Сценарий спектакля на английском языке "Polly and her vase"
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (2, 3 класс) по теме
Сценарий спектакля на английском языке "Polly and her vase"
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Муниципальное автономное учреждение
Дополнительного образования детей
«Центр детского творчества «Юность»
Дзержинского района
Сценарий постановки
на английском языке
«Polly and her vase»
Ефимовских А.Е.
педагог дополнительного образования
Пермь, 2016.
Пояснительная записка
Сценарий постановки на английском языке «Polly and her vase» предназначен для постановки в детском коллективе, участники которого посещают начальную школу 2-4 класс (8-10 лет). Дети в этом возрасте очень любят выступать на сцене и петь. Сценарий насыщен песнями. Слова песен ограничены значками ** **. В процессе разучивания песен дети запоминают множество языковых единиц и грамматических конструкций. Языковая подготовка для спектакля требуется минимальная – пол года занятий английским языком достаточно.
Цель постановки – развитие лингвистических способностей учащихся через участие в творческом процессе работы над спектаклем, обогащение их словарного запаса.
Сценарий может быть использован педагогами английского языка, работающими с детьми младшего школьного возраста, педагогами дополнительного образования.
Сценарий сказки
“Polly and her vase”
Polly Father Mother Sister Brother Friend 1 Friend 2 | Santa Claus Puppy Kitten Rabbit Mouse Speaker (автор) |
Сцена 1
Polly | Hello! I`m a little girl. My name is Pol. I`m eight And I`m great. I am ill a bit Temperature, heat. So I stay at home and don`t go to school. |
Песенка | **Where is father? Where is father? |
Father | Here I am. Here I am. |
Polly | How are you today, dad? |
Father | Very well and thank you. I must go. I must go. |
Polly | Where is mother? Where is mother? |
Mother | Here I am. Here I am. |
Polly | How are you today, mum? |
Mother | Very well and thank you. I must go. I must go. |
Polly | Where is sister? Where is sister? |
Sister | Here I am. Here I am. |
Polly | How are you today, Pam? |
Sister | Very well and thank you. I must go. Go to school. |
Polly | Where is brother? Where is brother? |
Brother | Here I am. Here I am. |
Polly | How are you today, Tom? |
Brother | Very well and thank you. I must go. Go to school.** |
Polly | Good bye. See you. Friends. Friends. Come here. Let`s play. |
Сцена 2 | |
Polly and friends Песня | **Rise your hands and say “Hooray” (3 раза) My mother`s gone away. Wave your hands and say “Hooray” (3 раза) My father`s gone away. Turn around and say “Hooray” (3 раза) My sister`s gone away. Move your legs and say “Hooray” (3 раза) My brother`s gone away.** |
Friend 1 | Where is your father? |
Polly | He`s at work. |
Friend 2 | Where is your mother? |
Polly | She`s at work. |
Friend 1 | Where is your sister? |
Polly | She`s at school. |
Friend 2 | Where is your brother? |
Polly | He`s at school. |
Friend 1 | What are these? |
Polly | These are our clothes. |
Песня Friend 1 | **Is this your father`s hat, father`s hat, father`s hat? Is this your father`s hat? |
Polly | Yes, it is. |
Friend 2 | Are these your mother`s shoes, mother`s shoes, mother`s shoes? Are these your mother`s shoes? |
Polly | Yes, they are. |
Friend 1 | Is this your sister`s dress, sister`s dress, sister`s dress,? Is this your sister`s dress? |
Polly | Yes, it is. |
Friend 2 | Are these your brother`s jeans, brother`s jeans, brother`s jeans? Are these your brother`s jeans? |
Polly | Yes, they are.** |
Автор | The children are naughty. They mustn`t touch things. But they want to see everything. |
Песня Friend 1 | **What are these? What are these? Tell me please, what are these? |
Polly | These are my mother`s clothes. |
Friend 2 | What is this? What is this? Tell me please, what is this? |
