Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему: «Профессии людей, употребление наречий частотности в предложениях»
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (4 класс)
Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему: «Профессии людей, употребление наречий частотности в предложениях», целью которого является формировать умение приветствовать друг друга и учителя, научить называть профессии, формировать навыки употребления наречий частотности always, usually, sometimes, never, учить читать буквосочетания ir, ur, er, развивать навыки аудирования, говорения, чтения и письма.
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Тема: «Профессии людей, употребление наречий частотности в предложениях» | ||||
Целевая установка | Воспитательные цели урока: воспитать познавательную активность, воспитать уважение друг к другу; общеобразовательные цели урока: формировать умение приветствовать друг друга и учителя, научить называть профессии, формировать навыки употребления наречий частотности always, usually, sometimes, never, учить читать буквосочетания ir, ur, er, развивать навыки аудирования, говорения, чтения и письма; развивающие: развивать коммуникативные навыки, развивать мотивы учебной деятельности развивать память, внимание, воображение, развивать лингвистическое мышление. | |||
Учебно-методические задачи урока | Введение и активизация иноязычного материала | |||
Оснащение урока | Компьютер, СD для занятий в классе, Student’s book, Workbook, плакат «My town», картинки с изображением людей различных профессий и названия к ним, карточки с изображением людей различных профессий | |||
ХОД УРОКА | ||||
1. | Организационный момент | -Are you ready? -Good morning! -I am glad to see you to. How are you? -Fine. Thank you. -Who is absent today? -Good. Thank you. | 1 | |
2. | Фонетическая зарядка | -Switch on your teeth, switch on your lips, switch on your cheeks, switch on your nose, switch on your eyes, switch on your cheeks, switch on your attention. -Please seat down. | 1 | |
3. | Проверка домашнего задания | -What was your homework for today? -Let’s check exercise 1 on page 29. -Read and translate the first word. -Read and translate the second word. -Read and translate the third word. - Read and translate the fourth word. -Read and translate the fifth word. - Read and translate the sixth word. -Read and translate the seventh word. - Read and translate the eighth word. - Let’s check exercise 4 on page 29. -Please read the first sentence. -Please read the second sentence. -Please read the third sentence. -Please read the fourth sentence. -Please read the fifth sentence. -Please read the sixth sentence. -Please read the seventh sentence. -Please read the eighth sentence. -I am glad to see that … has/have done the homework well today. -Look at the picture. -What is this? (station) -All together. -What is this? (garage) -All together. -What is this? (greengrocer’s) -All together. -What is this? (hospital) -All together. -What is this? (cafe) -All together. -What is this? (theatre) -All together. -What is this? (baker’s) -All together. -What is this? (post office) -All together. | 5 | |
4. | Контроль ранее усвоенных знаний | - Open your copybooks. Write down the date. Today is The Eleventh of October. -Write down the words in English. -Станция, гараж, кафе, театр, пекарня (булочная), больница, овощной магазин, почта (почтовое отделение). -Let’s check. Exchange the copybooks. Take your green pens and correct the mistakes. These words are on the blackboard. - Exchange the copybooks. -Stand up those who hasn’t mistakes. You have got 5. Excellent. -Stand up those who has one or two mistakes. You have got 4. Good. -Stand up those who has three or four mistakes. You have got 3. | 3 | |
5. | Введение нового материала | -Today you will learn, read and talk about jobs. -Look at the pictures. -This is a baker. Repeat after me. Baker. Baker is пекарь, булочник. -This is a greengrocer. Repeat after me. Greengrocer. Greengrocer is продавец овощей и фруктов. -This is a mechanic. Repeat after me. Mechanic. Mechanic is механик. -This is a postman. Repeat after me. Postman. Postman is почтальон. -This is a waiter. Repeat after me. Waiter. Waiter is официант. - This is a nurse. Repeat after me. Nurse. Nurse is медсестра. | 3 | |
6. | Усвоение нового языкового материала | - Open Student’s books at page 28 exercise 1. Look at the pictures, listen and repeat the words. -Please read these words. (индивидуально по 2-3 слова) | 3 | |
7. | Обучение чтению | - Exercise 2 on page 28. -Read the task. -We will find some new words. Look at the blackboard. -serve – подавать на стол -sick – больной -carry – носить -sell - продавать -bake - испечь -fix – ремонтировать -Do the exercise individually. -Let’s check. Read sentence under the letter a. Who says what? - Read sentence under the letter b. Who says what? - Read sentence under the letter c. Who says what? - Read sentence under the letter d. Who says what? - Read sentence under the letter e. Who says what? - Read sentence under the letter f. Who says what? | 3 | |
8. | Физминутка | -Stand up. Hands up. Clap. Clap. Hands down. Turn you head right. Turn you head left. Turn you head right. Turn you head left. Shake your hands. Move your fingers. Shake your hands. Move your fingers. Turn you body right. Turn you body left. Turn you body right. Turn you body left. Take your seats. Look at the ceiling, look at the floor. Look at the window, look at the door. | 2 | |
9. | Обучение говорению | -Exercise 3 on page 28. Listen to me. -What do you do? I’m a nurse. I help sick people. Where do you work? At a hospital. -How to ask «Кем ты работаешь? Чем занимаешься?» in English? -All together. -How to ask «Где ты работаешь?» in English? -All together. -Now you work in pairs. There is a picture on your desk. You need to make dialogue about job, which is shown at the picture. -Let’s check. -Let’s learn some words that can help you say how often you do something. -I always watch TV in the evening (на доске) -Always is всегда. Это наречие показывает, как часто мы делаем что-то, т.е. это наречие частотности. -I usually watch TV in the evening (на доске), -Usually is обычно. -I sometimes watch TV in the evening (на доске) -Sometimes – иногда -I never watch TV in the evening (на доске) -Never –никогда -Наречия частотности в предложении занимают место перед основным глаголом, но после глагола to be. -He is always very friendly. -Look at the grammatical table. -Please read and translate the first sentence. -Please read and translate the second sentence. -Please read and translate the third sentence. -Please read and translate the fourth sentence. - Exercise 4 on page 29. Read the task. -How do you often…? (учитель спрашивает индивидуально каждого ученика) | 11 | |
10. | Обучение аудированию | -Exercise 5 on page 29. -Look at the picture and listen to the tongue-twister. -All together. -Read the tongue-twister. (индивидуально) | 3 | |
11. | Обучение чтению | -What do you notice when you read the tongue-twister? -Буквосочетания ir, ur, er произносятся одинаково как долгий звук [з:]. -Exercise 6 on page 29. -Read these words. | 3 | |
12. | Обучение письмо | -Exercise 7 on page 29. -Read the task. Do the exercise individually. - Read the first word. What letter did you write down in the word? - Read the second word. What letter did you write down in the word? -Read the third word. What letter did you write down in the word? - Read the fourth word. What letter did you write down in the word? - Read the fifth word. What letter did you write down in the word? - Read the sixth word. What letter did you write down in the word? -Read the seventh word. What letter did you write down in the word? - Read the eighth word. What letter did you write down in the word? | 4 | |
13. | Задание к следующему уроку | -For homework do exercise 1, 2, 4 on page 14-15(workbook), учить новые слова (SB p. 28). -Open workbook at page 14 exercise 1. -Read the task. -Exercise 2. Read the task. -Exercise 4. Read the task. -Do you all understand what you have to do for homework? -Write down the homework in your record book. | 2 | |
14. | Заключительный этап урока | - Did you like the lesson? -I liked …’s work. You have got… -The lesson is over. Goodbye. | 1 |
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