Сценарий праздника английского алфавита
проект по иностранному языку (1, 2 класс)

Никанорова Мария Павловна

В данном файле представлен полный сценарий праздника английского алфавита для учащихся первого-второго класса. В документе содержатся стишки о буквах, семье, цветах, игрушках, песенки, сказка "Теремок", адаптированная для учеников 1-2-х классов, слова двух авторов-ведущих на английском языке.


Файл prazdnik_angliyskogo_alfavita.docx21.06 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Р1: Good morning, everybody! We are very glad to see you today! Let’s have some fun!

Hello! Hello!
Hello! Hello!
Hi! Hi!
How are you?

Hello! Hello!
Hello! Hello!
Hi! Hi!
How do you do?

I’m fine, I’m fine
Thank you, thank you
I’m fine, I’m fine
And I hope that you are too.

P2: Let’s introduce English letters. Meet the letters A, B, C and D!

A is for an Apple
It is very red and sweet,
And it is so good to eat.

B is for a ball
And for a boy
When boy plays a ball
He has a lot of joy.

C is for a clock.
I can tell you all the day:
Time to sleep and time to play

D is for my dog.
I have a dog
His name is Jack.
His head is white,
His ears are black.

Р1: Let’s listen to the song “Colours”!

What colours?
What colours do you like?
I like blue sky.
I like green grass.
I like purple butterflies,
If you should ask
I like yellow daisies.
Pink and orange sunsets.
(Watching them with you)
I like white- snowy white.
The black of the night.
I like the brown of the earth in the ground.

Р2: Now let’s listen to some poems about colours.

Yellow is a star.
Yellow is the sun.
Yellow is the moon,
When the day is done.

Orange is an orange.
Orange is a carrot.
Orange is the colour
of the parrot.
Blue is the ocean.
Blue is the sky.
Blue are the blueberries
I put into the pie.
G-R-E-E-N spells green,
Like a frog,
Or a tree.
G-R-E-E-N spells green,
Just like broccoli.
Red is an apple.
Red is a cherry.
Red is a rose.
And a ripe strawberry.
Orange is a carrot,
Yellow is a pear,
Green is grass,
And brown is a bear,
Purple is a plum,
Blue is the sky,
Black is a witch's hat,
And red is cherry pie.

  • In the sky, sky, sky
    Balloons fly,fly,fly
    Red and yellow,
    Green and blue:
    We are happy to see you!
  • I have many pencils
    Red and green and blue
    I can draw a picture
    And give it to you.

    The bear is white

    The bird is blue
    The dog is black
    The puppy is too.

Р1: Here are the letters E, F, G, H, I.

E is an elephant.
An elephant lives in the zoo,
In the zoo, in the zoo!
A zebra lives there, too,
In the zoo, in the zoo.

F is for flowers.
Flowers are here,
Flowers are there,
Flowers are growing

G is for a garden.
This is your garden,
I agree it is fine.
You love your garden
And I love mine.

Little mouse, little mouse
Where is your house?
I am a little mouse
I have no house.

I is for an ice-cream.
“Tell me, little Pete,
What you like to eat”.
“Well, I like to eat
What is good and sweet”.

Р2: Let’s play! Repeat after me!

Песенка «Head, shoulders, knees and toes»

Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Knees and toes
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Knees and toes (2 раза весь куплет)

P1: Meet the letters J, K, L, M, N.

J is for jeans
Teddy’s jeans are blue,
Teddy’s jacket is yellow.
Oh, Teddy is such a fine fellow.

Today when I was at the zoo,
I watched the mother kangaroo.
Inside her skin she has a pocket.
She puts her baby there to rock it.

L is for lion
And L is for lamp
L is a little, little lamb.

“Little mouse, little mouse,
Will you come out of your house?”
“Thank you, puppy!” says the mouse
“I won’t leave my little house”.

N is for numbers.
One, two, three, four, five,
I caught a fish alive,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
I let it go again.

Р2: Let’s listen to the song “Hello”!

Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?

Can you stretch up high?
Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, "Hello"?

Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?

