Школьная олимпиада 5 класс
олимпиадные задания по иностранному языку на тему
Олимпиада состоит из 5 заданий: аудирование, чтение, лексика, грамматика, письмо. На выполнение дается 45 минут.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Олимпиада по английскому языку. Школьный уровень, 5 классы
Время выполнения–45 минут. Максимальное количество баллов – 38 баллов
1. Listening (5min) Listen to the text and choose the correct answer
1. What is the tour guide’s name? A) Kristina B) Kristy C) Christie D) Kirsty
2. What is the weather like? It’s … . A) cloudy B) sunny C) windy D) rainy
3. Who are the pupils waiting for? A) The tour guide B) The writer C) The driver
D) William Shakespeare
4. What is the name of the restaurant? A) Blue Ball B) Blue Bell C) Blue Bill D) Blue Bull
5. What birds can the children feed on the river bank? A) Sparrows B) Ducks C) Swans
D) Swallows
6. What is the name of the street where Shakespeare was born? A) Home Street B) Henry Street C) Henley Street D) Honey Street
7. What does the guide say they can drink in the café? A) Tea B) Chocolate C) Cola D) Coffee
8. What is situated near New Place? A) A café B) A museum C) A music shop D) A theatre
9. When are they meeting at Courtyard Theatre? A) At six B) At half past seven
C) At half past six D) At six forty
10. What time are they leaving Stratford? A) After ten-thirty B) After midnight C) At midnight D) No later than half past ten
2. Reading (10 min)
The Life of George Orwell
George Orwell was born in India in 1903. When he was four years old, his mother took him and his sister back to England but his father stayed in India.
In England, the young boy had a private teacher but it was difficult for his parents to find the money to pay for it. He was lucky later -when he was thirteen he won a scholarship to Eton College but he was not a very good student.
He always thought of becoming a writer. When he was eleven, he wrote a poem about World War I. This poem was very good.
George had a difficult but interesting life. He lived in Paris and London but he didn't have much money and he had to stay in poor parts of these cities. In London he even lived in the street for some time. These years helped him to write his first book called Down and Out in Paris and London, published in 1933. In 1936 George went to Spain to write for newspapers about the Civil War. Three years later he wanted to join the army to fight in World War II but he was very ill and couldn't become a soldier. He decided to work for the BBC and in 1945 he published Animal Farm. After the war he moved to Scotland where he wrote his final book, Nineteen Eighty-Four.
He died in London in 1950. He was only forty-seven.
Task. Read the text about George Orwell and circle the correct answer.
1. Where is George Orwell's place of birth?
a) England
b) India
с) Spain
2. Where did he study when he was thirteen?
a) at a private school
b) at home
с) at a college
3. What did he want to be?
a) an author
b) a soldier
с) a teacher
4. Why didn't he join the army during World War II?
a) Because he moved to Scotland,
b) Because he got ill.
с) Because he was busy with his final book.
5. What happened in 1945?
a) Orwell published his first poem.
b) People could read Orwell's Animal Farm.
с) Orwell wrote his first articles about the Civil War in Spain.
3. Vocabulary (10 min)
Task 1. Выпишите лишнее слово из каждой строчки.
- Forest, river, see, lake, sea.
- Aunt, niece, uncle, sister, mother.
- Swim, read, climb, jump, skate.
- Tell, speak, say, cry, listen.
Task 2. Все эти слова заканчиваются на «all». Допишите слова с учётом подсказки. Например, the «all» which comes through the telephone – «call».
- the «all» which is high
- the «all» which is little
- the «all» which is round
- the «all» which is in every building or house
4. Grammar (5min)
Read the texts and choose the correct form.
Six little words
There 1. (is, are, was) six little words
That can help you a lot
When you hurt 2. (your, you, yours) friend
On purpose or not.
So 3. (say, says, said) the six words,
Don’t 4. (to wait, wait, waiting) too long!
If you’ve hurt your friend
Say, “I 5. (is, am, are) sorry. I was wrong”.
5. Writing (15 min)
You are on holiday. You’ve got a postcard from your friend and are going to write your holiday postcard to him. Write about:
- where you’re spending your holiday,
- where you’re staying and what you’re doing,
- who you are with on holiday.
Trinidad 5 August Dear Andy, It’s great there. The weather is brilliant and there are things to do every day. The hotel is fantastic. It has got a swimming pool and four tennis courts. It’s got a great beach – I’m sitting there now. My dad and I go divining and windsurfing in the morning. Sometimes we go sailing, too. There are also a lot of fantastic plants and tropical birds there. Well, it’s getting very hot here – time for a swim! See you soon! Chris P.S. There’s music and dancing every night on the beach! |
Andy Simpson,
29 Fairfield St, Colchester, CO4 UK |
Write 50-80 words. Remember the rules for writing letters.
Бланк ответов
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2 | 7 | |||
3 | 8 | |||
4 | 9 | |||
5 | 10 |
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Vocabulary task
Task 1 Task 2
1 | 5 | |||
2 | 6 | |||
3 | 7 | |||
4 | 8 |
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