День Святого Валентина
презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (1, 2, 3, 4 класс) на тему
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There are several legend about St. Valentine's Day. One of the legends says that Valentine was Christian priest who lived in the 3 century A.D. He was put into prison for his teachings and was beheaded on February 14. According to the legend he performed a miracle — he cured his jailer's daughter of her blindness. Before the execution he wrote her a letter signed «From Your Valentine». Another legend says that the same Valentine wrote to children and friends who loved him from the jail.
According to another legend, Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time. He was thrown into prison because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman empire. The legend says that he was burnt at the stake.
February 14 was also a Roman holiday. On this day young men randomly chose the name of the girl to escort to the festival. The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this day became very popular in the medieval Europe. Later this custom spread to American colonies.
Now, St. Valentine's Day is the day of sweethearts. On this day, people show their friends relatives and loved ones that they care. People send candy or flowers to those whom they love. Most people send «valentines», greeting cards named after St. Valentine's letters written from jail. Valentines can be sentimental and romantic, or funny and friendly. Valentines can be anonymous. Valentines can be heart-shaped or can carry hearts on them. People buy valentines or make them themselves.
priest -священник to burn at the stake-сжечь на костре
to behead-обезглавливать to escort-сопровождать
miracle-чудо sweetheart-возлюбленный
to cure-лечить,исцелать medieval-средневековый
jailer-тюремный надзиратель
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