Конспект урока по английскому языку Lulu's Dreams (Spotlight,4 класс)
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (4 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Topic: Lulu’s Dreams.
Level: Elementary. Primary School. Spotlight, 4th form
Learning Outcome:
By the end of the lesson learners will:
Discuss Lulu’s dreams (speaking skills).
Discuss Ss’ dreams (speaking skills).
Continue the story about Lulu’s dreams (writing skills).
Practice Past Simple (affirmative sentences).
Practice Past Simple (questions, negative) – new grammar material.
How will learners work: frontal work, work in pairs, work in groups.
How will learners be assessed and given feedback:
Rating each other (while working in groups).
Marks giving by the teacher.
Spotlight 4. Student’s Book. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Nadezhda Bykova, Marina Pospelova.
Toys: a doll, a bed.
Stage | Stage aims | Procedure | Interaction patterns | Timing | |
Teacher | Students | ||||
Pre-listening | to introduce the topic | T uses toys (the doll wakes up). T asks the question: What did Lulu see last night? | Answer the question. | Frontal work | 1 |
to activate prior knowledge | Practice the words: dance, skate, climb, serve, visit. Put these words in Past Simple. (using body-language). | Guess the words, practice pronunciation, Past Simple. | Frontal work | 4 | |
to generate interest | What were Lulu’s dreams? Continue the phrases: dance…, skate…, climb…, serve…, visit… . Open your textbooks and compare your ideas with pictures in the books! | Complete the phrases! Compare Ss’ ideas with the pictures in the texbooks. |
| 4 | |
to provide any necessary language preparation for the listening text | Vocabulary:
(using explanation and body-language) | Guess and learn vocabulary. Practice pronunciation. | Frontal work. | 3 | |
to set listening aims |
| Ss get the information. | Frontal work. | 1 | |
While- listening | to listen for gist | Listen for the first time! Choose the correct pictures! What did Lulu see last night? | Ss listen and choose the correct pictures. Self-assessment. |
| 4 |
to listen for a specific purpose | Listen for the second time! Talk about Lulu’s dream. (using the model: Lulu’s dreams last night were so funny! First, she…) | Ss listen and complete the text. Self-assessment. |
| 8 | |
After- listening | to enable Ss to consolidate or reflect upon what they have listened to | Continue the text about Lulu’s dreams. | Ss write the story. Rating each other (while working in groups). Marks giving by the teacher. | Group work (WRITING) | 10 |
to relate the content of the listening text to learners’ own knowledge, experience, interests, views | What did you see last night? | Ss answer the question. (Practicing Past Simple: affirmative sentences) | Frontal work (SPEAKING) | 3 | |
to make practical use of, or expand on the listening text and/or lexis and grammar introduced in the text | Ask and answer about Lulu’s dream, use pictures in the textbooks. | Ss ask and answer the questions. (Practicing Past Simple: questions, negative) – new grammar material |
(SPEAKING) | 4 | |
Feedback | to get feedback | “Wow” for you today? New words? New grammar? The best ideas of the continuation of Lulu’s dreams. | Ss answer the questions. | Frontal work | 2 |
to give feedback | T asks the doll to praise active Ss, give marks. | Ss get praise and marks. | 1 Total: 45 minutes |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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