Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 3 класса "East Or West Home Is Best"
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (3 класс)
Методическая разработка составлена в соответствии с УМК "Starlight 3" и посвящена теме "My Home" . Дети разыгрывают сценки с основными сюжетными героями линейки, а также рассказывают стихи о своих домах и жилищах. Мероприятие в игровой форме знакомит обучающихся с основными составными частями английских домов. Разработка включает в себя песни и танцы и является отличным средством для повышении молтивации изучекния английского языка.
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Предварительный просмотр:
«East or West Home is Best»
Ведущий 1: Dear boys and girls, parents and teachers. I am glad to see you. Every year we have such performances in English. We dance, sing songs, play games, recite poems, show plays. I hope you all will enjoy our English party. This time we are going to talk about English Homes.
Ведущий 2: There are a lot of English proverbs about their homes. The English people love their homes and they say: “There is no Place like home”
Ведущий 1: “East or West, Home is Best”
Ведущий 2: “Home, sweet home”
Ведущий 1: “An Englishman home is his castle”
Ведущий 2: “Home is Where the heart is”
And now let’s listen to some poems about our homes.
Pupil 1: Let's go to my house.
Let's go today.
I'll show you all the rooms
Where we work and play.
Here is the kitchen
Where Mother cooks for me.
Here is the living room
Where I watch TV.
Here is the dining room.
We eat here every day.
And this room is my room
Where I sleep and play.
Pupil 2: My house is my castle -
I live in it with pleasure.
And leaves in garden rustling,
Remind me my nature.
There is a lot of places,
I can to rest and calm.
In my room I play dices,
My garden's like a farm.
I like my lovely house,
I'll make it more amazing.
Let even live a mouse,
Let always warm be, breezing.
Pupil 3: Our large family
Has a nice flat
We live there happily
With a kitten and a cat.
My sister and brother
All go to school
We help one another
It’s a good rule.
We help our mother
When she washes and cooks
Together with father
We like to read books.
Pupil 4: Little Grey House,
Where is your house?
I can show you my flat
If you don’t tell the cat.
My flat has no door
I live under the floor
I come out in the night
And come back when it’s light.
Ведущий 1: Thank you children. And now …. will tell us about her house.
Ведущий 2: Are you tired? I think you are. Let’s have a rest and listen to a beautiful song. You may sing with us if you want.
Ведущий 1: Well, our friends Emma, Mona, Harry and Lee and their dog Missy got into the old house. What did they see there? Do you want to know? Aren’t you afraid? Then let’s watch and listen.( Дети разыгрывают сценку из учебника с участием любимых героев)
Ведущий 2: Thank you, and by the way, do you know what rooms are there in a typical English house? Let’s guess.( Дети отгадывают загадки)
Pupil 5: People can prepare breakfast, dinner or supper in this room. Women usually spend much time there. We have a fridge, a sink, a table, a cooker and a cupboard in this room.
Pupil 6: There are beds or a sofa in this room. You can see a little table and a wardrobe there. People have a rest in this room.
Pupil 7: This room is not very large. We take a shower or have a bath in this room. You can clean your teeth, wash your hands and face there.
Pupil 8: There is a TV, chairs and a sofa in this room. We can see some flowers and pictures on the walls. There is often a carpet on the floor. People watch TV, listen to music or sit around and speak there.
Pupil 9: This room is not very large. People take off their jackets, hats, boots or shoes there. There is usually a mirror and a little table there.
Ведущий 1: Thanks a lot. I see that you are very clever. And now let’s listen to several dialogues.(Учащиеся разыгрывают диалоги )
Ведущий 2: Well, boys and girls. It’s very good that you know so much about England, Englishmen and their homes. Our party is coming to an end. Thank you for attention. I hope the next time you will show us something interesting again. Good luck.
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands
If you’re happy and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands
If you’re happy and you know it stomp your feet
If you’re happy and you know it stomp your feet
If you’re happy and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you’re happy and you know it stomp your feet
If you’re happy and you know it turn around
If you’re happy and you know it turn around
If you’re happy and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you’re happy and you know it turn around
If you’re happy and you know it shout “Hooray”
If you’re happy and you know it shout “Hooray”
If you’re happy and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you’re happy and you know it shout “Hooray”
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