Intellectual Game "Qriosity" for primary students
презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (3 класс) на тему
Интеллектуальная Игра под названием "Qriosity" была разработана специально для учащихся 3-4 классов. В нее вошли вопросы из разных областей знаний, которые объединяет то, что они все составлены на английском языке. Всего в Интеллектуальной Игре было предусмотрено 5 раундов: Разминка, Рождественские загадки, Верю-Не Верю, Видео Раунд, Конкурс Капитанов. В презентацию не вошли задания последних двух раундов, так как для них был использован другой формат. Все задания были выполнены учащимися с удовольствием, особенно понравился раунд Верю - Не Верю.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Warm up
Where do the penguins live? 1. Russia 2. Australia 3. The South Pole 4. The North Pole
Which flag is Great Britain’s national flag? 1 2 3 4
Which is the biggest animal? 1.a giraffe 2. an elephant 3. a hippopotamus 4. a whale
Which river is the longest? 1. The Nile 2.The Volga 3.The Neva 4. The Amazon
Which bird is the smallest? a parrot 2. an ostrich 3. a canary 4. a humming bird ( colibri )
Which country is the biggest? 1. Great Britain 2. The USA 3. Russia 4. China
Your aunt’s children are your: 1. Your nephews and nieces 2. Your brothers and sisters 3. Your cousins 4. Your grandchildren
The word hamster is from 1. German language 2. French language 3. Italian language 4. Spanish language
Which is the national flower of England? 1. Daffodil 2. Red rose 3. White rose 4. Primrose
Where do the penguins live? The South Pole
Which flag is Great Britain’s national flag?
Which animal is the biggest? a blue whale
Which river is the longest ? The Amazon
Which bird is the smallest? a humming bird ( colibri )
Which country is the biggest? Russia
Your aunt’s children are your: your cousins
The word hamster is from German language
Which is the national flower of England? red rose
People in Great Britain eat me with vegetables for Christmas dinner
I am red and white striped. People put me on Christmas tree and later eat me
I grow in the forest but I come into people’s houses at Christmas
My name is Rudolph. I am in front of Santa’s sleigh.
I come in many designs. People send me to friends and family to wish each other a merry Christmas
Some people put me on the top of their Christmas tree. You can also find me in the sky.
I send Great Britain a big Christmas tree as a present every year.
Children make me in winter. I ‘ve got a very long orange nose.
Father Christmas puts me in the children’s stockings.
People in Great Britain eat me with vegetables for Christmas dinner
I am red and white striped. People put me on Christmas tree and later eat me
I grow in the forest but I come into people’s houses at Christmas
My name is Rudolph. I am in front of Santa’s sleigh.
I come in many designs. People send me to friends and family to wish each other a merry Christmas
Some people put me at the top of their Christmas tree. You can also find me in the sky.
I send Great Britain a big Christmas tree as a present every year. Norway
Children make me in winter. I ‘ve got a very long orange nose.
Father Christmas puts me in the children’s stockings.
True or False ?
Bats can’t see.
Polar bears have got white skin.
Bulls don’t like red colour
Snails can sleep for 3 years.
Giraffe’s tongue is purple.
Dolphins have names.
Flamingos like to dance.
Elephants can jump.
Hippos have pink milk.
False Bats can see
False Polar bears have got black skin
True Snails can sleep for 3 years
False Bulls are indifferent to colours . They don’t like action
True Giraffes have got a purple tongue
True Flamingos like to dance
True Dolphins have names
False Elephants can’t jump.
True Hippos have pink milk
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