итоговая контрольная работа в 4 классе
тест по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему
Работа составлена по всем видам речевой деятельности.Проверяет овладение лексико-грамматическим материалом, чтения с извлечением информации и письма.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Итоговая проверочная работа по английскому языку
ученика (цы) 4 « » класса________________________
Дата проведения _________________
Итог работы ____________________
Вариант №1
1.Языковые средства и их применение.
Лексика и Грамматика
А. Подчеркни нужное слово (5 баллов)
0.Cats drink coffee, milk, tea.
- Whales live in the sea , forest, mountains.
- My mum is my grandmother’s sister, son, daughter.
3. It’s cold today! Put on your shorts, T-shirt, jacket.
4. Which is the first day of the week: Monday, Tuesday or Friday?
5. Nine plus eleven is twelve, sixteen, twenty.
В. Choose and fill in. Выбери подходящие по смыслу слова и закончи текст.(5 баллов)
This 0).is my dog.1)________ name is Spot. Spot 2) _______ got long ears. Its eyes 3) ________ big and brown. My dog 4)_____
run and jump well. It is the 5) _______ friend in the world.
- A) is B) am C)are
- A) Our B) Its C)Their
- A) have B) is C)has
- A) is B) are C)am
- A) is B) can C)can’t
- A) good B) better C) best
C. Choose and fill in. Выбери и впиши правильный ответ.(40 баллов)
0. I am a student.( am, is, are)
1. We _____ from Canada.( am, is, are)
2. I have got ____ apple.( a, an, - )
3.____ is my best friend. ( Her, She, They)
4. My brother ______got a toy.( have, is, has)
5. Tom and Tim ________got a lot of friends. (has, are, have)
6. Helen has two white ________( mouse, mice, cat)
7. My dog ______to play.( like, likes, liking)
8. She __________ her friends tomorrow.(visit, visited, will visit)
9. This is _________ dog. (Ann, Ann’s, Anns)
10. I __________TV yesterday. (watch, watched, will watch)
11. There _____ a sofa in the living room. ( are, is, aren’t)
12. We _______at school yesterday. (was, wasn’t, were)
13. Look! John __________ in the park .( skate, is skating, skates)
14. My birthday is on the _____________ of May. (two, first, three)
15. My jacket is _________than yours.(warm, warmer, the warmest)
15. I go to school ____ 8 o’clock. ( in, on, at)
16. There are _______ sweets ( some,any,-)
17. Monkeys are the ___________ animals.( funny, funnier, funniest)
18. _______they going to swim? ( Am, Is, Are)
19.I am going to go on holiday ___June. ( on,in, at)
20. There _____ten students in the classroom. (is,are,isn’t)
D. Match the questions with the answers. Соедини вопрос с ответом ( 10 баллов)
0 | Where do you buy food? | Chicken and rice. | |
1 | What did you do yesterday? | Alex. He’s in my class. | |
2 | How old are you? | He’s a driver. | |
3 | Who is your best friend? | It’s Anna’s. Can you see her name on it? | |
4 | How are you today? | Dancing | |
5 | What’s his favourite food? | 0 | At the supermarket. |
6. | When do you visit your grandma? | I’m ten. | |
7 | Why are you crying? | I played tennis. | |
8 | What’s your hobby? | On Sundays. | |
9 | Whose bag is this? | I’m fine, thank you. | |
10 | What’s his job? | Because I can’t find my mobile phone. |
3.Reading A . Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы (5 баллов)
Grey seals are big animals. They live in cold waters of the Atlantic. They have got big eyes, long bodies and flippers. Grey seals can swim very well and sleep underwater. They have their babies in autumn or in winter .They are sometimes 1,5 to 3,5 metres long. Grey seals eat fish and they can be 170-310 kilos. Grey seals live for about thirty years. In the zoo they can live till they are forty.There aren’t many grey seals in the world .
0.What animals are they?- Grey seals
- Where do they live?____________
- How long are they? -______________
- When do they have babies?- _______________
- What do they eat?- ___________________
- How long do they usually live?-_______________
B .Read the text and write the answer.Прочитай письмо и напиши ответ.
(5 баллов)
Dear friend,
My name is Helen. I am 11 and I am from Great Britain. I live in Newcastle. It’s great. I live with my mum and dad. I haven’t got any sisters or brothers.
I am a student and go to Hillside school. My school is great. I like my classmates. They are very friendly. Have you got any friends in your class?
My favourite school subjects are Art and Maths. What’s your favourite subject?
