Конспект урока по английскому языку Jobs (Spotlight,4 класс)
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (4 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Topic: Jobs.
Level: Primary School. Spotlight, 4th
Learning Outcome:
By the end of the lesson learners will:
- know new words and phrases.
- speak about relatives and parents’ jobs.
- write one more paragraph to the text using Present Simple.
How will learners work: frontal work, work in pairs, group work.
How will learners be assessed and given feedback: self-assessment, writing, discussing in pairs, groups, answering questions.
- Spotlight, 4. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckKQclquAXU&t=45s
- Карточки
Stage | Stage aims | Procedure | Interaction patterns | Timing | |
Teacher | Students | ||||
Pre-reading | to introduce the topic | T greets the Ss and encourages them to watch the video. | Ss are watching the video. | T-S | 2 minutes |
to activate prior knowledge | T asks what jobs Ss know. T matches Ss’s anwers with cards, pins them to the board. | Ss name the jobs. | T-S | 3 minutes | |
to generate interest | T gives the task to share the cards (jobs) for mum (aunt) and dad (uncle). T asks to read the first sentence of the text, give feedback about aunt’s job. | Ss share the cards, read the first sentence of the text, give feedback. | T-S | 2 minutes | |
to provide any necessary language preparation for the text | Words:
| Ss learn the vocabulary. | T-S | 1 minute | |
to set reading aims |
| Ss gets the plan. | T-S | 1 minute | |
While-reading | to read for gist | T asks Ss to skim the text and give the title for the text (discussing in pairs, then frontal work). | Ss skim the text, give their variants of title for the text (discussing in pairs, then frontal work). Self-assessment. | S-S, S-T | 5 minutes |
to read for a specific purpose | T asks Ss to scan the text and deduce the meaning of the words: work, wear, fix, take (discussing in pairs, then frontal work). | Ss scan the text and deduce the meaning of the words: work, wear, fix, take (discussing in pairs, then frontal work). Self-assessment. | S-S, S-T | 5 minutes | |
to read for details* | T asks Ss to answer the questions without dictionaries (discussing in pairs, then frontal work). | Ss answer the questions without dictionaries (discussing in pairs, then frontal work). Self-assessment. | S-S, S-T | 8 minutes | |
After-reading | to enable Ss to consolidate or reflect upon what they have read | T asks Ss to give feedback to the last sentence of the text (discussing in groups, then frontal work). | Ss give feedback to the last sentence of the text (discussing in groups, then frontal work). | Work in groups, S-T | 4 minutes |
to relate the content of the text to learners’ own knowledge, experience, interests, views | T asks about parents and relatives’ jobs (unusual jobs) | 4 minutes | |||
to make practical use of, or expand on the reading text and/or lexis and grammar introduced in the text | T encourages Ss to continue the story about aunt Polly (The topic: Aunt Polly is at home.) T asks to use Present Simple and phrases: do the job/the crossword, read the book/the instruction, wash the dishes/the car, clean the room/the garage. Giving marks. | Ss write the paragraph to the topic. | Writing | 6 minutes | |
Feedback | to get feedback | Question: “Wow” for you today? | Ss answer the question. | S-T | 2 minutes |
to give feedback |
| Ss answer the questions. | S-T | 2 minutes TOTAL:45 minutes |
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