Can you stretch up high?
Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, "Hello"?

Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?

Р1: Now let’s listen to some poems about families.

Some families are large.
Some families are small.
But I love my family
Best of all!

This is a family   
 Let’s count them and see,  
How many there are, 
And who they can be.

This is the mother 
Who loves everyone.
And this is the father
Who has lots of fun.

This is my sister
She helps and she plays, 
And this is the baby 
He’s growing each day.

I love Mommy, she loves me.
We love Daddy, yes, we do!
He loves us and so you see,
We’re a Happy Family!

Р2: The letters O, P, Q, R, S, welcome!

O is for an orange.
Give me an orange, orange, orange.
I don’t like to eat porridge, porridge, porridge.

P is for puppy.
Puppy, puppy, come to me,
Let us play under the tree.

Q is for a question-mark.
An old man, bent with age
Is asking questions on every page.

R is for rabbit.
Rabbit Rodger likes to run
In the morning summer sun.

S is for street
And for the sun.
There are many trees
In my sunny street.

P1: Now let’s listen to some poems about our favourite toys.

My ball

My ball is big

My ball is bright

I play with it all day

Inside and outside.
My doll

This is my doll

It's so pretty  and nice.

I like to dress it up

and sleep with it at night.

My Teddy Bear

I’ve got a dear Teddy Bear

It’s my best friend, not just a toy.

We go with Teddy to the park

 And have a lot of joy!

Р2: Meet the letters T, U, V!

T is for trams.
Trams and cars in our town
Run up and down,
Run up and down.

U is for under, but not for at.
“I am under the tree”, says Pat.

V is in five and also in seven.
It is in twelve and in eleven.

Р1: It’s time to listen to a fairy-tale “A tiny house”.

Сказка “A tiny house”

Frog: Knock-knock! Who lives in the house?

Mouse: Hello, I'm a mouse.

Frog: Hello, I'm a little green frog. May I live in your house?

Mouse: Yes. Come in, please.

Rabbit: Knock-knock! Who lives in this nice house?

Mouse: Hello, I'm a mouse.

Frog: Hello, I'm a little green frog. And who are you?

Rabbit: Hello. I'm a white rabbit. May I live in your house?

Mouse, Frog: Yes. Come in, please.

Fox: Knock-knock! Oh, what a nice house! Who lives here?

Mouse: Hello, I'm a mouse.

Frog: Hello, I'm a green frog.

Rabbit: Hello. I'm a white rabbit. And who are you?

Fox: Hello, I'm a fox. I am clever. May I live in your house?

Mouse, Frog, Rabbit: Yes. Come in, please.

Wolf: Knock-knock! What a beautiful house!Who lives in the house?

Mouse: Hello, I'm a mouse.

Frog: Hi, I'm a green frog.

Rabbit: Hello. I'm a white rabbit.

Fox: Hi, I'm a fox.

Wolf: Hello, I'm a wolf. May I live in your house?

Mouse, Frog, Rabbit, Fox: Of course, come in, please.

Bear: Knock-knock! Who lives in the house?

Mouse: Hello, I'm a mouse.

Frog: Hello, I'm a frog.

Rabbit: Hello. I'm a rabbit.

Fox: Hello, I'm a fox.

Wolf: Hello, I'm a grey wolf.

Bears: I am a big bear. May I live in your house?

Mouse: Oh, no!

Frog: You are too big!

Rabbit, Fox, Wolf: You can't live in the house!
Mouse, rabbit, wolf, frog, fox: Go away! Go away!

Р2: The letters W, X, Y, Z, welcome!

W is for watch.
It is running night and day,
But it never runs away.

X is in fox,
And x is in box.
A fox is next to the box!

Y is in puppy,
And y in the sky.
A funny happy puppy
Likes to fly in the sky.

Z is for zoo.
Tomorrow on Sunday we go to the zoo.
Tomorrow, tomorrow we go to the zoo.
There is a giraffe there, and zebra too,
A bear and a monkey, and a kangaroo.

Р1: Let’s sing the ABC song all together!

Now I know the ABC
Won't you come and sing with me

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