Polly | This is my mother`s looking glass. |
Friend 1 | What are these? What are these? Tell me please, what are these? |
Polly | These are my mother`s shoes and boots. |
Friend 2 | What is this? What is this? Tell me please, what is this? |
Polly | This is my mother`s vase.** |
Автор | Suddenly the vase falls down …and breaks. |
Friend 1 | Ups. I must go. |
Friend 2 | Sorry. I must go too. Bye-bye. |
Polly | Friends, don`t go away. |
Сцена 3 | |
Автор | Suddenly a puppy runs in. |
Puppy | Bow-wow. Bow-wow. Why are you crying, Polly? |
Polly | You must help me. I`ve broken my mother`s vase. |
Puppy | Stop crying, Polly. Let`s go and visit Santa Claus. **I am a little puppy. I like to run and bark. Come on and do it with me Dear friends, let`s go.** |
Polly | Hello. |
Kitten | Mew-mew. Good morning. |
Polly | I`m Polly. And what is your name? |
Kitten | My name is Kitty. Where are you going? |
Polly | We are going to visit Santa Claus. I`ve broken my mother`s vase. Santa Claus will help me. |
Kitten | Let`s go to Santa Claus together. |
Puppy | Let`s. Come on and let`s go |
Polly | OK. Let`s go. |
Kitten | **I am a little kitten. I like to tip-i-toe. Come on and do it with me Dear friends, let`s go.** |
Polly | Hello. |
Rabbit | Hello. |
Polly | What`s your name? |
Rabbit | My name is Rabbit |
Polly | How old are you? |
Rabbit | I am one. Where are you going? |
Polly | We are going to visit Santa Claus. I`ve broken my mother`s vase. Santa Claus can help me. |
Rabbit | Let`s go to visit Santa Claus. |
Puppy | Let`s. Come on and let`s go |
Polly | OK. Let`s go. |
Rabbit | **I am a little Rabbit I like to hop and hop. Come on and do it with me Dear friends, let`s go.** |
Автор | The friends go to visit Santa Claus together. They come to the magic wood. |
Песня | **How do you tip-i-toe (3 раза) This is how we tip-i-toe all the way to Santa Claus. |
How do you run and run (3 раза) This is how we run and run all the way to Santa Claus. | |
How do you hop and hop (3 раза) This is how we hop and hop all the way to Santa Claus. | |
How do you swim and swim (3 раза) This is how we swim and swim all the way to Santa Claus. | |
How do you walk and walk (3 раза) This is how we walk and walk all the way to Santa Claus. | |
How do you fly and fly (3 раза) This is how we fly and fly all the way to Santa Claus.** | |
Сцена 4 | |
Автор | The friends see Santa Claus. He is sitting on the snow. He is very sad. |
Polly | Merry Christmas, Santa Claus. Please, help me. I`ve broken my mother`s vase. |
Santa Claus | I will help you, but I have a problem. Little mouse has taken my magic wand. |
Polly | The mouse? |
Kitten | Which mouse? |
Puppy | Where is the mouse? |
Santa Claus | Come here. Look at the clock. |
Песня | **Hickory Dickory Dock. The mouse went up the clock. The clock strike one. The mouse went down. Hickory Dickory Dock.** |
Автор | At this moment the kitten jumps on the clock. |
Kitten | Aha! |
Mouse | Help! Help! |
Kitten | Give me the magic wand. |
Mouse | Here you are. |
Kitten | Thank you. Here you are Santa Claus. |
Santa Claus | I can help you now, Polly. Abracadabra. |
Polly | What is this? What is this? Tell me, please, what is this? This is not the vase. This is the car. (doll, star, ball) |
Santa Claus | Sorry. Abracadabra. |
Polly | Thank you Santa Claus. This is my mother`s vase. |
Santa Claus | Are you happy now? |
Polly | Yes, I am. |
Песня | **If you are happy and you know this, clap your hands. If you are happy and you know this, stamp your feet. If you are happy and you know this, say “Hooray”** |
Polly | Thank you Rabbit. Thank you Kitten. Thank you Puppy. You are really good friends. |
All | Merry Christmas. |
Песня | **We wish you a Merry Christmas (3 раза) And a Happy New Year.** |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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