TWELVE MONTHS новогодний спектакль
проект по иностранному языку на тему
TWELVE MONTHS новогодний спектакль на английском языке
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Предварительный просмотр:
Father Stepdaughter (Mary) Stepmother | December, January, February, March, April, May June July August | ||
STEPMOTHER: Soon New Year will come! Mary, where is the fir- tree?
DAUGHTER: What a bad fir- tree!
STEPDAUGHTER: No! The fir- tree is good! I like it!
STEPMOTHER: Are you here? Go and clean the table!
STEPDAUGHTER: All right, mother!
STEPMOTHER: And wash the plates! And clean the floor! And make the bed!
STEPDAUGHTER: All right, mother!
STEPMOTHER: (смотрит на газету в руках мужа) What is this?
FATHER: Our Queen has a party today. She says that she wants snowdrops for her party.
STEPMOTHER: Snowdrops? In December? Who can see snowdrops in December?!
FATHER: She says she will give money for the snowdrops.
STEPMOTHER: Money? Where is Mary? Mary!
Входит патчерица
STEPMOTHER: Go to the forest! Bring snowdrops.
STEPDAUGHTER: I cannot find snowdrops in December!
STEPMOTHER: I say, you must find snowdrops!
STEPDAUGHTER: It is cold. It will snow. I cannot go!
STEPMOTHER: (толкает ее к двери) Go and bring snowdrops!
Падчерица бредет по лесу. Воет ветер…
STEPDAUGHTER: I’m cold in the snow! I see no snowdrops. But I cannot go home. Mother will not let me in! What is this? A light! Is it a lamp?
Появляются братья-месяцы, они сидят у костра.
STEPDAUGHTER: Good evening! Who are you?
MONTHS: Good evening! We are the twelve months.
MONTHS: And who are you?
MAY: Why are you here, Mary? It is cold in the forest.
STEPDAUGHTER: I must find snowdrops!
DECEMBER: Snowdrops? In December?
STEPDAUGHTER: Yes! I must give snowdrops to the Queen.
DECEMBER: Brothers! Let us help the girl. Brother January, take my stick.
JANUARY: It is January! It is cold. It snows. The snow is on the trees and grass. Please, Mary, take my snowballs!
STEPDAUGHTER: Thank you, brother January!
JANUARY: February! Take my stick!
FEBRUARY: It is cold. But the sun is warm. Cold winds blow. The trees are white. Mary, do you like snowstorms?
STEPDAUGHTER: Thank you, February, I don’t.
FEBRUARY: Brother March, take my stick!
MARCH: It is spring. It is warm. The sun is warm. Warm winds blow. The trees are black, birds sing. I see icicles. Do you want an icicle, Mary?
STEPDAUGHTER: No, thank you, March!
MARCH: Brother April, take my stick!
APRIL: Spring brings the sunshine,
Spring brings the rain.
The plants are awakened.
And flowers grow again.
Spring makes the world a happy place
You see a smile on every face.
Flowers come out and birds arrive,
Oh, isn’t it great to be alive?
I see green grass. I see snowdrops under the trees. Mary, pick up the snowdrops!
STEPDAUGHTER: Thank you, brother April!
APRIL: I like flowers that are bright,
I like flowers that are white,
I like flowers with a smell,
I treat flowers very well.
STEPDAUGHTER: It’s wonderful! I have a basket full of snowdrops. Thank you, thank you, very much.
APRIL: Brother May, take my stick!
MAY: It’s warm. The sky is blue. Birds sing. Mary, listen to them.
MARY: Very beautiful!
MAY: Brother June, take my stick!
JUNE: It’s summer. It’s hot. The sun shines. There are a lot of flowers. Do you like flowers Mary?
MARY: Yes, thank you so much!
JUNE: Brother July, take my stick!
JULY: It’s hot. The sun shines. There are a lot of flowers. Do you like flowers Mary?
JULY: Brother August, take my stick!
AUGUST: It’s warm and sunny! There are a lot of apples. Do you like apples?
MARY: Yes, thank you so much!
JANUARY: What a lovely, clever girl.
FEBRUARY: She is so good!
MARCH: And so merry, nice, joyful, pretty!
APRIL: I want to present you a gold ring.
If you need our help, throw this ring and say:
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white
Spring is green,
Summer is bright, and we will always help you!
STEPDAUGHTER: Thank you, very much. Good bye!
BROTHERS: Bye! Happy New Year!
Братья-месяцы поют:
We wish you a merry Christmas! (3 раза)
And a Happy New Year!
STEPMOTHER: Mary will not come home. Let us have tea together.
FATHER: I don’t want tea. Oh? Where is Mary? It is so cold! (стук в дверь) Who is this?
MARY: Father, open the door, please!
STEPMOTHER: Don’t open the door. Where are the snowdrops?
MARY: Here they are. Look!
MOTHER: Well! There are snowdrops! But now…
STEPDAUGHTER: It is a present from the months! Please, take the flowers! They will make you kind!
DAUGHTER: Oh, Mary, thank you. I like snowdrops. Let us go to the party together.
STEPDAUGHTER: Oh, I am so glad.
The End
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