Конспект классного часа «Halloween»
классный час по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Игишева Екатерина Вячеславовна



1. Формирование представления обучающихся о празднике «Halloween».


2. Закрепление знаний о празднике «Halloween».


Оборудование: Презентация, раздаточный материал.


Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 2

In Britain and the USA, the ….. is an important date in the calendar, especially for young children. It is the night of Halloween. The name comes from “All Hallows Eve”. The word “hallow” means “holy, saint” and “eve” means “the day or night before….. Words: 31st of October, 1st of November

Слайд 3

In Britain and the USA, the 1st of November is an important date in the calendar, especially for young children. It is the night of Halloween. The name comes from “All Hallows Eve”. The word “hallow” means “holy, saint” and “eve” means “the day or night before 31st of October

Слайд 4

At this time, many people believed that … bad spirits of dead revisited their homes. Today children have lots of fun on Halloween. They dress up as … or other scary characters. Words: witches, devils, black cats, skeletons, vampires , not

Слайд 5

At this time, many people believed that not bad spirits of dead revisited their homes. Today children have lots of fun on Halloween. They dress up as witches, devils, black cats, skeletons, vampires or other scary characters.

Слайд 6

Small groups of children dressed up as witches, black cats etc go into the street and knock on peoples doors. When a person opens the door, the children say… Most people say… and give the children some sweets or some money. Words: treat, trick or treat

Слайд 7

Small groups of children dressed up as witches, black cats etc go into the street and knock on peoples doors. When a person opens the door, the children say trick or treat. Most people say treat and give the children some sweets or some money.

Слайд 8

If someone says “…”, the children do something bad, for example, they put dirty water on the windows or car. Water guns are popular, too. With the help of their parents, children make lanterns out of pumpkins, it is also called…. Words : Jack o'lantern , trick

Слайд 9

If someone says “ trick ”, the children do something bad, for example, they put dirty water on the windows or car. Water guns are popular, too. With the help of their parents, children make lanterns out of pumpkins, it is also called Jack o'lantern .

Слайд 10

https:// learningapps.org/display?v=pof7pkbot22

Слайд 11

https:// learningapps.org/display?v=pucziqws322

Слайд 12

This is Halloween Boys and ____of every age Wouldn't you like to see something strange ? Come with us and you will ____ This, our town of _______ This is __________, this is _______ Pumpkins scream in the dead of _____ This is Halloween, everybody make a scene Trick or _____ till the neighbors gonna die of fright It's our town, everybody scream In this _____of Halloween girls Halloween see Halloween Halloween night treat town

Слайд 13

https:// learningapps.org/display?v=p4xcbiy2a22

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