Урок английского, "Food and Time".
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (3 класс) по теме
Цель урока: формирование лексического навыка.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Дата: 1.04.16г. Методист: Новикова О.В.
Класс: 3-9 Учитель: Копылова Е. А.
Тема: « Food and Time» Студентка: Гулакова И., 36 гр.
Цель урока: формирование лексического навыка. Фотография доски:
- отработать звук [ i: ] ;
3. повторить знание лексики по теме « Food and Time»;
4.тренировать учащихся в употреблении лексики по теме « Food and
5. проверить понимание прочитанного текста;
6.проверить понимание прослушанного;
Оборудование: учебник С.Тер-Минасова «English Favourite»
3 кл, рабочая тетрадь, презентация, карточки cо словами.
1. приучать учащихся к самостоятельной работе;
2. формировать у учащихся положительное
отношение к английскому языку;
1. создать благоприятные условия для снижения
2. способствовать развитию языковой догадки.
№ | Этап урока/ методы и приемы | Время | Содержание урока Деятельность учителя | Деятельность учащихся | УУД |
1 | Орг. момент | 2 | Stand up, please. Good morning, Children. My name is Irina A. Today, I will be your teacher. I’m glad to see you. (I’m glad to see you too). Sit down, please. Answer my questions: What date is it today? (It is the 1-th of). What day of the week is it today?(It is Friday) What season is it now? (It is spring now) | Приветствовать учителя Отвечать на вопросы | Планирование учебного сотрудничества с учителем и сверстниками (К) Осознанное построение речевого высказывания (П) |
2 | Мотивационный этап | 5 | Let’s begin our lesson with a phonetic drill. Look at the screen. Today we repeat the sound [i:]. Look at me and repeat after me all together [i: - i: - i:]. Listen to me: One, two three Let me see. Who likes coffee And who likes tea. One, two, three Oh, I see. You all like coffee And I like tea. Who wants to translate? P1, please. Good for you. Let’s read the words with the sound after me. Let’s read after me all together line by line. Now you read line by line, one by one. P1, starts, please. All right. Who wants to read the whole poem? Good for you! | Читать и переводить рифмовку, повторять за учителем | Выполнение действия по алгоритму (П) |
3 | Постановка учебной задачи Практический: выполнение упражнений Словесный : отгадывание загадок Практический: заполнение пропущенных букв Практический: отгадывание слов и составление предложений Физминутка | 4 3 2 5 1 8 | Today we repeat the words about food. And today we repeat the time. What purpose we can supply on lesson? Look at the screen and say what it is. a) sweet (it is a sweet) b) orange c) apple d) cucumber e) cabbage f) carrot g) potato h) tomato i) sandwich j) sausage Now read all together after me. Let´ s play. What is missing? Listen to the riddles about food: They are red, green, and yellow. They are round and sweet. (Apples) It is orange and long. Rabbits like to eat it. (A carrot) It is green, big and round. Rabbits and goats like it. (A cabbage) It is yellow, not sweet. I drink tea with it. (A lemon) Mickey Mouse likes it very much. (Cheese) It is yellow. Monkeys like to eat it. (A banana) Insert the missing letters: Look at the screen. You can see some letters. You should make words using these letters. Let’s try. B, e, r, f, a, a, k, s, t O, r, r, c, a, t B,e,d,r,a H, e, y, o, n P, r, r, o, i, g, e, d P, p, e, a, l F, h, s, i T, m, o t, o, a Оpen the textbook to page 50 and read the number 2 myself. Who wants to read aloud ? What you need to do in this task? When do you have ….......... ? What do you have for …........? Make a dialogue in pairs. Read the dialogue in pairs in a whisper. let's check. Who wants to read? Good! Оpen the textbook to page 50 and read the number 3 myself. Who wants to read aloud ? What you need to do in this task? listen to the recording. Answer the questions: 1.How the Fox got up ? 2. How much eats a Fox ? 3. What time is the Fox goes to school ? 4. When does the Fox eat dinner ? 5. What time is the Fox to sleep ? What did the Fox ? 7:30; 3:00; 6:00; 8:00; 9:00. Now you read line by line, one by one. P1, starts, please. All right. Stand up Hands up, hands down (руки вверх, руки вниз) Hands on hips,(руки на пояс) Sit down. Stand up, (присели, встали) Hands to the sides, (руки в стороны) Bend left, bend right.