Thanksgiving Day
материал по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему
Одной из задач изучениея английского языка в школе является знакомство с культурой и историей стран изучаемого языка. Одним из первых праздников, с которым можно начать это знакомство - День Благодарения (Thanksgiving Day). Подготовку к празднику я начинаю заранее: изучение лексики по теме, учим стихи наизусть и с 5-6 классами готовим небольшой спектакль для учеников младших классов. Дома дети готовят костюмы (по желанию) и в этот день приносят конфеты. Я так же приношу сладости и раздаю учителям, директору и другим сотрудникам, готовым участвовать в этом празднике.
По пердварительной договоренности с учителями, на уроке я и ученики класса, в котором есть урок в этот день, мы приходим на урок со стихами Trick or Treat. После уроков - небольшой спектакль для учеников начальной школы.
В приложении я прилагаю стихотворения и сценарий одного из представлений.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Bats are sleeping, bats are sleeping
Upside down, upside down.
Waiting for the night to come,
waiting for the night to come.
Then they fly around,
then they fly around!
Trick or treat,
Smell my feet,
Give me something good to eat.
Black cat,
Big, fat bats or
Chocolate hats!
Trick or treat, trick or treat, trick or treat we say!
Try to get the treats before the ghost scares us away.
Trick or treat, trick or treat, trick or treat we say!
If you don't have treats for us, we'll never go away!
I want something stick and sweet.
Don't want a trick, want something to eat.
Wish Halloween wasn't just one night.
Then we'd have candy all the time.
I want candy!
I want candy!
I want candy!
My Bonnie lies over the ocean
My Bonnie lies over the ocean
My Bonnie lies over the sea
My Bonnie lies over the ocean
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me
Bring back, bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me
Bring back, bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me
Last night as I lay on my pillow
Last night as I lay on my bed
Last night as I lay on my pillow
I dreamt that my Bonnie was dead
Oh blow the winds o’er the ocean
And blow the winds o’er the sea
Oh blow the winds o’er the ocean
And bring back my Bonnie to me
The winds have blown over the ocean
The winds have blown over the sea
The winds have blown over the ocean
And brought back my Bonnie to me
Here is my little garden,
And some seeds I'm going to sow.
Here is my rake to rake the ground.
And here is my handy hoe.
Here is the big round yellow sun,
Our sun warms everything.
Here are the rain clouds in the sky,
The birds will start to sing.
Little plants will wake up soon,
And lift their sleepy heads.
The little plants will grow and grow,
From their warm earthy beds.
This song was originally posted at:
One Potato Two Potatoes Lyrics
One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four
five potatoes, six potatoes, seven potatoes more
eight potatoes, nine potatoes, ten potatoes all
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four
five potatoes, six potatoes, seven potatoes more
eight potatoes, nine potatoes, ten potatoes all
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one
One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four
five potatoes, six potatoes, seven potatoes more
eight potatoes, nine potatoes, ten potatoes all
Thanksgiving Day
Pilgrim 1: We can’t stay in this country anymore. We shall go to America.
Pilgrim 2: Yes? Let’s take a ship to America.
Pilgrim 3: The ship Mayflower is waiting for us.
(садятся на корабль и поют песню My Bonnie lies over the ocean. Выходят на берег, их встречают Indians)
Pilgrims 1,2,3 6 Hello, Indians.
Indians: Hello, Pilgrims. Welcome to our land!
(индейцы уходят)
Pilgrim 1: It’s very cold here.
Pilgrim 2: Many of us are ill.
Pilgrim 3: We wish spring to come soon.
Indian 1: We know you have nothing to eat.
Indan2: Here some vegetables and some meat.
Pilgrim1: Thank you! Could you show us how to plant corn?
Indian 1: Of course!
(поют песню My little Garden или One potato, two potato)
Pilgrim 2: Thank you! We hope to have a great harvest soon.
Indian 2: Let’s go hunting.
(играют в игру: каждому по раздают мячик и по очереди кидают в корзинку с приклеенной картинкой индейки на ней)
Pilgrim 3: It’s time to gather our harvest.
Pilgrim 1: We have a good harvest.
Pilgrim 2: W e hall say thank you to our new friends Indians.
Pilgrim 3: Let’s say thank you to everyone!
Indians : Let’s call this day Thanksgiving Day!
Indians and Pilgrims: Let’s say thank you to everyone!
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