Открытый урок на тему "My family"
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (3 класс) по теме
Конспект окрытого урока в 3м классе по теме "My family", проведенного среди параллелей третьих классов.
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Сценарий открытого урока «My family», проводимого в 3х классах.
Ведущий 1: Dear Mothers and Fathers! Welcome to our lesson called « My family».
Ведущий2: В разных странах дети говорят на разных языках, но всех нас объединяет безграничная любовь к своим родителям! И сегодня мы будем говорить о любви к нашим семьям на английском языке.
Home is the nicest place to be with father and mother and sister and me.
With grandpa and Granny With my doggy and cat! Oh, there is no place nicer than that!
Ведущий3: Дорогие наши мамочки! Мы вас обожаем!
Ведущий 1: А давайте споём про это!
Песня Mommy takes good care of me.
Ведущий2: Наши мамы трудятся не покладая рук. И наша задача – задача детей – во всем ей помогать, как это делают герои сказки The Little Red Hen.
The little Red Hen
A fairy tale
Once upon a time there lived The Little Red Hen. She was little but very clever. She lived in a big brown House. She had three children. She loved them very much.
Hen: Oh my dear children! I love you so much!
Chicken: Our dear Mommy! We love you too! Let us play!. Let us! Let us!
She had three friends.
Cat: Hello! My name is Pam. I am Pam the cat. I live in Cats house. I like to play telephone games! I can run, jump, climb! I am hen’s best friend!
Dog: No, I am the best friend! Hello! My name is Tug. I am Tug the dog.I am black and white. I live in Dog s House. I like to play football, I can run fast.
Duck: No, I am the best friend! Hello! My name is Chuck. I am Chuck the duck. I live near the lake. I like to swim. I can sing songs.
The little red hen found five seeds and wanted to plant them.
Hen: Hurray! I found five seeds! Dear Children! Come here!
Children: What the matter, mommy?
Hen: I found seeds! Look! I want to plant them. Let us to go to Pam the cat and ask to help us!
Children: How clever you are, mommy! Let us go!
Hen: Hello! How are you, my friend!
Cat: Hi! I am fine and you?
He: I am fine! I am want to plant some seeds. Can you help me?
Cat: I would like to but I am not well today. I cannot help you. I can not work…..but I can play!!!
Hen: Children! Let’s go to Tug the dog and ask to help us!
Chicken: Let us go!
Hen: Hello, Tug! How are you? I want to plant some seeds. Can you help me?
Dog: I am fine but I do not like to work! I like to play!
Hen: What is a pity! Children, Let us go to Chuck the Duck and ask to help us.
Chicken: Ok, Dear Mommy!
Hen: Hello, My dear friend! Can you help me to plant some seeds?
Duck: Oh, No I am sorry, I can not. My friends and I want to go to the lake. We like to swim and play there and we do not like to work.
The Little Red Hen began to cry.
Chicken: Oh, Mommy, Dear What is the matter?
Hen: I am very sorry, my dear children, but my friends are lazy. They do not like to work. They are not clever. Can you help me plant the seeds?
Chicken: Of course we can. With great pleasure!
They loved their mother and helped her. They planted and then gathered a lot of seeds.
Hen: How many seeds we have! I want to make bread! Dear children, let us go to our friends and ask them to help to make bread.
Chicken: OK, mommy, let us go!
Cat: Hello! How are you? Nice to see you!
The Hen: I am fine thank you! We gathered a lot of seeds. Now we want to make bread. Can you help me to make bread?
Cat: Oh, no, sorry. I do not want to help you to make bread! I want to jump!
Then they went to the Dog.
Dog: Hello! How are you? Nice to see you!
The Hen: I am fine thank you! We gathered a lot of seeds. Now we want to make bread. Can you help me to make bread?
Dog: Oh, no, sorry. I do not want to help you to make bread! I want to bark!
Then they went to the Duck.
Duck: Hello! How are you? Nice to see you!
The Hen: I am fine thank you! We gathered a lot of seeds. Now we want to make bread. Can you help me to make bread?
Duck: Oh, no, sorry. I do not want to help you to make bread! I want to swim!
The Little Red Hen was very sorry. She began to cry.
Chicken: What is the matter with you, mommy! Do not cry!
The Little Red Hen : I am very sorry, my dear children, but my friends are lazy. They do not like to work. They are not clever.
The chicken: Do not worry! Dear mommy! We can help you!
The Hen: Can you, my dears?
The chicken: Of course, we can. With great pleasure!
The Little Red Hen with her chicken made very tasty bread. The tasty smell spread all over the Street.
The Hen: My dear children! Our Bread is ready! Help yourself!
The chicken: Oh, Mommy dear! What a nice smell!
Cat: What a smell! Bread! I want to eat it! Give it to me please!
Dog: Yes, Yes! Delicious! I want some!
Duck: I am hungry! Give me some, please!
The Hen: Did you help me to plant seeds?
Friends: No, we did not!
The Hen: Did you help me to gather seeds?
Friends: No, we did not!
The Hen: Did you help me to make bread?
Friends: No, we did not!
The Hen: My children did. And we will eat bread ourselves! I will eat bread with my family. Go away! Go away!
Friends ran away and The Little Red Hen with her chicken lived together for a long time. They were very happy because they loved and always helped one another.
Ведущий1: А как же наши папы? Наши самые лучшие папы на свете! Эта песня для Вас!
Песня My Daddy.
Ведущий2: А давайте вспомним других родственников, благодаря которым наши семьи становятся большими и дружными.
Песня My family.
Ведущий3: Мы просим выйти на сцену 10 учащихся для проведения конкурса. «My relatives».
- My mother is my fathers------.(wife).
- My father is my mother’s -------.(husband).
- My mother and my father are my---------( parents).
- My mother’s sister is my ---------(aunt).
- My mother’s brother is my --------(uncle).
- My aunts and uncles children are my --------(cousins).
- My mother’s mother is my -------(grandma).
- My father’s father is my ------------(grandad).
- My uncles son is my fathers--------(nephew).
- My aunts daughter is my mother’s -------(niece).
Ведущий4: Наши родители – это наши ангелы, которые дарят нам свою любовь. Оберегают нас. Заботятся о нас. Наша финальная песня для вас – Наши Ангелы!
Inside you everything is wrong
And you don’t know
What’s going on
Do anybody can explain?
Icon to you
I hope I’m bright
And I will stay with you tonight
I will defend you and I know
I’m your angel
So take my hand
Don’t be scared
I know you do
I’m your angel
So take my hand
Don’t be scared
I know you do
I think about you all the time
Cuz now I feel you’re in my mind
I hope someday you’ll understand
I want to hear your voice again
I will be a gin that you ...
You’ll give me wing that I don’t have
I’m your angel
So take my hand
Don’t be scared
I know you do
I’m your angel
So take my hand
Don’t be scared
I know you do
Is this any just a single world
I wanna be with you all time
And I know that I will fight someday
In your eyes or their words
Cuz I’m your angel
So take my hand
Don’t be scared
I know you do
I’m your angel
So take my hand
Don’t be scared
I know you do
I know you do
Cuz I’m your angel
So take my hand
Don’t be scared
I know you do
I’m your angel
So take my hand
Don’t be scared
I know you do
I’m your angel
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