My favourite colour is pink and my favourite season is summer. I like to play computer games and ride my bike. I can play the piano well.
What about you?
Best wishes,
Dear Helen,
Best wishes,
_________________________ 70 баллов- Итог работы-………
Итоговая проверочная работа по английскому языку
ученика (цы) 4 « » класса________________________
Дата проведения _________________
Итог работы ____________________
Вариант № 2
1.Языковые средства и их применение.
Лексика и Грамматика
А. Подчеркни нужное слово (5 баллов)
0. Cats drink coffee, milk, tea.
1. Camels live in the sea, forest, desert.
2. My dad is my grandmother’s sister, son, daughter.
3. It’s hot today! Put on your shorts, scarf, jacket.
4. Which is the second day of the week: Thursday,Tuesday or Friday?
5. Five plus seven is twelve, sixteen, twenty.
B. Choose and fill in. Выбери и вставь пропущенные слова.
( 5 баллов)
This 0).is my cat. 1)________ name is Pussy. Pussy 2) _______ got a long tail. Its eyes 3) ________ big and green. My cat 4) _____
run and jump. It is the 5)_____________cat in the world.
- A) is B) am C)are
- A) Their B) Its C)Our
- A) has B) have C)is
- A) is B) am C)are
- A) is B) can C)can’t
- A) funny B) funnier C)funniest
С. Choose and fill in. Выбери и впиши правильный ответ. (40баллов)
0. I am a student.( am, is, are)
1. He _____ from Russia.( am, is, are)
2. I have got ____ orange.( a, an, - )
3.____ are smart. ( Her, Their, They)
4. We______got a dog( has, hasn’t, have)
5. Tom ________got a rabbit. (has, are, have)
6. She has two ________( child, children, son)
7. My sister __________ tennis tomorrow.(play, played, will play)
8. This is _________ cat. (Emma, Emma’s, Emmas)
9. I __________my granny yesterday.(visit, visited, will visit)
10. There _____ six chairs in the living room. ( are, is, isn’t)
11. They _______in the park last Sunday. (was, wasn’t, were)
12. I_______like milk.(isn’t, don’t, doesn’t)
13. My birthday is on the _____________ of June.(two, one, third)
14. Giraffes are _________than horses.(tall, taller, the tallest)
15. I come home _____5 o’clock.(in, on, at)
16. There isn’t _______ milk. ( some,any)
17. Whales are the ____________ animals. ( big, bigger, the biggest)
18.Listen! She ___________the piano.( play, plays, is playing)
19. ____he going to play basketball? ( Am,Is,Are)
20. Spring begins ____ March.( on,at,in)
D. Match the questions with the answers. Соедини вопрос с ответом ( 10 баллов)
0 | Where do you buy food? | I’m fine, thanks. | |
1 | Whose book is this? | Mary. She’s in my class. | |
2 | How are you today? | Reading. | |
3 | What’s her job? | It’s Nick’s. Can you see his name on it? | |
4 | How old are you? | Fish and chips. | |
5 | What’s your favourite food? | 0 | At the supermarket. |
6. | What’s your hobby? | She is a vet. | |
7 | Why is he crying? | I played football. | |
8 | When do you visit your grandpa? | Because he can’t find his mobile phone. | |
9 | What did you do yesterday? | I’m twelve. | |
10 | Who is your best friend? | On Saturdays. |
3 A . Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы (5 баллов)
Polar bears are big animals. They live in the Arctic. They have got thick fur, strong legs and a black nose. Polar bears are about 2,5 m tall and weigh about 250-770 kilograms. They can swim very well. Polar bears eat fish and small seals. They usually live for 15-18 years.
What animals are they?- Polar bears.
- Where do they live? -______________
- How tall are they?- _______________
- What can they do very well?- ___________________
- What do they eat ?- __________________
- How long do they live?-_______________
B .Read the text and write the answer.Прочитай письмо и напиши ответ.
Dear friend,
My name is Helen. I am 11 and I am from Great Britain. I live in Newcastle. It’s great. I live with my mum and dad. I haven’t got any sisters or brothers.
I am a student and go to Hillside school. My school is great. I like my classmates. They are very friendly. Have you got any friends in your class?
My favourite school subjects are Art and Maths. What’s your favourite subject?
My favourite colour is pink and my favourite season is summer. I like to play computer games and ride my bike. I can play the piano well.
What about you?
Best wishes,
Dear Helen,
Best wishes,
70 баллов- Итог работы….. баллов
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