Учебно-методический комплекс к уроку английского языка, 4 класс. Тема: "From Britain With Love"
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему
Цель урока: формирование грамматического навыка.
- практические:
- отработать звук [s];
- проверить понимание прочитанного текста;
- тренировать учащихся в понимании текста на слух;
- тренировать учащихся в употреблении грамматического материала по теме: "To be going to".
- воспитательные:
- формировать у детей положительное отношение к иностранному языку как учебному предмету;
- формировать у учащихся навыки парного взаимодействия.
- развивающие:
- создать благоприятные условия для снижения тревожности;
- совершенствовать интеллектуальные операции (сравнение, анализ);
- способствовать повышению мотивации к обучению.
Оборудование урока: учебник, презентация, компьютер.
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Предварительный просмотр:
№ | Этап урока | Содержание урока | Приемы работы | Режим работы | t' | ТСО, наглядность |
1. | Орг.момент | Stand up, please. We start our lesson. Good morning, children, I'm very glad to see you. Let’s read the poem. (Good morning, good morning, good morning to you. Good morning, good morning, we are glad to see you) Sit down, please. My name is Maria Vladimirovna. I’ll be your teacher today. Today we are going to practise some words, revise some grammar material and do some exercises. | Слушание Хоровая работа | T T →Cl | 1 мин | |
2. | Мотиваци-онный этап | Are you ready for the lesson? Look at the table, you can see the date. What date is it today? And what day of the week is it today? (Today is Tuesday). Look through the window. What’s the season now? (It is autumn now) Do you like autumn? And what is the weather like today? (Today is cold/warm/rainy) | Беседа | T→ P1 P2 P3 | 2 мин | Табличка с датой |
3. | Фон.зарядка | Let’s continue our lesson with a phonetic drill. Today we are going to practise the sound [s]. Look at me and repeat after me. Look at the screen, here you can see the poem. At first, listen to my reading: A sailor went to sea To see what he could see, And all he could see Was sea, sea, sea. Who can translate this poem? (Вышел матрос в море Посмотреть, что он сможет увидеть И все, что он смог увидеть Было море, море, море. Let's read the words with the sound [s] (sailor, sea, see) Let's read this poem line by line, one by one. Now we're going to read the hole poem. Good for you! | Слушание Фронтальная работа Хоровая | T P1 P2 P3 T → Cl | 5 мин | Презентация |
4. | Проверка Д/З | Now we’re going to check your homework. Your task was to read the text in ex.5 on p.15. "Famous Symbol of the UK" and translate. And now let's do some exercises. Close your books, please. The first exercise is True of False. You are to read the sentence and say "True" or "False". Look at the screen. 1. There are two flags in it. (f) 2. The four parts of the UK have their flower emblems. (t) 3. The white rose is a symbol of England. (f) 4. The national flower of Wales is the shamrock. (f) 5. The red telephone box and the black taxi are famous symbols of London and England. (t) 6. The most popular game in Britain is cricket. (f) Good job. The second exercise is matching. Your task is to match words to numbers. You have 2 minutes. 1. This is a national flag of the UK... 2. All children... 3. The flower emblem of Northern is... 4. The symbol of Scotland... 5. Tourists like to take... 6. England's national sport is... Good for you! And the last task is to answer the questions. 1. What is the Union Jack? 2. Which flower is a symbol of the England's Rugby Team? 3. Which flowers are in text? 4. What do tourists like to photograph? Perfectly well! | Слушание Фронтальная работа | T P1 P2 P3 | 10 мин | Учебник, компьютер, презентация. |
5. | Тренировка учащихся в употреблении лексического материала по теме "Веб-сайт" | Open your course books at page 13, ex.2. Read the task, please. Thank you. Before let's read the words in the exercise altogether after me. At first you are to listen to the text and then you are going to answer the questions. (Слушание записи) Good for you. Now you are to answer some questions about the text. Open your course book at page 14. Read the first question, please. 1. Where are Jane and Johny? 2. Do they like it there? 3. What is their new plan? 4. Who is it going to be for? 5. What will they put there? 6. Who will do it with them? 7. What does Jane say about her? Good job, children. | Слушание Фронтальная работа | T P1 P2 P3 | 10 мин | Учебник, презентация. |
6. | Физ.минутка | I see you are tired. Let’s have a break. Now stand up, please. Make your right hand clap, clap, clap. Make your left hand clap, clap, clap. Turn around, 1,2,3 It is easy, you can see! Make your right foot tap, tap, tap. Make your left foot tap, tap, tap. Turn around, 1,2,3 It is easy, you can see! Thank you. Sit down, please. | Слушание | T | 2 мин | |
7. | Тренировка учащихся в употреблении грамматики | Now, children, let's repeat some grammar material. Конструкция "To be going to" используется, когда мы выражаем намерение сделать что-либо. Она образуется глаголом to go в форме Present Continuous (am/is/are going - здесь имеет значение собираюсь, намерен) и смысловым глаголом в начальной форме с частицей to. Look at the screen. This is Tom. Say "Hello, Tom!". He is seven years old. Tom wants to tell us what he is going to do. Let's read these sentences one by one. I'm going to go to school. I'm going to take a pencil. I'm going to take a book. I'm going to take a rulers. I'm going to take a school bag. I'm not going to take a phone. I'm not going to take a computer. Good for you! Look at ex.3 on p.14. Your task is to work in pairs and act out that you and your friend are going to make a new website. Discuss the questions and tell the class about your website. Let's read the questions and translate them. What will it be about? Who will it be interesting? What pages are you going to make? Who will help you? You have 3 minutes to prepare you answers. You time is up, let's check. | Слушание Индивидуальная Фронтальная работа Парная | T P1 P2 P1 P2 P3 P1 <→P2 | 10 мин | |
8. | Дача домашнего задания | Now open your record books and write down your homework. W.B. p.7, ex.3. Learn the words in ex.6 on p.16. | Слушание | T | 3 мин | Презентация |
9. | Рефлексия | And now I want to know: do you like our lesson? What do you like? | Беседа | T → P1 P2 P3 | 1 мин | |
10. | Заключи-тельный этап | Thank you for the lesson. I liked it so much. Our lesson is over. Good bye! | Слушание | T |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Good morning, good morning, Good morning to you. Good morning, good morning, We are glad to see you .
A s ailor went to s ea To s ee what he could s ee, And all he could s ee Was s ea, s ea, s ea.
True or False There are two flags in it. The four parts of the UK have their flower emblems. The white rose is a symbol of England. The national flower of Wales is the shamrock. The red telephone box and the black taxi are famous symbols of London and England. The most popular game in Britain is cricket. F F F F T T
Match the sentences 1. This is a national flag of the UK... 2. All children here... 3. The flower emblem of Northern Ireland is... 4. The symbol of Scotland... 5. Tourists like to take... 6. England's national sport is... A. …the shamrock. B. … the thistle. C . …pictures of them on their cameras. D . …The Union Jack. E . …cricket. F . …learn about them at school. 1 – D; 2 – F; 3 – A; 4 – B; 5 – C; 6 - E
Homework W.b. p.7 ex. 3. S.B. p.16 ex.6 – записать слова в словарь.
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