Сценарий спектакля-сказки "Заюшкина избушка"
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (2 класс) на тему

Лопатина Елена Николаевна

Данный сценарий можно использовать для учащихся начальной школы в рамках проведения предметных недель и других видов внеурочной деятельности


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Предварительный просмотр:

                      «Заюшкина избушка»


                          Сценарий сказки для учащихся 5-6 кл

Characters: 2 storytellers, a hare, a fox, a wolf, a bear, a cock, 2 dogs, the sun, 4 flowers, 2 butterflies, 3 birches.


Storyteller 1: Once upon a time there lived a hare and a fox.

Storyteller 2: One summer day the hare noticed that the

weather was cloudy and cool.

Hare: You see, fox, autumn is coming. Rain and wind will be

here soon.

Fox: You are not right. Summer is long.

Hare: Listen to me, fox, winter will come after autumn. Snow

will be falling, wind will be blowing. It will be cold and snowy.

Fox: So, what are you going to do?

Hare: I am going to build a good house and I advise you to do

the same.

Fox: When winter comes I will build a house of ice

Storyteller 1: So they did. The hare built a house of wood and

the fox built a house of ice.

/Звучит музыка, заяц и лисица строят свои дома)

Storyteller 2: But after winter spring came. What a beautiful

spring it was! The sun was shining!

Storyteller 1: The flowers were blooming, the butterflies

were flying joyfully!

Storyteller 2: The buds were peeping on the birches! It was

so  warm.


/ Звучит музыка, солнце, цветы, бабочки и берёзки выходят на сцену, танцуя и кружась. Приход весны: чтение стихотворений]


I am hot and kind sun.

 I give life to everyone!

I help flowers and trees,

 I do many useful things.

 Every season every day

With the sun you work and play.

I am walking in the sky

Making weather hot and dry!


Friendship is a thing for two,

Three or four, even more,

Like a song that is made to sing,

Friendship is a doing thing.

The flowers:


Blue is the sea

Green is the grass

White are the clouds,

As they slowly pass.

Black are the crowns,

Brown are the trees,

Red are the sails

Of the ship in the breeze.


Winter is over! Oh, what fun!

In the fields We play and run!

Winter is over, Without any doubt!

 Down the meadow The flowers are out!

The butterflies:

#1: The weather is fine

The sun usually shines

The clouds are not in the sky

And the birds want to fly!

#2: If bees stay at home,

 Rain will soon come.

 If they fly away,

Fine will be the day.

The birches:

#1: Rain on the green grass,

 And rain on the tree,

Rain on the house top,

But not at me.

#2: In winter I ski and skate

Says little Kate.

In summer I like to swim

Says little Jim.

And what do we do in spring?

In spring we play and sing!

#3: Rain, rain, no game,

 Rain, rain, go away,

 Come again another day,

 Little Mary wants to play.

(Танец. Звучит музыка, все весенние персонажи становятся в круг, поют и танцуют).


Clap, clap, clap your hands

 Clap your hands together.

 Step, step, step your feet

Step your feet together.

Spin, spin, spin around

Spin around together.

Dance, dance, dance about,

Dance about together.

Storyteller 1: And the house of the fox melted.

Fox: Dear hare, let me live in your beautiful house for a while

because I have no house. My house melted...

Hare: Okay, fox, come in and make yourself comfortable.

Storyteller 2: The hare was so kind! But soon the Fox threw

him out of his house.

Storyteller 1: So the hare was walking through the woods

crying.           (Звучит грустная музыка]

Storyteller 2: And suddenly he met a bear.

Bear: Why are you crying, hare?

Hare: How can I stop crying?! The fox threw me out of my


Bear: Calm down, my friend. Do not worry. I will help you!

Storyteller 1: So they went.

Bear: Hey, Fox! Get out of the hare's house!

Fox: Hey, Bear! I will not. Go away or I will tear up your fur!

Storyteller 2: And they went away.

Storyteller 1: Again the hare was walking through the woods

crying.       (Звучит грустная музыка)

Storyteller 2: And suddenly he met a wolf.

Wolf: Why are crying so bitterly, my friend?

Hare: Oh, wolf, how can I stop crying?! The fox threw me out

of my house.

Wolf: Stop crying, hare. Let's go to your house. I will help you!

Storyteller 1: So they went.

Wolf: Hey, Fox! Get out of the hare's house!

Fox: Oh, Wolf! I will not. Go away or I will tear up your fur!

Storyteller 2: And they went away.

Storyteller 1: Again the hare was walking through the woods

very sad!   .       (Звучит грустная музыка)

Storyteller 2: And he met two dogs.

Dog 1: Hey, hare! What is the trouble?

Dog 2: Why are you so sad?

Hare: Oh, Dogs! The fox threw me out of my house.

Dog 2: We will help you. Let's go to your house!

Storyteller 1: So they did.

Dogs: Wow, Wow! Hey, Fox! Get out of the hare's house!

Fox: Oh, Dogs! I will not. Go away or I will tear up your fur!

Storyteller 2: So they went away.

Storyteller 1: The hare lost last hope when he met a cock!

Cock: Why are you crying my friend?

Hare: Oh, Cock! I have no house! The fox threw me out of it!

Cock: I will help you, my friend!

Hare: Oh, Cock! How can you? The bear, the wolf and 2 dogs

tried to help me, but the Fox didn't go away.

Cock: You see, my friend, I have a scythe over my shoulder.

Let's go!

Storyteller 1: So they went.

Cock: Hey, Fox! I have a scythe! Get out of the hare's house

or I will cut you!

Fox: What? I will not!

Cock: My scythe is sharp! Get out of the house, Fox, or I will

cut you!

Fox: Oh, wait a bit my friend. I will just dress up!

Cock: I tell you, Fox, I can't wait! My scythe is sharp! Get out

of the house or I will cut you!

Storyteller 2: Finally the Fox went away!

Storyteller 1: The Hare got so happy! He thanked the Cock

and lived happily for ever!

Storytellers together: That is the end!

(Все актёры поднимаются на сцену и поют песню)

We are waving goodbye.

It's time to go.

We are saying Goodbye.

It's time to go.

It's holiday time.

It's time to go.

Goodbye, Goodbye, goodbye!

We are waving goodbye.

It's time to go.

We are saying Goodbye.

It's time to go.

It's holiday time.

It's time to go.

Goodbye, Goodbye, goodbye!

Goodbye, Goodbye, goodbye!

Goodbye, Goodbye, goodbye!



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