Игра по станциям посвященная англоговорящим странам.
план-конспект занятия по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему
Quest который поможет детям изучить культуру и традиции англоговорящих стран
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Предварительный просмотр:
Игра по станциям посвященная англоговорящим странам.
Цели и задачи:
1.Обеспечить умение учащихся практически применять знания по грамматике и лексике иностранного языка, активизировать
мыслительную деятельность ,направленную на правильное употребление грамматических конструкций и определенной лексики в естественных ситуациях общения.
2.Развивать творческие способности учащихся, умение их применять в учебном процессе.
3.Стимулировать учебную мотивацию школьников, развивать умение работать в команде.
Средства: Листы с грамматическими и лексическими заданиями, тексты песен (по числу участников команд),фломастеры (для конкурса художников), карточки разорванных слов, музыкальное видео, карточки с названиями стран, столиц, флаги, маршрутные листы, ноутбук.
Ход игры:
Hello, children!
We are glad to see you at our game that is devoted to the culture of countries that speak English.
First of all, we have three teams now. Name them, please, and choose your captain. You have two minutes for it.
So say the names of your teams. The first team:............. and your captain..........
The second team..........
The third team....................
Excellent! Now you are ready to listen to some instructions. You should visit 9 stations. You should go from one station to the next one according to your route (кто-то раздает в это время листы) with the music signal. (показать как звучит сигнал) At the stations you will have to do tasks about some particular points. Having done these tasks you will get letters. You should put these letters in the right order and you will get the name of the most mysterious monument in Great Britain. We hope that our game will be interesting for you and you will learn much new. We wish you good luck and have fun. Let's start!
Маршрутные листы:
Маршрутный лист команды
1. Главы государства.
2. Музыкальная
3. Грамматическая
4. Сказки
5. Танцы
6. Лексика
7. Знаменитости
8. Флаги
9. География
Key word __________________________________________________________
Маршрутный лист команды
2. Главы государства
3. Музыкальная
4. Танцы
5. Лексика
6. Сказки
7. География
8. Знаменитости
9. Флаги
Key word __________________________________________________________
Маршрутный лист команды
1. Музыкальная
2. Грамматическая
3. Главы государства
4. Лексика
5. Сказки
6. Танцы
7. Флаги
8. География
9. Знаменитости
Key word __________________________________________________________
1. Станция "Главы государств".
What countries have these flags?
Do you know who rules them? Name the rulers of Canada, Australia, Great Britain, the USA.
2. Станция "География"
What countries speak English? Here you see names of 5 such countries. Match them with their flags and capitals.
3. Станция "Танцы"
Good afternoon, children! How are you today? How do you think what will you do at my station? Do you like dancing? Now repeat the following movements after me
4. Станция "Лексическая"
Hello! I’m glad to see you at my station. Lexical station. Did you learn English words? Do you know the translation to кошка, дом, дерево, яблоко (ученики переводят слова на английский). All right, I see that you have learnt English words and I will check how many words you've learnt.
-The task is to say 10 words which start from letter C, M, N, R.
-You have 2 minutes to discuss then raise your hand and I will ask you. Remember! The words shouldn’t be repeated. Good luck!
5. Станция "Грамматическая"
Hello, children!
I’m glad to see you at my station.
My station is called grammar station.
What is the name of your team?
Now listen to your task attentively and if you need we remember the rule!
4 class – Fill in the gaps with necessary verb is or are
5 class - Fill in the gaps with a few/ a little/ much/ many/ a lot of
6 class - Make a degree of comparison for the following words
Complete the tail questions. Put the words into the correct order to make sentences.
Fill in the gaps with necessary verb
There___ a lot of people in the street.
There___two men at the door.
There___a lemon on the plate.
There___ a nice park in the city.
There___five books on the desk.
There___much snow in the street.
There___many students in my class.
___ there pictures on the wall?
___there a cat on the sofa?
There___ no apples on the table.
There___no bread at home.
There___ a lot of toys in his room.
Fill in “ much” or “many”.
1 There are ______________ birds in the sky.
2 I haven’t got _____________ homework today.
3 John hasn’t got ___________ money.
4 There aren’t _______________ cars in the street.
5 There is _________________ coffee in the cup.
6 Are there _________________ apples on the tree?
7 Jane spends ____________ money at the shops.
8 Have you got ___________ bread in the cupboard?
9 Are there ___________ children on the beach?
Choose the correct item.
1 Have you got ______________ friends?
A many B much C a lot of
2 There are _________________ people in the room.
A much B a little C a lot of
3 Can I have _____________ sugar, please?
A a few B a little C a lot of
4 How _____________ oranges are on the table?
A many B a few C much
5 How _______________ money has Fred got?
6 There are _______________ monkeys at the zoo.
A much B a few C a little
7 There are ____________ chairs in the room.
A a little B much C a few
8 We don’t need ________ eggs.
A much B a little C a lot of
Make a degree of comparison for the following words
short -
bad -
boring -
far -
Complete the tail questions.
The book is very interesting,_______?
You haven’t seen The Lost World: Jurassic Park yet,________?
You can go to granny tomorrow, ________?
My brother thinks adventure stories are exciting, ________?
Kate really likes eating ice-cream, ________?
Put the words into the correct order to make sentences.
has to, stay, Ann, at school, lessons, after
get, early, up, tomorrow, don’t, have to, I
the dates, have to, they, learn, by heart
6. Станция "Знаменитости"
Hello, children.
My station is called famous people.
What do you think what will we do???
Now look at the pictures and say who these people are.
What films with them do you know?
7. Станция "Музыкальная"
Hello, children! I’m glad to see you at the musical station! Do you like to sing songs? Englishmen like to sing too.
For the 4th form: video with the song-alphabet.
Look at the screen, listen to music and sing with the girl.
For the 5th and 6th forms:
Now I give you a text of a song. Your task is to sing this song together.
There was a green grasshopper,
There was a green grasshopper,
There was a green grasshopper
Sitting in the grass. В траве сидел кузнечик,
В траве сидел кузнечик,
В траве сидел кузнечик,
Зелёненький он был.
Imagine, imagine,
Sitting in the grass.
Imagine, imagine,
Sitting in the grass.
8. Станция «Флаги»
Nice to see you again! Welcome to my station “Flags”. Your task is to colour these flags of English-speaking countries.
9. Станция "Сказки"
Hello children! I want you to play a game with me!
Game "One Letter"
Ведущий называет по порядку буквы английского алфавита. Дети выкрикивают имя сказочного героя на сказанную букву. W- Winnie-the Pooh…
Say who is the author of this quotations and where are they from.
— Тебе что намазать? Мёду или сгущенного молока?
— И того, и другого, и можно без хлеба. (Винни Пух, Алан Милн)
Я видала такую чепуху, по сравнению с которой эта чепуха — толковый словарь. (Алиса в зазеркалье, Льюис Кэрол)
Я услыхал, как мама и папа говорили о том, кем я буду, когда вырасту и стану взрослым мужчиной. А я вовсе не хочу становиться взрослым мужчиной. Я хочу всегда быть маленьким и играть. (Джеймс Барри, Питер Пен)
Покуда есть на свете дураки,
Обманом жить нам, стало быть, с руки. (Карло Коллоди, Пиноккио)
Having done the tasks at the stations children get letters. They should put them in the right order and get the word "Stonehenge". The winner is the first team that does this task.
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