How (much\many)__________ coffee have you got?
2.There is (few\little)________flour. We can’t make a cake.
3.I’ve got(a few\a little) _______ apples. Would you like a sweet?
4.There is (much\many) ______ice-cream. How nice!
5.There are (much\many) ________onions in the fridge. We can make sup.
Задание 2. Постройте предложения, поставив глагол в нужное время present simple или present progressive.
- Mr.Smith (read)_____________ a newspaper when his son (come)____________ in.
- Mr.and Mrs Green(choose) _______________ a present for their daughter while Grandma (decorate)________________a birthday cake.
- When he (arrive)_______________at the butcher’s, he (talk) ____________________ over the phone.
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