(наклоны в лево, в право) Оpen the textbook to page 51 and read the number 6 myself. Who wants to read aloud ? What you need to do in this task? let's read together. (карточки) Now you read line by line, one by one. P1, starts, please. All right. Who wants to read aloud ? Who wants to read the proposal in the green border ? What does the plus sign ? What does the minus sign ? Who wants to answer ? Good! Оpen the textbook to page 54 and read the number 8 myself. Who wants to read aloud ? What you need to do in this task? Who wants to answer ? | Повторять слова Отвечать на вопросы Слушать и отгадывать загадки Вставлять пропущенные буквы Составлять предложения Выполнять упражнение Повторять движения Выполнять упражнение | Структурирование знания (П) Осознанное и произвольное построение речевого высказывания (П) Выполнение действия по алгоритму (П) Р: планирование своего действия в соответствии с задачей П: Формирование умения осуществлять сравнение и выделять общее и различное Выполнение действия по алгоритму (П) Выполнение действия по алгоритму (П) П: Формирование умения осуществлять сравнение и выделять общее и различное |
5 | Домашнее задание | 3 | Now write down your homework. 1) S.B. p.54, ex.8 (a) (наизусть) 2) W. B. p. 72, ex. 2. | Записывать д/з | |
6 | Решение учебной задачи: Словесный: Чтение текста | 5 | Оpen the textbook to page 52 and read the text «The home of time». Read about yourself.Let’s read together line by line. Now you read line by line, one by one. P1, starts, please. All right. Answer the questions: What is depicted on the 1st picture? What is depicted on the 2st picture? What is depicted on the 3st picture? | Читать текст | П: осмысленное чтение текста |
7 | Итог урока Практический: ответы на вопросы | 5 | What's new we learned in this lesson? What are the goals we set for the lesson? | Отвечать на вопросы | Выполнение действия по алгоритму (П) |
8 | Рефлексия | 2 | Look at the screen. There are three smiles. Please, choose one of the smiles with your stickers. The lesson is over. Goodbye! Have a nice day children! | Проводить рефлексию | Контроль и оценка процесса и результатов деятельности (П) Самооценка (Л) |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
[i: - i: - i:]. One, two three Let me see . Who likes coffee And who likes tea . One, two, three Oh, I see . You all like coffee And I like tea .
a sweet cake
an orange
an apple
a cucumber
a cabbage
a carrot
a potato
a tomato
a sandwich
a sausage
a sweet cake an orange an apple a cucumber a cabbage a carrot a potato a tomato a sandwich a sausage
They are red, green, and yellow. They are round and sweet.
It is orange and long. Rabbits like to eat it.
It is green, big and round. Rabbits and goats like it.
It is yellow, not sweet. I drink tea with it.
Mickey Mouse likes it very much.
It is yellow. Monkeys like to eat it.
apples a carrot a cabbage a lemon cheese a banana
M lk juic c ff e fi h t a l nch br ad ca e so p d nn r
M i lk juic e c o ff e e fi s h t e a l u nch br e ad ca f e so u p d i nn e r
b,e,r,f,a,a,k,s,t o,r,r,c,a,t b,e,d,r,a p,p,e,a,l f,h,s,i t,m,o,t,o,a Breakfast Carrot Bread Apple Fish Tomato
When do you have ….......... ? What do you have for …........? When do you have breakfast ? What do you have for breakfast ?
Breakfast, dinner,lunch. When do you have ….......... ? What do you have for …........? I have breakfast at 7 o’clock. I have cereal with milk for breakfast. Cereal, juice, milk, muesli,egg,bacon.
1. When does Foxy get up ? 2. When does she have breakfast ? 3. What time does she go to school ? 4. When does Fox y eat dinner ? 5. What time does she go t o bed ?
Hands up, hands down Hands on hips, Sit down. Stand up, Hands to the sides, Bend left , bend right .
Come – came – приходить Make – made – сделать Ride – rode – ехать верхом Swim – swam – плавать Take – took – брать Speak – spoke - говорить
Homework. 1) S.B. p.54, ex.8 (a) (наизусть) 2) W . B . p . 72, ex . 2.
What have you learned today?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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