Webquest “The Stone of Destiny as a symbol of Scottish independence”
методическая разработка по иностранному языку на тему
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Shirokova N.V. School 169 Webquest
Webquest “The Stone of Destiny as a symbol of Scottish independence”
- This webquest is devoted to the history of Scotland, the information about the Stone of Destiny and some problems of Scottish independence.
- What do you know about the Stone of Destiny and its role in Scottish history? What do you know about Scottish independence referendum, 2014?
To answer this question you will need to work in small groups and complete tasks and assignments designed by your instructor.
- The whole class will be divided into several groups. Each group will get one aspect of the theme. Your task will include the following:
– study Web-based materials using links suggested;
– do additional Internet search for information on the target issue, if necessary;
– answer the questions;
– equally divide the material between all team members for presentation in class for the members of other groups;
– prepare your presentations (reports).
– report to the whole class what you have learned on the topic for your group activity.
Phase 1 – Background Information.
For this seminar I decided to break our theme into three parts. Each group will need to study only one part and inform the whole class about its major features and subjects.
Phase 2 – Roles.
You will be working in teams. It will be up to you to divide roles in each team. For efficiency, there should be a team leader, who will organize the work and divide the issues within each topic to make sure everything is covered and there is no overlap. However, all team members are responsible for presenting information in class, regardless their role in pre-class preparation process.
Group 1: “History of Scotland: General Notes”:
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Scotland
- http://www.north-scotland.co.uk/
- http://www.dmoz.org/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Social_Studies/History/By_Region/Europe/United_Kingdom/Scotland/
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wars_of_Scottish_Independence
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/middle_ages/scottish_wars_of_independence_01.shtml
- What tribes populated the northern territory of the Isles in the years of its early history?
- How can the history of this region be characterized since the Roman invasion of
- What were the routes of Celtic tribes migration before the 11th century?
- What were the stages of forming the union between England and Scotland? Was it
a smooth process?
- What is the poetic name for Scotland and what is its origin?
Group 2: “The legend of the Stone of Destiny":
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_of_Scone
- http://www.visitscotland.com/about/arts-culture/uniquely-scottish/stone-destiny
- http://www.rampantscotland.com/know/blknow16.htm
- What did the ancient legend tell about the Stone of Scone and the powers it gave?
- What places were used as homes for the Stone?
- What did the Stone symbolize for the Scots?
- How many times has the Stone been removed from Westminster Abbey and why?
What is its final trip?
Group 3: “Scottish patriotism”:
- What does the word “patriotism” mean?
- What kind of Scottish patriotic songs and poems do you know?
- Why do Scottish want to be independent?
Phase 3 – Reaching Consensus.
The most difficult problem is to decide whether the state independence badly or not on ordinary Scottish citizens.
Work in your groups. Discuss the following questions and be ready to participate in the whole class discussion.
- What are advantages and disadvantages of independence for Scottish?
- Can the stone or another thing help to be independent? Why do they need? Give your examples.
- Is it possible to achieve independence without war?
You may need to do independent Internet search, if necessary.
- Now that you have learned about the Scottish independence, what seemed the most interesting for you? What topic would you choose for additional study? Why?
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