Презентации для 4 класса
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Константинова Ирина Андреевна

Презентации по темам уроков "Halloween", "Travelling and Transport", "St.Valentine's Day"


Файл halloween_2015g.pptx2.1 МБ
Файл travelling_and_transport.pptx2.86 МБ
Файл st_valentine.pptx1.19 МБ
Файл different_hobbies.pptx297.17 КБ
Файл konspekt_no2.pptx551.35 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 2

The History of Halloween In late October the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer. It’s colder and darker and cold winds blow. The leaves fall down from the trees. The year is ending and everything is dying. Winter coming, with its long dark nights.

Слайд 3

People stay at home in the evenings and at the weekends. It’s the time of Halloween. Halloween is a great holiday. People celebrate Halloween on the October 31, it is the evening before “All Saints Day”. It is also the end of autumn and the start of winter

Слайд 4

In the past this festival was a time of fear. People believed in ghosts and witches and they stayed at home. At Halloween the ghosts of the dead and all the witches of the world rode in the sky on their broomsticks

Слайд 5

Many countries celebrate Halloween , but in different ways …… People invite their relatives and friends to Halloween parties and send invitation cards, like this:

Слайд 7

This festival is a time for fun. Just before Halloween American and British kids make a Halloween lamp. It looks really scary in the dark. They put pumpkins on the windowsills. Here is how to make it….

Слайд 8

1. Take a pumpkin 2. Cut the eyes 3. Cut the mouth 4. Empty the pumpkin

Слайд 9

5. Put a candle inside it. 6. And put it in the window Happy Halloween!!

Слайд 10

In America the children play a special game at Halloween: “Trick or Treat”. They dress up as ghosts, witches, clowns or pirates and visit their neighbours. “Trick or Treat!” they cry. People must give them a treat: some fruit, sweets or chocolate. When there is no treat, the children play a trick on them and run away. Sometimes they come back again, knock at the door and run away. It’s all good fun and the evening ends with parties for children.

Слайд 12


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Travelling and Transport

Слайд 2

Make up the words : GULGEAG YJRNOEU RIEARV GTHUORH NTIRA AYGOEV PIARTRO luggage journey arrive through train voyage airport

Слайд 3

Fill in the words: journey arrive luggage voyage through train airport My friends haven’t __________ in Moscow yet. A _________ is a long trip. I don’t like to travel with a lot of ____________. You don’t have to change, as it’s a _______________. A __________ is a journey by sea. It took him two hours to get to Heathrow ____________.

Слайд 4

Fill in the right prepositions: He never goes car, he always goes foot. I am tired this work. The train arrived the railway station. I like to fly plane. It is so fast. Can I buy a ticket Moscow ‘please’. They met board the ship. by on of at by to on

Слайд 5

Irregular verbs. Падать Летать Думать Учить, преподавать Забывать Поймать, схватить fall fell fallen fly flew flown think thought thought teach taught taught forget forgot forgotten catch caught caught

Слайд 6

Give your opinion Why is a through train comfortable? Is it more interesting to travel by train, by plane or by sea (by ship)? Have you ever missed a train (plane, bus)? What is a journey? What is a voyage?

Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1

St. Valentine’s Day

Слайд 2

Happy Valentine Quiz Choose the right answer. 1. When do we c elebrate St. Valentin’s Day? a) On the 1 st of May b) On the 8 th of March c) On the 14 th of February 2. How do you spell “14 th ”? a) forteenth b) fourteenth c) fourtynth

Слайд 3

3. What is St. Valentine’s Day? a) A day of Valentine cards b) A day of love and friendship c) A day of relatives and friends 4. Do people usually sign their Valentine cards? a) Yes b) No 5. Where was the holiday born? a) I n ancient Egypt b) In ancient Greece c) In ancient Rome

Слайд 4

6. What is the English for “ возлюбленный ”? a) sweetheart b) heartsweet c) sweet tooth 7. What colour is traditional for Valentine’s Day? a) White b) Red c) Green

Слайд 5

Correct the mistakes: Deer, Mary! I hope that Falentine’s Day shell breng you lots ov fun! I thinks you’re every nice. And so does everione ! Best weshes , John.

Слайд 6

Match the Famous Couples: Father Frost Mickey Mouse Ruslan Winnie-the-Pooh Tom Wolf Romeo Cheburashka Kay Adam Minnie Gerda Hare Eva Juliet Lyudmila Jerry Snegurochka Piglet Crocodile Gena

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

What is the topic of our lesson?

Слайд 2


Слайд 3

What is a hobby? - a hobby is what you like to do - a hobby is something that people like to do a hobby is a special interest a hobby is what you enjoy or like to do in your free time

Слайд 4

Homework Read the text to get for more information St. book p.49 ex.11 draw a picture of your family’s hobby

Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1

“There is no place like home" Konstantinova I.A.

Слайд 2

English people live in different sorts of houses:

Слайд 3

A semi-detached house....

Слайд 4

A terraced house....

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