План урока и презентация "Wild about animals, Going to the Zoo", 3 класс
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (3 класс) на тему

Шестак Ксения Викторовна

ссылка на видеоклип к песне "Going to the Zoo": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6MKMowkLIM


Предварительный просмотр:

“Wild about animals. At the zoo” (плюс дата, день недели) на доске смайлики

  1. Организационный момент (+все вопросы)
  2. Целеполагание: Please, look at your desks. Tickets (look very attentively, that’s the key to the topic of our lesson. Right you are. We are going to the Zoo. I will be your guide today. Let the journey begin.
  3. Фонетическая: First of all, let’s revise all the words we know about wild animals and get acquainted with some not new, but familiar ones. In The first part of our journey you are to repeat the words after the announcer as closely as you can. Imagine that you are perfect Englishmen. (повторяют)
  4. Речевая: What other animals you know were not mentioned? (A seal, a whale, a hippo, a dolphin, a lizard) What animal do you like most of all and why? Would you like to have these animals as pets? Give examples!+ слайд (I like a monkey, because it eats bananas, and I like bananas. I like a whale, it is big and lives in the sea. I like a seal. It is funny and likes playing with a ball. I like a dolphin. It is clever.)
  5. Vocabulary and reading Riddles (flash animation) Our Zoo is really special and unique, you know. The next station is the animal maker. You are to create your own animal using the notes. There will be 3 groups. The volunteers will come to the blackboard and make an animal.
  6. We are coming to the next station, our physical exercise. We gonna dance today with a monkey. Let’s dance?
  7. Listening+ grammar and working in pairs: We are coming closer to the end of our journey. The last assignment will be for the pairs. Take the sheets of paper you have on your desks. These are the lyrics of the song. Read the title, please. Name the words you are to fill in: Do you all know their meaning? What unites the words? What does ing mean? We are going to listen to the song twice. Firstly, let’s look through and listen, then, let’s fill in the gaps. Слушаем, вставляем, проверяем
  8. Рефлексия: Now, that’s practically the end of our today’s journey. How do you find it? Here are some useful words for you.  Оценили урок: на доске смайлы, По одному обводят маркером смайл, точно выражающий их эмоции. Можно повторяться.
  9. Do you want to come to the zoo one more time? In order to come back here, you are to do a special home task. That’s to learn all the words from the module for the test.
  10. Оценили себя: I’m smart. I did great job. I’m super. I was shy. So-so. Bad, terrible.
  11. Оценки. Прощание. Thanks a lot guys, let’s say goodbye: Wave your hand. Jump up high. Smile and say “Goodbye” See you.


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

elephant crocodile snake monkey camel hippo parrot lion

Слайд 3

Language Skills

Слайд 4

What animal do you like most of all (больше всего) and why? Do you want a wild animal pet ( питомец) ? I like ……… называем животное …….. b ecause …… объясняем, почему выбрали ………….

Слайд 5

Fill in the gaps ( заполни пропуски ) “We are going to the Zoo” Are go ing Is tak ing Swimm ing swing ing Mom ___________________ us to the zoo tomorrow Zoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow Mom _______________________ us to the zoo tomorrow We can stay all day Chorus : We ___________________________to the zoo, zoo, zoo How about you, you, you? You can come too, too, too We____________________________ to the zoo, zoo, zoo Look at all the monkeys _______________________ in the trees _____________________________ in the trees Look at all the monkeys ___________________________ in the trees We can stay all day Look at all the crocodiles ______________________________ in the water ________________________________ in the water Look at all the crocodiles ________________________________ in the water We can stay all day

Слайд 6

camel its strong eat Grass What can carry things pet

Слайд 7

My Progress I’m smart !!! I did great job !! I’m super ! I was shy ( So-so. . Bad , terrible 

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