Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке для родителей первоклассников "Mother`s Day"
материал (1 класс)
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "Mother`s Day" составлен для проведения в первом классе накануне 8 марта. Он включает рассказы, презентации и стихотворения о семье, о маме, а также постановку сказки "Репка" на английском языке.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Mother`s Day.
Level: beginner
Age: 6-7 years
- to congratulate learners` mothers,
- to show the children`s progress in learning English,
- to role-play fairy tale “Little Turnip”
- to motivate children for further language learning
Good afternoon, dear mothers. Hallo, boys and girls. We are glad to see you . Welcome to our party! Today we congratulate you, our dear mothers. We want to talk about you and to thank you for everything.
- My Family. Your children are really very clever, kind, they are happy to have such mothers and such families. Kids, which of you wants to tell us about his family? (children`s stories with photos on the screen)
Student 1 recites the poem “My family”
I`ve got a mother,
I`ve got a father,
I`ve got a brother Paul,
I`ve got a sister,
I`ve got a Granny,
How I love them all!
- Dear mothers! Your children go to school but they like to play very much. Here are some poems about their toys.
Student 2 “Toys”
I`ve got a doll
I`ve got a ball
I`ve got toys
I like them all
Student 3 “Teddy Bear»
Teddy bear, teddy bear
Oh, where are you, oh where
I love you, teddy bear
Oh where are you, oh where
Student 4 “Two and four”
Two and four
And six and eight
What`s your name?
My name is Kate.
One, three, five, seven, nine and ten,
What`s your name?
My name is Ben.
Kids, let`s sing the song “ Where is my little black dog”
Students 5,6 “Guess”
Is it a frog?
Is it a cat?
Is it a dog?
Is it a rat?
It`s not a frog.It`s not a cat.It`s not a dog.It`s not a rat.
It`s not a horse.
It`s not a cow. WOW!
Student 7 “Let`s play”
Let`s play.
Let`s run. Let`s jump. It`s fun.
- Of course, our children like fairy-tales. This fairy-tale “ Little Turnip” is a present for you, dear mothers.
Narrator1 : One day an old man goes to his garden. He plants a turnip seed.
The old man: Please, grow very big! My wife likes turnips, little Anna likes turnips, the dog and the cat like turnips, the mouse likes turnips too!
Little seed, you look so sweet,
Little seed, little seed!
Refrain: Turnip seed, very small,
Grow, turnip, grow,
Turnip seed, very small,
We love turnips so!
Little turnip, nice and round
Little turnip, little turnip!
Giant turnip, look at you!
Giant turnip, giant turnip!
Narrator 2: The turnip grows and grows and grows. It`s a big giant turnip! The old man is very happy. He starts to pull the turnip. He pulls and pulls, but he can`t pull the turnip out.
The old man: I need help.
Narrator 2: he says. So he calls his wife.
The old man: Please, help me pull out the turnip.
The old woman: All right, I`m coming!
Narrator 2: So she holds the old man. The old man holds the turnip. They pull and pull. But they can`t pull the turnip out.
The old woman: We need help. Anna! Please, help us pull out the turnip!
Anna: All right, I`m coming!
Narrator 1: So, little Anna holds the old woman. The old woman holds the old man. The old man holds the turnip. They pull and pull. But they can`t pull the turnip out.
Anna: We need help. Dog!!!! Please, help us pull out the turnip!
Dog: All right, I`m coming!
Narrator2: So the dog holds little Anna. Little Anna holds the old woman. The old woman holds the old man. The old man holds the turnip. They pull and pull. But they can`t pull the turnip out.
Dog: We need help. Cat! Please, help us pull out the turnip!
Cat: All right, I`m coming!
Narrator 1: So the cat holds the dog. The dog holds little Anna. Little Anna holds the old woman. The old woman holds the old man. The old man holds the turnip. They pull and pull. But they can`t pull the turnip out.
Cat: We need help. Mouse!!! Please, help us pull out the turnip!
Mouse: All right, I`m coming!
Narrator2: So the mouse holds the cat. The cat holds the dog. The dog holds little Anna. Little Anna holds the old woman. The old woman holds the old man. The old man holds the turnip. They pull and pull. The giant turnip pops out of the ground. POP!
Narrator1: The old man falls on the old woman. The old woman falls on little Anna. Little Anna falls on the dog. The dog falls on the cat. The cat falls on the mouse. It is very funny!
The old man: Thank you for your help! Let`s all eat the great big turnip!
Song “A little help”
A little help goes a long long way
A long log way, a long long way
A little help goes a long long way
Give a little help today!
Hold on tight to help a friend
Hold on tight, hold on tight!
Hold on tight to help a friend
Give your friends a helping hand!
- Kids, do you like to play? Let`s play!
Конкурс – Нежная рука мамы
Это конкурс для детей. Его можно проводить в командах, а можно и для каждого ребенка отдельно. Суть конкурса в том, чтобы ребенок угадал свою маму по руке. Для этого ребенку завязывают глаза, а несколько мам садятся на стулья и вытягивают руки. Ребенок трогает каждую руку и определяет где его мама. Если этот конкурс проводить в командах, то за каждую верно угаданную свою маму команда получает одно очко.
Конкурс – Где мой ребенок?
А второй конкурс это конкурс для мам. Маме завязывают глаза и ставят на центр зала. Несколько детей, в том числе и ее ребенок, берутся за руки и ходят хороводом вокруг мамы. А мама своими руками трогает их головы и определяет своего ребенка. Этот конкурс также можно проводить в командах и для каждой мамы отдельно.
- Dear mothers! We congratulate you on Mother`s Day! This song is for you.
Oh, Mother, Mother,
Mummy, Mum!
Your love to me is like the Sun!
It`s warm and happy with a smiling face!
No other mother can take your place!
Children give their mothers paper flowers.
Дорогие наши мамы! Надеемся, вам понравился наш маленький концерт. Мы от всей души поздравляем вас с Днём матери. Спасибо, что вы у нас есть. Спасибо за вашу любовь, доброту, заботу. Спасибо за всё, что вы для нас делаете. А мы будем стараться и радовать вас хорошей учебой и поведением.
By N. Chistyakova
Gymnasium 2
- I. N. Vereshchagina, K.A. Bondarenko, T. A. Pritykina “English 2”
- V. Evans, J. Dooley., K. Baranova, V. Kopylova, R. Millrood “Starlight Starter”
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